Holy Lord God! I Love Thy Truth – Hymn Lyric

Discovering Hope and Freedom from Sin - Holy Lord God! I Love Thy Truth. Journey to overcome sin and find joy through obedience to God's truth and the promise of deliverance.

Holy Lord God! I Love Thy Truth – Hymn Lyric

“Holy Lord God! I Love Truth” is a heartfelt hymn that explores the writer’s love for God’s truth and their commitment to obey His commandments. It acknowledges the presence of sin and the anguish it brings, but also offers in patiently waiting for freedom from sin in the presence of Jesus. Through its powerful words, the hymn emphasizes the importance of obedience to God’s truth and the transformative power of Christ’s love.


Holy Lord God! I Love Thy Truth – Hymn Lyric

Holy Lord God! I love Thy truth,
Nor dare Thy least commandment slight;
Yet pierced by sin, the serpent’s tooth,
I mourn the anguish of the bite.

But though the poison lurks within,
Hope bids me still with patience wait;
Till death shall set me free from sin,
Free from the only thing I hate.

Had I a throne above the rest,
Where angels and archangels dwell;
One sin, unslain, within my breast,
Would make that ‘n as dark as .

The prisoner, sent to breathe fresh air,
And blessed with liberty again,
Would mourn, were he condemned to wear
One link of all his former chain.

But O! no foe invades the bliss,
When glory crowns the Christian’s head;
One view of Jesus as He is,
Will strike all sin forever dead.


Meaning of Holy Lord God! I Love Thy Truth

Holy Lord God! I Love Thy Truth: Finding Hope and Freedom from Sin

In this hymn, the writer expresses their deep love for God’s truth and their commitment to obey His commandments. They acknowledge the reality of sin, comparing its effects to a serpent’s bite that causes anguish. However, despite the poison that lurks within, the writer finds hope in patiently waiting for death to set them free from sin, the one thing they hate.

The hymn starts by emphasizing the love for God’s truth. The writer admires and cherishes every commandment, refusing to disregard even the least of them. This demonstrates their devotion to following God’s instructions and seeking a life of righteousness. It is a beautiful reminder that obedience to God’s truth can bring joy and fulfillment in our lives.

Yet, the writer also acknowledges the presence of sin in their life. They compare sin to a serpent’s tooth, recognizing the pain and sorrow it causes. Sin is a powerful force that can harm and oppress us. It reminds us that even as we strive to live in accordance with God’s truth, we are not immune to the temptations and failures of our human nature. We all make mistakes and experience the consequences of our actions.

However, amidst the struggle with sin, the writer finds solace in the hope of being set free. They declare that death will ultimately free them from sin’s grasp. While this may sound morbid to some, it highlights the writer’s strong to be liberated from the entanglements of sin. It is a recognition that true freedom can only be found in the presence of God, where sin has no and loses its power over us.

Imagine, the writer says, if they had a throne in among the angels and archangels. It would be a place of great honor and glory. Yet, they recognize that even in such a majestic setting, if there was one sin unconfessed and unresolved within their , it would cast upon that heavenly abode. It showcases the profound understanding that sin, no matter how small, has the potential to taint and spoil even the most magnificent surroundings.

The hymn then presents the analogy of a prisoner who is momentarily freed and given the chance to breathe fresh air. This newfound liberty brings joy and gratitude. However, if that same prisoner were forced to wear just one link of their former chains, the joy would be overshadowed by the reminder of their past bondage. It vividly illustrates how sin, even if just a single link, can mar our sense of freedom and hinder our ability to fully enjoy God’s blessings.

But there is hope! The writer rejoices in the fact that when a Christian is crowned with glory, no enemy can invade that blissful state. The glory, which symbolizes the ultimate reward and presence of God, banishes sin completely. In the presence of Jesus, all sin is rendered dead and powerless. This reaffirms the writer’s and reveals the transforming power of Christ’s love.

In conclusion, the hymn “Holy Lord God! I Love Thy Truth” is a beautiful expression of the writer’s devotion to God’s truth and their struggle with sin. It exemplifies the human experience of wrestling with the human nature that is prone to sin, while finding hope and freedom in God’s promise of deliverance. This hymn serves as a reminder that obedience to God’s truth is a lifelong journey, and through the presence of Jesus, sin can be overcome, granting us everlasting joy and peace.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Discovering Hope and Freedom from Sin - Holy Lord God! I Love Thy Truth. Journey to overcome sin and find joy through obedience to God's truth and the promise of deliverance.
Holy Lord God! I Love Thy Truth - Hymn Lyric - Discovering Hope and Freedom from Sin - Holy Lord God! I Love Thy Truth. Journey to overcome sin and find joy through obedience to God's truth and the promise of deliverance.