I Found Free Grace And Dying Love – Hymn Lyric

Discover the transformative power of God's free grace and dying love. Experience spiritual rebirth and find joy in overcoming trials. Embrace the gift of salvation and rejoice in new-found faith.

I Found Free Grace And Dying Love – Hymn Lyric

In the hymn “I Found Free Grace And Dying ,” the author expresses their joy and gratitude for discovering the transformative power of God’s grace and love. Through their personal experience, they their newfound faith and celebrate being “new- again.” This hymn serves as a reminder of the powerful and unconditional love that God offers to all who seek it, providing hope and solace in the midst of life’s trials.


I Found Free Grace And Dying Love – Hymn Lyric

I found free grace and dying love,
I’m new-born again,
Been long time a-talking ’bout my trials here below,
Free grace, free grace, free grace.

Sinner, Free grace, free grace,
I’m new-born again
So glad so glad!

I’m new-born again,
Been long time a-talking ’bout my trials below.
I know my Lord has set me free,
I’m new-born again,
Been long time a-talking ’bout my trials here below,
Free grace, free grace, free grace.

Sinner, Free grace, free grace,
I’m new-born again
So glad so glad!

I’m new-born again,
Been long time a-talking ’bout my trials below.
My Saviour died for you and me,
I’m new-born again,
Been long time a-talking ’bout my trials here below,
Free grace, free grace, free grace.

Sinner, Free grace, free grace,
I’m new-born again
So glad so glad!

I’m new-born again,
Been long time a-talking ’bout my trials below.


Meaning of I Found Free Grace And Dying Love

In the hymn “I Found Free Grace And Dying Love,” the author expresses their joy and gratitude for discovering the transformative power of God’s grace and love. Through their personal experience, they proclaim their newfound faith and celebrate being “new-born again.” The repetition of the phrase “free grace” emphasizes the liberating nature of this gift and highlights the central theme of the hymn.

The hymn begins with the declaration, “I found free grace and dying love.” It is important to recognize that “free grace” refers to the unmerited and unconditional love of God. This idea is fundamental to the Christian belief that cannot be earned through works but is instead a gift freely given by God. By acknowledging this “free grace,” the author humbly accepts their own unworthiness and recognizes the depth of God’s love.

The line, “I’m new-born again,” signifies a spiritual rebirth and a fresh start in the believer’s life. It suggests a profound transformation that occurs when one accepts the grace and love of God. This rebirth brings about a sense of joy and relief, as evident in the repetitive and enthusiastic exclamation, “So glad, so glad!” The use of repetition further emphasizes the author’s overwhelming happiness and the significance of this newfound faith.

Throughout the hymn, the author repeatedly mentions the trials experienced “here below.” This phrase refers to the challenges and hardships faced in earthly life. It suggests that the author has endured difficulties and has been longing for a resolution to their struggles. However, in the realization of God’s grace and love, they find solace and comfort. This recognition allows them to talk about their trials with hope, knowing that they are now supported and sustained by the divine.

The line, “My Saviour died for you and me,” affirms the profound sacrifice of Jesus on the . It serves as a reminder of the depth of God’s love for humanity. Through his , Jesus offers and salvation to all who believe in him. This realization further contributes to the author’s joy and conviction in their new faith.

In conclusion, the hymn “I Found Free Grace And Dying Love” showcases the author’s personal experience of discovering God’s grace and love, leading to a spiritual rebirth. Through the repetition of phrases and the joyful tone of the hymn, the author expresses their deep gratitude and excitement for this transformative experience. The hymn serves as a reminder of the powerful and unconditional love that God offers to all who seek it, providing hope and solace in the midst of life’s trials. May we all be inspired by this hymn to embrace and celebrate the free grace and dying love that has been made available to us.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Discover the transformative power of God's free grace and dying love. Experience spiritual rebirth and find joy in overcoming trials. Embrace the gift of salvation and rejoice in new-found faith.
I Found Free Grace And Dying Love - Hymn Lyric - Discover the transformative power of God's free grace and dying love. Experience spiritual rebirth and find joy in overcoming trials. Embrace the gift of salvation and rejoice in new-found faith.