I Have Been To Jesus And He Saved My Soul – Hymn Lyric

Discover the transformative power of encountering Jesus in the hymn "I Have Been to Jesus and He Saved My Soul." Experience the joy of salvation and find hope in His holy name.

I Have Been To Jesus And He Saved My Soul – Hymn Lyric

“I Have Been to Jesus and He Saved My Soul: A Testimony of and Redemption” is a hymn that celebrates the transformative power of encountering Jesus Christ. Through personal testimony, the singer praises His name for the and wholeness found in Him. This hymn serves as a reminder to share the good news and to serve Jesus faithfully. Praise His holy name!


I Have Been To Jesus And He Saved My Soul – Hymn Lyric

I have been to Jesus and He saved my soul,
Praise His holy name!
I but touched His garments and He made me whole,
Praise His holy name!

Praise His holy name, His holy name!
He has cleansed my soul and set me free;
I am now and will ever be,
Praise His holy name!

Now I’m telling Jesus saves from sin,
Praise His holy name!
And His blood can make the foulest sinner clean,
Praise His holy name!


I’m rejoicing daily in His and love,
Praise His holy name!
And I’m pressing to my home above,
Praise His holy name!


I will love and serve Him while I live below,
Praise His holy name!
And I’ll serve Him better when to heav’n I go,
Praise His holy name!



Meaning of I Have Been To Jesus And He Saved My Soul

I Have Been To Jesus And He Saved My Soul: A Testimony of Faith and Redemption

There is nothing more powerful and transformative than encountering the love and grace of Jesus Christ. In the hymn “I Have Been to Jesus and He Saved My Soul,” the singer praises His holy name for the salvation and wholeness they have found in Him. This hymn beautifully captures the essence of a personal testimony, where a sinner is cleansed, made whole, and filled with joy.

The verse begins with the declaration, “I have been to Jesus and He saved my soul, Praise His holy name!” This profound statement emphasizes the personal experience of the singer, who has had a genuine encounter with Jesus. It is a testimony of deliverance from the shackles of sin and the assurance of salvation. Just as the singer touched Jesus’ garments and was made whole, they bear witness to the transformative power of Christ’s touch.

The refrain serves as a powerful reminder of the impact Jesus has had on the singer’s life: “Praise His holy name, His holy name! He has cleansed my soul and set me free; I am happy now and will ever be, Praise His holy name!” These words encapsulate the uncontainable joy and gratitude that arises from the profound experience of salvation. The singer acknowledges that through Jesus’ cleansing blood, even the foulest of sinners can find forgiveness and freedom.

With a heart filled with gratitude and love, the singer shares this extraordinary news with others: “Now I’m telling sinners Jesus saves from sin, Praise His holy name!” Their encounter with Jesus has not only transformed their own life, but also stirred a desire to share this life-changing message of salvation. The singer recognizes that Jesus’ blood can purify even the most stained , and this realization fuels their passion to spread the good news of His redeeming love.

The hymn then expresses the ongoing journey of faith and growth in Christ: “I’m rejoicing daily in His light and love, Praise His holy name! And I’m pressing onward to my home above, Praise His holy name!” This verse conveys the deep sense of joy and contentment that comes from walking in the light and love of Jesus. It also showcases the singer’s determination to continue towards their ultimate destination, heaven, where they will praise His holy name for eternity.

The final verse speaks of a lifelong commitment to serve Jesus: “I will love and serve Him while I live below, Praise His holy name! And I’ll serve Him better when to heav’n I go, Praise His holy name!” These words reflect a heart consecrated to loving and serving Jesus on earth, with a deep understanding that this devotion will only intensify when entering the realm. It is a reminder that a genuine encounter with Jesus leads to a life of service and dedication to His cause.

In conclusion, “I Have Been to Jesus and He Saved My Soul” is a powerful hymn that encapsulates the transformative power of encountering Jesus Christ. It is a testament of personal experience, highlighting the joy and gratitude that arises from salvation. Through its lyrics, the hymn encourages believers to share the good news of Jesus’ redeeming love and to serve Him faithfully. May this hymn inspire all who it to seek an encounter with Jesus and to witness the profound change that He brings. Praise His holy name!


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Discover the transformative power of encountering Jesus in the hymn I Have Been to Jesus and He Saved My Soul. Experience the joy of salvation and find hope in His holy name.
I Have Been To Jesus And He Saved My Soul - Hymn Lyric - Discover the transformative power of encountering Jesus in the hymn "I Have Been to Jesus and He Saved My Soul." Experience the joy of salvation and find hope in His holy name.