I Heard Of A Savior Whose Love Was so Great – Hymn Lyric

Discover the profound love of a Savior who pardons rebels like us. Experience redemption and forgiveness in "I Heard Of A Savior Whose Love Was so Great."

I Heard Of A Savior Whose Love Was so Great – Hymn Lyric

“I Heard Of A Savior Whose Love Was so Great: A Story of Redemption and Forgiveness” is a hymn that reminds us of the immense love and forgiveness of Jesus. It describes how he sacrificed himself on the cross, enduring pain and thorns, to pardon rebellious like us. This powerful hymn invites us to to Jesus, receive forgiveness, and find peace in his love.


I Heard Of A Savior Whose Love Was so Great – Hymn Lyric

I heard of a whose love was so great
That he laid down his on the tree;
The thorns they were pierced on his beautiful brow
To pardon a rebel like me.

He pardoned a rebel, a rebel like me,
He pardoned a rebel like me.
The thorns they were pierced on his beautiful brow
To pardon a rebel like me.

They tell me he wept over sinners one day
Saying: O that your Saviour you knew!
How oft would I gather you under my wing
And pardon poor rebels like you.

O love so amazing that broke my hard heart
And brought me, Jesus, to thee!
I know, when I came, thou didst not cast me out
But didst pardon a rebel like me.

‘Tis true that poor sinners of all kinds he saves,
And you he will not cast away;
He waits in his sweet peace to bestow,
So come to the fountain today.


Meaning of I Heard Of A Savior Whose Love Was so Great

I Heard Of A Savior Whose Love Was so Great: A Story of Redemption and Forgiveness

In this hymn, we are reminded of the incredible love and forgiveness of a Savior who laid down his life for us. The verses and refrain beautifully illustrate the depth of this love and the power of forgiveness that is available to all, regardless of our past mistakes and rebellions.

The hymn begins by describing the magnitude of the Savior’s love. It speaks of a love so great that Jesus willingly sacrificed himself on a tree, enduring the piercing thorns on his beautiful brow. This image captures the incredible extent to which the Savior went in order to pardon sinners like us. It shows us that even in our rebellion, there is forgiveness and redemption available.

The refrain echoes this sentiment, emphasizing the pardoning of a rebel like me. By repeating this line, it reinforces the idea that no matter how far we may have strayed or how deep our may be, the Savior’s love is capable of pardoning and redeeming us completely.

The hymn also highlights the compassion and of the Savior. It tells us that Jesus wept over sinners, desiring that we would come to know him and his love. He invites us to gather under his protective wing, offering us pardon and forgiveness. This imagery paints a picture of a Savior who longs for our salvation and is constantly reaching out to us with open arms.

The third verse expresses the personal experience of the songwriter. It speaks of a hardened heart, broken by the amazing love of Jesus. When the writer approached the Savior, they found that they were not cast out, but rather pardoned. This personal testimony illustrates that no matter our past sins or the state of our hearts, the Savior is always ready and to forgive us. All we need to do is come to him.

The final verse of the hymn reminds us that the Savior’s love is available to all sinners. There are no exceptions or qualifiers. It emphasizes that Jesus saves sinners of all kinds and will never cast anyone away. This promises hope for anyone who feels unworthy or beyond redemption. It assures us that in his mercy, the Savior offers peace and forgiveness, encouraging us to come to him and drink from the fountain of his love.

In conclusion, “I Heard Of A Savior Whose Love Was so Great” is a hymn filled with the powerful message of redemption and forgiveness. It reminds us that no matter how rebellious or sinful we may have been, the love of the Savior is greater. It is a love that was willing to endure the pain of the cross and offer forgiveness to all who seek it. This hymn invites us to come, receive pardon, and experience the sweet peace that only the Savior can provide. May we all be touched by the amazing love of Jesus and find solace in his forgiveness.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Discover the profound love of a Savior who pardons rebels like us. Experience redemption and forgiveness in I Heard Of A Savior Whose Love Was so Great.
I Heard Of A Savior Whose Love Was so Great - Hymn Lyric - Discover the profound love of a Savior who pardons rebels like us. Experience redemption and forgiveness in "I Heard Of A Savior Whose Love Was so Great."