Here We Would See Jesus Wearied With The Journey – Hymn Lyric

"Seek Jesus's strength and love on our journey. Explore the hymn 'Here We Would See Jesus Wearied With The Journey' to find wisdom and inspiration in everyday life."

Here We Would See Jesus Wearied With The Journey – Hymn Lyric

In the “Here We Would See Jesus Wearied With The Journey,” we are reminded of the power and love of Jesus. As we embark on our own journey, we long to encounter His presence and seek His guidance. Let us explore the meaning behind these beautiful verses and how they can inspire us in our everyday lives.


Here We Would See Jesus Wearied With The Journey – Hymn Lyric

Here we would see Jesus, wearied with the journey,
We turn again to be and His touch of pow’r.
Yes, we would see Jesus thru the Scriptures shining;
Lord, lift the veil of earthly sense and meet us in this hour.

We beheld His glory, thus when homeward wending,
Our hearts will echo with the chorus of redeeming love.
We beheld His glory, and go forth to Him,
Till gives way to joyous sight in mansions up above.


Meaning of Here We Would See Jesus Wearied With The Journey

In the hymn “Here We Would See Jesus Wearied With The Journey,” we are reminded of the power and love of Jesus. As we embark on our own journey, we long to encounter His presence and seek His guidance. Let us explore the meaning behind these beautiful verses and how they can inspire us in our everyday lives.

The first line of the hymn sets the stage for our encounter with Jesus. It says, “Here we would see Jesus, wearied with the journey.” This paints a picture of Jesus, tired from His travels, yet still willing to meet us where we are. It reminds us that Jesus understands our struggles and is ready to offer us His strength.

As we turn to Jesus, we desire to be renewed by Him and feel His touch of power. We recognize that only by seeking Him can we find the energy and inspiration to face the challenges of life. The hymn encourages us to seek Jesus through the Scriptures, where His teachings and stories shine with wisdom and love.

Lord, we , lift the veil of earthly sense and meet us in this hour. We long for a deeper connection with Jesus, beyond the distractions and worries of this world. We want to experience His presence and hear His voice us.

Through our encounters with Jesus, we behold His glory. We His divine nature and His overwhelming love for us. This experience transforms our hearts, filling them with the chorus of redeeming love. We are reminded of His on the cross and how His love brings us redemption and salvation.

Armed with this knowledge and filled with His love, we go forth to serve Him. The hymn reminds us that faith should not stay stagnant but should lead us to action. We are called to be the hands and feet of Jesus in this world, spreading His love and serving others.

Yet, as we journey in faith, we know that one day faith will give way to joyous sight. We look forward to the day when we will see Jesus face to face in the mansions above. This is the ultimate hope and destination of our faith.

In conclusion, “Here We Would See Jesus Wearied With The Journey” invites us to seek Jesus in our lives. It encourages us to turn to Him for renewal and strength. Through studying the Scriptures, we can witness His glory and experience His redeeming love. This love compels us to go forth and serve Him, knowing that one day our faith will be rewarded with the joyous sight of Jesus in . So, let us embrace this hymn’s message and invite Jesus into our lives, for He is always ready to meet us on our journey.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Seek Jesus's strength and love on our journey. Explore the hymn 'Here We Would See Jesus Wearied With The Journey' to find wisdom and inspiration in everyday life.
Here We Would See Jesus Wearied With The Journey - Hymn Lyric - "Seek Jesus's strength and love on our journey. Explore the hymn 'Here We Would See Jesus Wearied With The Journey' to find wisdom and inspiration in everyday life."