I Know That Mamma Loves Me – Hymn Lyric

I Know That Mamma Loves Me – Hymn Lyric

Embracing Love and Truth: A Journey of Self-Discovery tells a heartfelt story of unwavering love and trust, starting with a ‘s assurance of their mother’s love. This tale evolves into a contemplative journey of recognizing divine goodness in nature and feeling the eternal care of a guiding force like Jesus. Through this narrative, we are reminded that we are loved unconditionally and worthy of salvation, encouraging us to embrace self-love and extend it to others on our of self-discovery.


I Know That Mamma Loves Me – Hymn Lyric

I know that mamma me,
Because she tells me so;
She never yet deceived me,
And never will, I know;
And so I know that Jesus
Loves little ones like me,
And that He watches o’er them,
Wherever they may be.

He loves, He loves me so,
He loves, He loves me so;
I know He to save me,
Because He loves me so.

The birds in springtime,
Are singing all the day;
The pretty flowers blooming,
In beautiful array;
And all they say to me is,
That “ is ever good!”
They never speak untruly,
They would not if they could.


I read of sprites and brownies,
And of the fairies too,-
But oh, there is a story
That’s ever sweet and new!
It’s called the “Old, old story
Of Jesus and His love,”
And of the many mansions
He has prepared above.


It makes me very happy,-
This story sweet and old,
Because it grows the sweeter
Each time I hear it told.
Although I often wonder
Why He remembers me,
I know that Jesus loves me,
And will my be.



Meaning of I Know That Mamma Loves Me

### Embracing Love and Truth: A Journey of Self-Discovery

There’s a tender wisdom in understanding that we are loved. This truth, simple yet profound, echoes from childhood into our adult lives, shaping our sense of self and our interactions with the world. The essence of this wisdom can be found in the heartfelt lines of a familiar song that speaks of love, trust, and eternal care. As spiritual seekers on a journey of self-discovery, let us delve into this message with a contemplative heart and an open mind.

The song begins with a child’s assurance of their mother’s love, a love that is honest and unwavering. Reflecting on this, ask yourself: when was the last time you let yourself truly feel loved without doubts or defenses? This innocent , “She never yet deceived me, And never will, I know,” invites us to revisit our ability to trust, to be vulnerable. It encourages us to believe in the goodness and constancy of love, just as a child believes in their mother’s words.

In moments of quiet reflection, let us imagine ourselves as that child, cradled in the certainty of love. Cherish the thought that there is a force greater than us, watching over us with pure intentions and boundless affection. For many, this force is personified as Jesus, a symbol of unwavering love and guidance, who “watches o’er them, Wherever they may be.”

As we journey further, we perceive the world around us with renewed senses – the joyous song of springtime birds, the vibrant dance of blooming flowers. Nature, in its sincerity, constantly reminds us, “That ‘God is ever good!'” These natural elements, untainted by deceit, invite us to recognize the divine goodness in our surroundings and within ourselves.

Take a moment to breathe in this beauty. Feel the warmth of the , to the rustle of leaves, and know that these are expressions of a love that is ever-present and true. Nature’s melodies and colors are gentle affirmations that we are a part of something magnificent and benevolent.

The song also speaks of ancient tales and stories that captivate our imagination. Yet, amidst these, there is a story that stands timeless – the “Old, old story of Jesus and His love.” This narrative, filled with compassion and the promise of eternal care, grows sweeter each time it is shared. It reassures us that, despite our imperfections and uncertainties, we are remembered and cherished.

This reassurance is crucial for our journey of self-discovery. Often, we find ourselves questioning our worth, wondering if we are seen or valued. The song’s refrain, “I know He came to save me, Because He loves me so,” is a comforting reminder that we are worthy of love and salvation. This love does not depend on our achievements or failures but simply is, in all its fullness.

Let us embrace this love with all our heart. Allow it to heal old wounds and quiet anxious thoughts. Let it guide us toward a more compassionate and loving self-view. In recognizing that we are loved unconditionally, we can extend this love to others, fostering a deeper connection with the world and those around us.

In the stillness of our contemplations, may we find the courage to embrace our humanity – our strengths and flaws alike. Let us journey forward with a heart full of love, a mind open to truth, and a spirit that continually seeks goodness in every corner of life.

Remember, dear ones, you are loved, you are seen, and you are never alone on this path. Embrace this truth, and let it illuminate your journey.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Discover the power of love and trust in I Know That Mamma Loves Me. Explore the timeless message of unwavering care and find courage for self-discovery.
I Know That Mamma Loves Me - Hymn Lyric - Discover the power of love and trust in "I Know That Mamma Loves Me." Explore the timeless message of unwavering care and find courage for self-discovery.