Helpless I Have Come To Jesus – Hymn Lyric

Experience the cleansing power of Jesus' precious blood in the hymn "Helpless I Have Come To Jesus." Find solace

Helpless I Have Come To Jesus – Hymn Lyric

Experience the Cleansing Power of His Precious Blood with “Helpless I Have Come To .”This invites us to find solace and redemption in Jesus’ precious blood, which washes away our sins and brings us immeasurable peace. It reminds us that in our moments of helplessness, Jesus is the only source of true solace and . Through surrendering to Him and trusting in His promised salvation, we can experience the transformative power of His blood, finding rest and peace that surpasses all understanding.


Helpless I Have Come To Jesus – Hymn Lyric

Helpless I have come to Jesus, To no other could I go, And I know his blood doth cleanse me, For it washes white as snow.

Refrain: Precious cleansing blood of Jesus, Flowed in streams on ; Precious cleansing blood of Jesus, Now it cleanses even me.

Naught had I to bring to Jesus, But I plunged beneath the wave, Trusting in his blessed promise, That from ev’ry sin he’d save.

Oh, how sweet to rest in Jesus! Nothing can disturb my peace; And what to walk beside him, Earth can never give such bliss.

Are you , heavy-laden? Here is rest for ev’ry ; Tho’ your sins be red like crimson, They shall be as white as wool.

Come and find sweet peace in Jesus, For that fountain’s open wide; Precious blood is ever flowing From his hands, his feet, his side.


Meaning of Helpless I Have Come To Jesus

Helpless I Have Come To Jesus: Experience the Cleansing Power of His Precious Blood

In a world filled with challenges and uncertainties, it is comforting to know that there is a place where we can find solace and redemption. Helpless I Have Come To Jesus is not just a hymn, but an invitation to experience the incredible power of His precious blood that washes away our sins and brings us peace beyond measure.

The first verse of this powerful hymn reminds us that when we feel helpless and lost, there is no one else we can turn to but Jesus. In times of trouble and despair, we often seek answers and guidance from various sources, but it is in Jesus alone that we find true solace and salvation.

By acknowledging His blood as the cleansing agent, the hymn highlights the biblical significance of Jesus shedding His blood on the cross. The refrain beautifully encapsulates the essence of Jesus’ , as it flowed in streams on Calvary, cleansing not just the sinners of that time, but reaching across generations and continents to cleanse us today.

The hymn’s second verse speaks to the vulnerability we feel when we come to Jesus, realizing that we have nothing to bring but our brokenness. However, when we ourselves to Him and are baptized in the waters of faith, we trust in His promised salvation. This act of trust and faith is what allows His precious blood to cleanse us, washing away our sins and renewing us in His grace.

One of the most profound aspects of our relationship with Jesus is the rest and peace we find in Him. The third verse reminds us of the sweet serenity that comes from resting in His embrace. No matter what difficulties we face, Jesus offers a peace that surpasses all understanding. The hymn proclaims that this peace is impervious to external circumstances and provides a joy that cannot be found anywhere else on earth.

Furthermore, the hymn invites those who are weary and burdened to find rest in Jesus. It assures us that His peace is not limited to a select few, but available for every soul seeking solace. Regardless of the depth or breadth of our sins, Jesus’ blood has the power to cleanse us completely. The imagery of sins being transformed from crimson to white as wool vividly portrays the transformative power of His blood.

The final verse of Helpless I Have Come To Jesus extends a heartfelt invitation to anyone who seeks peace and salvation. The fountain of His precious blood is described as open wide, flowing eternally from His hands, His feet, and His side. This imagery reflects the crucifixion scene, where Jesus, out of love for humanity, suffered and shed His blood for our redemption.

Through this hymn, we are reminded that Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross is not a distant event relegated to the annals of history. His blood still flows, offering redemption and cleansing to all who come to Him. The hymn encourages us to approach Jesus, acknowledging our helplessness and searching for a Savior.

In conclusion, Helpless I Have Come To Jesus encapsulates the essence of our journey towards salvation. It reminds us that in times of despair and uncertainty, Jesus is our rock and refuge. His precious blood has the power to cleanse us from all sin and bring true peace to our lives. Let us embrace this invitation and experience the overflowing love and grace that only Jesus can provide.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Experience the cleansing power of Jesus' precious blood in the hymn Helpless I Have Come To Jesus. Find solace, peace, and redemption in His love and grace.
Helpless I Have Come To Jesus - Hymn Lyric - Experience the cleansing power of Jesus' precious blood in the hymn "Helpless I Have Come To Jesus." Find solace, peace, and redemption in His love and grace.