I Am Jesus Little Lamb And Tis That I Wish to Be – Hymn Lyric

"I Am Jesus' Little Lamb: A Heartwarming Journey of Faith and Love"

I Am Jesus Little Lamb And Tis That I Wish to Be – Hymn Lyric

“I Am Jesus’ Little Lamb: A Heartwarming Journey of Faith and ” is a that celebrates the deep connection between a little lamb and Jesus, the loving . With verses filled with trust, protection, and love, this hymn reminds us of the comfort and peace we find in being under Jesus’ care. Through its simple yet profound message, this hymn speaks to the hearts of believers, inspiring us to embrace our role as Jesus’ little lambs and find fulfillment in His presence.


I Am Jesus Little Lamb And Tis That I Wish to Be – Hymn Lyric

I am Jesus’ little lamb,
And ’tis that I wish to be;
He my loving Shepherd is,
And he ever cares for me.

I am Jesus’ little lamb!
I am Jesus’ little lamb!
Little lamb! little lamb!
I am Jesus’ little lamb!

I am Jesus’ little lamb,
And He bears me on His arm;
If I put my trust in Him,
I need fear no sinful harm.


I am Jesus’ little lamb,
And His loving smile behold;
I am guided by His hand,
I am sheltered in His fold.


I am Jesus’ little lamb,
And I upon His love;
And I hope at last to dwell
In the heav’nly fields above.



Meaning of I Am Jesus Little Lamb And Tis That I Wish to Be

I Am Jesus’ Little Lamb: A Heartwarming Journey of Faith and Love

In this beautiful hymn, the author portrays themselves as a humble little lamb, under the care and guidance of Jesus, the loving Shepherd. Throughout the verses, we see the deep connection between the lamb and its Shepherd, highlighting the trust, protection, and love that Jesus provides.

The first verse sets the tone for the entire hymn, with the simple yet profound statement, “I am Jesus’ little lamb, and ’tis that I wish to be.” This humble declaration encapsulates the desire to be under the tender care of Jesus, finding comfort and peace in His presence.

As the refrain joyfully repeats the affirmation, “I am Jesus’ little lamb!” we can imagine the enthusiasm and happiness of the little lamb, secure in the knowledge of being cherished and protected. This repetition emphasizes the importance of this message and aids in its memorization, making it an enduring part of our faith formation.

When the hymn states, “He bears me on His arm” and “If I put my trust in Him, I need fear no sinful harm,” we are reminded of the strength and unfailing support that Jesus provides. Just like a shepherd caring for their flock, Jesus carries us through ‘s challenges, shielding us from harm and guiding us away from sinful paths.

In the third verse, we see a beautiful image of a lamb looking up to its Shepherd and finding comfort in His loving smile. This image captures the essence of a personal relationship with Jesus, one in which we feel His presence and guidance in every aspect of our lives. With His hand as our guide and His fold as our shelter, we can face whatever comes our way with confidence and peace of mind.

The hymn continues with the touching line, “I am Jesus’ little lamb, and I feast upon His love.” It reminds us of the nourishment and sustenance we receive from the boundless love of Jesus. Just as a lamb relies on the shepherd for its daily provision, we rely on Jesus for our spiritual nourishment, finding solace and fulfillment in His infinite love.

As the hymn concludes, we are filled with hope and anticipation, knowing that our ultimate destination is the fields above. Just like a little lamb to graze in the green pastures, we too yearn for the eternal bliss and joy that us in heaven. This hope gives us strength and motivates us to live our lives in alignment with Jesus’ teachings, always striving to be His little lambs.

“I Am Jesus’ Little Lamb” is a hymn that speaks to the hearts of believers, regardless of age or experience. Its simplicity and heartfelt message make it accessible and relatable, even for young minds in the 7th grade. By embracing our role as Jesus’ little lambs, we find purpose, security, and a deep sense of belonging in His flock.

As we sing this hymn together, let us remember the profound truth it holds – that we are loved, cherished, and cared for by our Shepherd, Jesus. May we always strive to be like little lambs, staying close to Him and finding our deepest satisfaction and fulfillment in His loving presence.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image I Am Jesus' Little Lamb: A Heartwarming Journey of Faith and LoveDiscover the heartfelt hymn, I Am Jesus' Little Lamb, depicting the deep connection between a humble lamb and Jesus, the loving Shepherd. Find comfort, protection, and love in His care.
I Am Jesus Little Lamb And Tis That I Wish to Be - Hymn Lyric - "I Am Jesus' Little Lamb: A Heartwarming Journey of Faith and Love" Discover the heartfelt hymn, "I Am Jesus' Little Lamb," depicting the deep connection between a humble lamb and Jesus, the loving Shepherd. Find comfort, protection, and love in His care.