High Word Of God Who Once Didst Come – Hymn Lyric

Experience the power and love of Jesus as you reflect on the hymn "High Word Of God Who Once Didst Come." Discover the significance of His sacrifice and the impact it should have on your life. Embrace His teachings and eagerly await His return. Praise to the Father

High Word Of God Who Once Didst Come – Hymn Lyric

The hymn “High Word Of Who Once Didst ” powerfully conveys the significance of Jesus’ incarnation and the impact it should have on our lives. It emphasizes the sacrifice He made, His divine authority, and the He has for us. The hymn challenges us to align our desires with His will, to live in a way that reflects His teachings, and to eagerly anticipate His return.


High Word Of God Who Once Didst Come

High Word of God, who once didst come,
Leaving Thy Father and Thy home,
To succor by Thy birth our kind,
When, towards Thy advent, time declined,

Pour light upon us from above,
And fire our hearts with Thy strong love,
That, as we Thy Gospel read,
All fond desires may flee in dread;

That when Thou comest from the skies,
Great Judge, to open Thine assize,
To give each hidden its smart,
And crown as kings the pure in heart,

We be not set at Thy left hand,
Where sentence due would bid us stand,
But with the saints Thy face may see,
Forever wholly Thee.

Praise to the Father and the Son,
Through all the ages as they run;
And to the holy Paraclete
Be praise with Them and worship meet.


Meaning of High Word Of God Who Once Didst Come – Hymn Lyric

High Word of God, who once didst come,

Leaving Thy Father and Thy home,

To succor by Thy birth our kind,

When, towards Thy advent, time declined,

These powerful words from the hymn “High Word Of God Who Once Didst Come” remind us of the incredible sacrifice and love that Jesus showed when He left His home to be born as a human and save us from our sins. This hymn invites us to reflect on the significance of Christ’s arrival on earth and the impact it should have on our lives.

The hymn begins by addressing Jesus as the “High Word of God,” acknowledging His divine nature and authority. It recognizes that He willingly left His heavenly home to come to earth, emphasizing the importance of His birth in fulfilling God’s plan for humanity. This act of leaving everything behind to save us demonstrates the immense love Jesus has for each and every one of us.

The hymn asks for God to pour His light upon us and fire our hearts with His strong love. It is a plea for divine guidance and inspiration, acknowledging that we need His illumination to understand and live according to His word. This shows the reliance we have on God to us overcome our weaknesses and temptations.

As we hear the Gospel read, the hymn encourages us to let go of our “fond desires” that may lead us astray. It serves as a reminder that as followers of Christ, we should strive to align our desires with His will and follow His teachings. By doing so, we can live in a way that brings glory to God and reflects His love.

The hymn also looks forward to Christ’s second coming, when He will return as the “Great Judge” to hold everyone accountable for their actions. It acknowledges that hidden sins will be exposed and that the pure in heart will be rewarded. This serves as a warning to those who do not live according to God’s commands and a reminder to strive for righteousness.

The hymn expresses a desire to be at Jesus’ side and see His face forever, a testament to the love and devotion we should have for Him. It reminds us that our ultimate goal should be to love and worship Him fully. By seeking a deep relationship with Christ, we can experience the joy and fulfillment that comes from knowing and loving Him.

In conclusion, the hymn “High Word Of God Who Once Didst Come” powerfully conveys the significance of Jesus’ incarnation and the impact it should have on our lives. It emphasizes the sacrifice He made, His divine authority, and the love He has for us. The hymn challenges us to align our desires with His will, to live in a way that reflects His teachings, and to eagerly anticipate His return. May we strive to embody the message of this hymn and wholeheartedly love and worship our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Praise to the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, now and forevermore.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image High Word Of God Who Once Didst Come
High Word Of God Who Once Didst Come - Hymn Lyric - Experience the power and love of Jesus as you reflect on the hymn "High Word Of God Who Once Didst Come." Discover the significance of His sacrifice and the impact it should have on your life. Embrace His teachings and eagerly await His return. Praise to the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.