I Am Coming Jesus Savior – Hymn Lyric

Experience transformation through surrender to Jesus

I Am Coming Jesus Savior – Hymn Lyric

The poem “I Am Coming Jesus ” is a powerful reflection on surrendering our struggles to a higher power, seeking and transformation. It serves as a reminder that in our moments of exhaustion and defeat, we can find solace and strength by turning to Jesus for guidance and . Embracing surrender isn’t about giving up but about finding inner peace, renewed strength, and authentic happiness as we navigate life’s challenges with grace and trust in a higher plan.


I Am Coming Jesus Savior – Hymn Lyric

I am coming, Jesus, Savior,
Weary of indwelling sin;
Struggling, wrestling, and suppressing
Fail to give me rest within.

Jesus, Jesus, blessed Jesus!
hast now this heart of mine,
Keep it ever pure and holy,
May my will be always Thine.

Now I cease my vain endeavor;
Thou alone canst set me free;
Laying all upon Thine ,
To the cleansing fount I flee.

Sinking, sinking; lower lower,
‘Neath the flow of cleansing blood;
Nothing knowing, all forsaking,
Wholly swallowed up in God!

Rising higher, and still higher,
Lost in regions of delight!
No more doubting, no more sinning,
No more , no more night.

Oh, the boundless love of Jesus!
How it fills and thrills my !
Now I have the full assurance,
As I near the heav’nly goal.



Meaning of I Am Coming Jesus Savior

Have you ever felt lost in the tumultuous waves of life, yearning for a reprieve from the constant struggle? It’s as if you’re caught in an endless loop of trying and failing, without ever finding that elusive sense of peace. If this resonates with you, take a deep breath and allow yourself a moment to pause. You’re not alone in this journey. Many people have walked this path, seeking solace, guidance, and ultimately, transformation.

The poem shared with us beautifully captures the essence of surrendering to a higher power, relinquishing control in favor of a profound cleansing and peace. It’s about letting go of our struggles and acknowledging that sometimes, the hardest battles we face are those within ourselves. By turning to Jesus, as echoed in the poem’s refrain, one seeks a source of boundless love, aiming to align with His peace and holiness.

Exploring Transformation Through Surrender:

This text serves as a meditation on spiritual surrender and its profound power to transform our lives. It’s about knowing when to lay down our burdens and entrust them to something greater than ourselves. This isn’t about giving up; rather, it’s about finding freedom in letting go of the struggle and discovering a deeper sense of peace.

Why Embrace Surrender?

Surrender, when approached with openness, can become an invitation to heal and grow. We often carry the weight of the on our shoulders, attempting to control every aspect of our lives out of fear or uncertainty. However, allowing ourselves to release these burdens can lead to:

1. **Inner Peace:** By entrusting our challenges to a higher power, we alleviate ourselves of the constant battle, leading to a calm and quiet mind.

2. **Renewed Strength:** Letting go can rejuvenate our spirit, providing the energy needed to explore life’s possibilities with curiosity and hope.

3. **Authentic Happiness:** By aligning ourselves with a source of pure love, we move towards a state of genuine contentment and joy.

Practical Steps to Embrace This Journey:

1. **Reflective Journaling:** Start by writing down your struggles and the areas in your life where you feel you lack control. Acknowledge these without judgment, and consider how surrender might open a new path forward.

2. **Mindful Meditation or Prayer:** Create a space for daily meditation or prayer, focusing on the feeling of release. Imagine placing your burdens on an altar, visibly letting them go in your mind’s eye.

3. **Connect with Others:** Share your journey with someone you trust—a friend, a spiritual guide, or a community. Allow yourself to be uplifted by mutual support.

4. **Embrace Nature:** Spend time in nature, reflecting on its effortless beauty and resilience. It reminds us that life continues to flourish without our intervention.

5. **Set Intentions:** Dedicate your actions to aligning with your higher self, ensuring your daily life reflects the love and peace you seek.

Anticipated Outcomes:

By approaching life with an attitude of surrender, you may notice significant shifts: heightened emotional resilience, a deeper connection to your own sense of spirituality, and a renewed sense of purpose and clarity. It’ll become easier to navigate life’s challenges with grace, confident that you are guided by a loving force greater than yourself.

The Heart of the Matter:

Ultimately, this journey isn’t about perfection but about presence—a willingness to be fully with what is, trusting that by letting go, we allow love to shape our path. It’s an invitation to turn within, find peace in the storm, and let that peace illuminate the world around us.

Remember, you are more resilient than you realize, and within you lies the potential for infinite joy, to be awakened. Keep nurturing your spirit, and watch as life begins to transform in beautiful, unpredictable ways.


Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image

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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Experience transformation through surrender to Jesus, find peace and boundless love. Explore practical steps for inner peace and authentic happiness. Take the journey towards spiritual growth and renewal.
I Am Coming Jesus Savior - Hymn Lyric - Experience transformation through surrender to Jesus, find peace and boundless love. Explore practical steps for inner peace and authentic happiness. Take the journey towards spiritual growth and renewal.