How Blest Are The Hours That Jesus Bestows – Hymn Lyric

Discover the joy and blessings found in the hours spent with Jesus. His wonders of grace awaken our spirits and His Spirit guides

How Blest Are The Hours That Jesus Bestows – Hymn Lyric

In this beautiful hymn, we are reminded of the blessings that come from the hours spent with . It is through His wonders of that our spirits are awakened and enlightened. Each word of His divine scripture lights the way to the goal, while His ever-present Spirit is there to guide, teach, and comfort our souls.


How Blest Are The Hours That Jesus Bestows – Hymn Lyric

How blest are the hours that Jesus bestows,
When wonders of grace to the spirit He shows!
His Word lights the way to the heavenly goal,
His Spirit is near us, His Spirit is near us,
To rouse us, and teach us, and comfort our soul!

Jesus, our Saviour, Thy Spirit us give
To quicken, and strengthen, and cause us to live;
Grant faith and give , and in mercy bestow
Whatever is needed, whatever is needed,
To exercise faith in our hearts here below.

Our hearts are so cold, yea, as hard as a stone;
Such are they by nature, and Thou art alone,
On earth and in heaven, the Saviour who can,
A new creating, a new heart creating,
A new heart creating, make each a new man.

From sorrows of earth wilt Thou now turn our mind,
For days that are coming, oh, help us to find
Our joy and our comfort in what Thou hast wrought;
For we are Thy people, for we are Thy people,
With death, wounds, and anguish so preciously bought.

Lord, therefore, remember in mercy and love
Thy people, and grant us Thy help from above;
Thy law cause to wake us, Thy grace give us cheer,
And lead us Thy Spirit, and lead us Thy Spirit,
So that we may know that Thy presence is near.



Meaning of How Blest Are The Hours That Jesus Bestows

How Blest Are The Hours That Jesus Bestows: Finding Joy in the Wonders of Grace

In this beautiful hymn, we are reminded of the blessings that come from the hours spent with Jesus. It is through His wonders of grace that our spirits are awakened and enlightened. Each word of His divine scripture lights the way to the heavenly goal, while His ever-present Spirit is there to guide, teach, and comfort our souls.

Lord Jesus, our Savior, we humbly ask for Your Spirit to be bestowed upon us. May it quicken our hearts, strengthen our faith, and ignite a love that surpasses all understanding. Your mercy knows no bounds, and we trust that You will provide all that is needed for us to exercise our faith here on earth.

Our hearts, by nature, are cold and hard as stones. Yet, You, and You alone, possess the power to create something new within us. Each day, Your presence transforms us, molding us into new men and women. We stand amazed at the depths of Your love and the grace that flows from Your being.

From the sorrows of this earthly life, we plead for Your guidance. Help us find solace and joy in the days to come. We know that You have already wrought great wonders, and we seek comfort in what You have accomplished. We are Your people, purchased with great sacrifice, bearing the wounds and anguish that You have endured on our behalf.

Lord, be merciful to us, Your , and grant us Your heavenly help. Let Your law awaken us to righteousness, and may Your grace fill us with unending cheer. Lead us, Holy Spirit, so that we may never lose sight of Your presence. Let us feel the warmth of Your love and find peace in knowing that You are always near.

As we conclude this hymn, we say “Amen,” sealing our heartfelt with a resounding affirmation of faith. We know that, indeed, how blest are the hours that Jesus bestows upon us. In His wonders of grace, we find joy, strength, and a renewed sense of purpose. May we always these precious hours spent in His presence and continually seek His guidance in our lives.

With a heavenly focus and a desire to share the beautiful message of this hymn, we dive into the exploration of how the hours spent with Jesus bring us immeasurable blessings. Through the wonders of His grace, our spirits are awakened, our hearts are transformed, and our faith is strengthened.

In a world often filled with chaos and uncertainty, it is easy to lose sight of the heavenly goal. However, through His Word, Jesus illuminates the before us. Like a guiding light, His teachings show us the way to eternal life. His truths provide the foundation upon which we can build our lives, and His promises offer hope and assurance.

But it is not enough for Jesus to merely light the way. He goes above and beyond by sending His Spirit to be near us. This constant presence is a source of comfort, guidance, and wisdom. He rouses us from spiritual slumber, awakens our souls to His truth, and teaches us through divine revelation. How blessed we are to have a Savior who is always with us!

In our daily walk with Jesus, we come to realize that we cannot rely solely on our own strength and understanding. Our hearts are naturally prone to hardness and coldness, incapable of truly comprehending the depth of God’s love. It is only through the work of Jesus that a transformation occurs. Through His sacrifice on the cross, He creates something new within us – a heart of flesh in place of a heart of stone.

With this newfound heart, we are able to experience the fullness of God’s love and grace. Our hearts, once incapable of feeling true joy, become vessels overflowing with His goodness. The sorrows of this world hold no power over His redeeming love. In Him, we find true comfort and everlasting joy.

In His infinite mercy and love, Jesus never forgets His people. He is always ready to extend His helping hand. Like a caring shepherd, He gathers His flock, providing them with the nourishment and protection they need. He awakens us to His law, reminding us of His righteous ways, and fills us with His grace, bringing cheer to our weary souls.

As we journey through life, Jesus leads us with His Spirit. His presence is ever near, offering guidance, strength, and assurance. His comforting hand reassures us that we are never alone. In times of doubt, His still, small voice whispers words of wisdom, directing our paths and restoring our faith.

Indeed, the hours spent with Jesus are truly blessed. In His wonders of grace, we find solace, strength, and the courage to face whatever challenges may come our way. As we lift our voices in prayer and sing this hymn, let us never lose sight of the divine blessings that await us in His presence. May we continually seek His Spirit, finding joy in the wonders of His grace.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Discover the joy and blessings found in the hours spent with Jesus. His wonders of grace awaken our spirits and His Spirit guides, teaches, and comforts us. Find strength, faith, and love in His presence.
How Blest Are The Hours That Jesus Bestows - Hymn Lyric - Discover the joy and blessings found in the hours spent with Jesus. His wonders of grace awaken our spirits and His Spirit guides, teaches, and comforts us. Find strength, faith, and love in His presence.