How Many Kindred Souls Are Fled – Hymn Lyric

Reflect on the passing of time and the inevitability of death in "How Many Kindred Souls Are Fled". Find solace in faith and the interconnectedness of humanity.

How Many Kindred Souls Are Fled – Hymn Lyric

How Many Kindred Are Fled: Embracing the Circle of and the Power of Faith is a hymn that reflects upon the passing of time and the inevitability of death. The poet ponders the number of souls that have departed from this , yet finds solace in their faith and the belief that their existence is sustained by a higher power. The hymn encourages us to cherish the time we have, embrace the interconnectedness of humanity, and find meaning and purpose in each day.


How Many Kindred Souls Are Fled – Hymn Lyric

How many kindred souls are fled
To the vast regions of the dead,
Since from this day the changing sun
Through his last yearly period run!

We yet survive; but who can say,
Or through the year, or month or day,
I will retain this vital breath;
Thus far at least in league with death?

That breath is Thine, ,
‘This Thine to fix the ‘s abode;
It holds its life from alone,
On earth, or in the world unknown.

To Thee our spirits we resign,
Make them and own them, still as Thine;
So shall they smile, secure from fear,
Though death should blast the rising year.


Meaning of How Many Kindred Souls Are Fled

How Many Kindred Souls Are Fled: Embracing the Circle of Life and the Power of Faith

In this hymn, the poet reflects upon the passing of time and the inevitability of death. As they observe the changing of the seasons and the movement of the sun, the poet ponders the number of souls that have departed from this world. Yet, amidst the uncertainty of life’s fleeting nature, they find solace in their faith and the belief that their breath and existence are sustained by a higher power.

The cyclical nature of life is a fundamental principle that applies to all living beings. Just as the sun completes its yearly rotation, souls have been departing from this world and entering the vast regions of the dead since time immemorial. It is a somber reminder of our mortality and the fragility of human life. However, the mere fact that we are still alive defies the odds and reminds us of the preciousness of each passing day.

Uncertainty plagues our existence. We cannot predict how long our lives will last or what the future holds for us. The poet acknowledges this inherent uncertainty by asking the rhetorical question: “who can say, or through the year, or month or day, I will retain this vital breath?” They comprehend the ephemeral nature of life and acknowledge that they, like everyone else, stand in league with death, always one breath away from departure.

Amidst this recognition of their mortality, the poet finds solace in their belief in God, the and omnipotent force that has the power to determine the fate of our souls. They recognize that it is through God’s that they continue to exist and it is God who determines the final destination of their souls. They affirm that “that breath is Thine, eternal God, ‘This Thine to fix the soul’s abode.” For them, life itself is an offering from God, and it is only through God’s benevolence that they continue to breathe and experience the wonders of the world.

This faith in God forms the bedrock of their existence. Surrendering their spirits to God, they acknowledge that their lives are not their own, but rather a gift entrusted to them by a higher power. They declare, “To Thee our spirits we resign, make them and own them, still as Thine.” By entrusting their spirits to God, they find a sense of security and freedom from fear. They believe that as long as they remain in alignment with God’s will, they need not fear the uncertainties and hardships that life may bring. Even if death should cast its shadow over the forthcoming year, they trust that their spirits will remain unshaken and undeterred.

In considering the hymn’s title, “How Many Kindred Souls Are Fled,” we are compelled to reflect on the interconnectedness of all living beings. The term “kindred souls” suggests a shared bond and kinship among individuals. It reminds us that no one exists in isolation; our lives intersect and intertwine with countless others throughout our journey.

Each departed soul represents a unique story, a distinct set of experiences, and a complex tapestry of emotions. Their absence leaves an indelible void in the lives of those who loved and cherished them. The hymn serves as a poignant reminder to appreciate and value the presence of our loved ones while they are still with us, for we too shall one day join the ranks of the departed.

The recognition of the transitory nature of life urges us to treasure the moments we have and to cultivate meaningful connections with those around us. It reminds us that life is not just about individual achievements or personal gains, but about fostering a sense of community and leaving a positive impact on the lives of others. We are all part of a larger tapestry, woven together by the threads of love, compassion, and shared experiences.

In conclusion, “How Many Kindred Souls Are Fled” encapsulates the universal themes of life, death, and the power of faith. It reminds us of the circle of life, the uncertainty of our existence, and the necessity of finding solace in something greater than ourselves. By surrendering our spirits to a higher power, we can find a sense of security and freedom from fear. Through this hymn, we are encouraged to cherish the time we have, embrace the interconnectedness of humanity, and make each day meaningful and purposeful.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Reflect on the passing of time and the inevitability of death in How Many Kindred Souls Are Fled. Find solace in faith and the interconnectedness of humanity.
How Many Kindred Souls Are Fled - Hymn Lyric - Reflect on the passing of time and the inevitability of death in "How Many Kindred Souls Are Fled". Find solace in faith and the interconnectedness of humanity.