I Leave Thee Not Thou Art My Jesus Ever – Hymn Lyric
In this hymn titled “I Leave Thee Not, Thou Art My Jesus Ever,” the writer expresses their unwavering faith and devotion to Jesus. No matter the challenges they face or the doubts that arise, they declare their steadfast commitment to their Savior. Let us explore the heartfelt sentiments conveyed in this hymn and reflect on the profound meaning it holds for our own lives.
Table of Contents
I Leave Thee Not Thou Art My Jesus Ever – Hymn Lyric
I LEAVE Thee not; Thou art my Jesus ever,
Though earth rebel,
And death and hell
Would, from its steadfast hold, my faith dissever.
Ah, no! I ever will
Cling to my Helper still.
Hear what my love is taught:
Thou art my Jesus ever,
I leave Thee not, I leave Thee not!
I leave Thee not, O Love! of love the highest,
Though doubt display
Its battle-day;
I own the power which Thou, my Lord appliest.
Thou didst bear guilt and woe;
Shall I to torment go,
When into judgment brought?
O Love! of love the highest,
I leave Thee not, I leave Thee not!
I leave Thee not, O Thou who sweetly cheerest!
Whose fresh supplies
Cause strength to rise,
Just in the hour when faith’s decay is nearest.
If sickness chill the soul,
And nights of languor roll,
My heart one hope hath caught;
O Thou who sweetly cheerest,
I leave Thee not, I leave Thee not!
I leave Thee not, Thou Help in tribulation!
Heap ill on ill.
I trust Thee still,
I hope when all seems near to desolation,
Do what Thou wilt with me,
I yet will cling to Thee;
Thy grace I have besought;
Thou Help in tribulation,
I leave Thee not, I leave Thee not!
I leave Thee not: shall I forsake salvation?
No, Jesus, no!
Thou shalt not go;
Mine still Thou art, to free from condemnation.
After this fleeting night,
Thy presence brings me light,
Whose ray my soul hath sought;
Shall I forsake salvation?
I leave Thee not, I leave Thee not!
I leave Thee not; Thy Word my way shall brighten:
With Thee I go
Through weal and woe,
Thy precept wise shall every burden lighten.
My Lord, on Thee I hang,
Nor heed the journey’s pang,
Though thorny be my lot;
Let but Thy Word enlighten,
I leave Thee not, I leave Thee not!
I leave Thee not, e’en in the lap of pleasure;
For when I stray
Without Thy ray,
My richest joy must cease to be a treasure.
I shudder at the glee,
When no delight from Thee
Has heartfelt peace begot;
E’en in the lap of pleasure,
I leave Thee not, I leave Thee not!
I leave Thee not! I fear no condemnation,
For how could share
Thy child and heir
The lot of those who spurn their soul’s salvation?
Thy blood, Lord, cleanseth me,
And therefore I am free
From hell, the sinner’s lot.
I fear no condemnation;
I leave Thee not, I leave Thee not!
I leave Thee not, my God, my Lord, my Heaven!
Nor death shall rend
From Thee, my Friend,
Who for my sake Thyself to death hast given.
Thou diedst for love to me,
And love goes back to Thee;
My heart has but one thought:
My God, my Lord, my Heaven,
I leave Thee not, I leave Thee not!
Meaning of I Leave Thee Not Thou Art My Jesus Ever
In this beautiful hymn, titled “I Leave Thee Not, Thou Art My Jesus Ever,” the writer expresses their unwavering faith and devotion to Jesus. No matter the challenges they face or the doubts that arise, they declare their steadfast commitment to their Savior. Let us explore the heartfelt sentiments conveyed in this hymn and reflect on the profound meaning it holds for our own lives.
The hymn opens with the affirmation, “I leave Thee not; Thou art my Jesus ever.” It is a powerful declaration of loyalty and devotion to Jesus. The writer acknowledges that even though the world may rebel against them and even in the face of death and hell, they will not be swayed from their faith. This unwavering commitment stems from a deep understanding that Jesus is their constant source of help and support.
The hymn continues to express this unshakable commitment, even in the presence of doubt. It acknowledges that doubt may arise, but the writer firmly places their trust in the power of Jesus. They recognize that Jesus bore guilt and woe for them, and, therefore, they need not succumb to torment or fear. They turn to Jesus, who is the embodiment of the highest form of love, and declare, “I leave Thee not, O Love! of love the highest.”
Furthermore, the hymn reminds us that Jesus is the ultimate source of strength, especially in times of weakness. When sickness overwhelms the soul and nights of languor roll, the writer finds solace in knowing that Jesus is the one who sweetly cheers and provides fresh supplies of strength. It is in these moments of tribulation that they hold on tightly to their Helper. Despite any hardships they may face, their one hope is found in Jesus, who brings light to their heart.
The hymn also speaks of the writer’s resilience and determination to cling to Jesus, even when faced with overwhelming challenges. They affirm that no matter how much ill is heaped upon ill, they will continue to trust in Jesus. They acknowledge that desolation may seem near, but they firmly believe that Jesus is their Help in times of tribulation. They declare, “I leave Thee not, Thou Help in tribulation!”
Indeed, the writer firmly believes that forsaking salvation is not an option. They unequivocally state, “I leave Thee not: shall I forsake salvation?” They recognize that Jesus is the one who frees them from condemnation and that no matter the fleeting nature of this earthly life, with Jesus by their side, they are secure. They find solace in knowing that Jesus is their constant presence, guiding their way and brightening their path with His Word.
The hymn also addresses the struggle between worldly pleasure and spiritual fulfillment. The writer acknowledges that without the presence of Jesus, even the lap of pleasure loses its meaning. They understand that true delight and inner peace can only be found through a connection with Jesus. They express their reluctance to engage in glee that lacks heartfelt peace, reaffirming their steadfastness in their faith by proclaiming, “E’en in the lap of pleasure, I leave Thee not!”
The final verses of the hymn emphasize the writer’s confidence in their salvation and their unbreakable bond with Jesus. They declare their fearlessness of condemnation, for they understand that as a child and heir of Jesus, their lot is different from those who reject their soul’s salvation. With faith in the cleansing power of Jesus’ blood, they proclaim, “I fear no condemnation; I leave Thee not!”
In conclusion, “I Leave Thee Not, Thou Art My Jesus Ever” is a hymn that beautifully expresses a believer’s unwavering commitment and devotion to Jesus. It encourages us to find strength and support in Jesus’s constant presence, even in the face of doubt, tribulation, and worldly pleasures. Let us be inspired by the profound faith expressed in this hymn and strive to embrace Jesus as our unwavering source of love, guidance, and salvation. May we, too, declare with conviction, “I leave Thee not, Thou Art My Jesus Ever!”
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