I Love To Think Of The Ransomed Throng – Hymn Lyric

"I Love To Think Of The Ransomed Throng: Embrace Redemption's Joyful Song. Discover the Power of God's Love and Find Hope in the Promise of Eternal Bliss. Join the Ransomed Throngs in Singing the Triumphant Hymn."

I Love To Think Of The Ransomed Throng – Hymn Lyric

“I Love To Of The Ransomed Throng” is a hymn that celebrates redemption, eternal joy, and the power of divine love. Each verse paints a picture of hope and , reminding us of the overwhelming happiness that comes with . It invites us to reflect on our own journey and eagerly anticipate the day when we will join the ransomed throng and sing that triumphant song of praise.


I Love To Think Of The Ransomed Throng – Hymn Lyric

I love to think of the ransom’d throng,
I love to think of the joyful song;
The song of praise in the courts above,
The wondrous song of redeeming love.

Saved thro’ the blood of the Lamb,
Saved thro’ the blood of the Lamb.

I love to think of the joyful song,
Saved, saved thro’ the blood of the Lamb.

I love to think of the martyrs grand
Who pass’d thro’ life to the promised land,
Now chanting praise to their Savior King;
O sweet indeed is the song they sing. [Refrain]

I love to think of the robe and crown,
Of those at with the cross laid down
Before the throne of the great I Am,
With songs of praise to the Lamb. [Refrain]

I love to think of that wondrous clime,
I love to think of the scene sublime,
Where thro’ the Lamb I may join that throng
And sing with them that triumphant song. [Refrain]


Meaning of I Love To Think Of The Ransomed Throng

I Love To Think Of The Ransomed Throng: Celebrating Redemption and Eternal Joy

In this beautiful hymn, we are reminded of the joyous song and praise that fills the courts above. The melody echoes with the wonders of redeeming love, and every verse paints a picture of hope and gratitude. As we delve into the words, we can feel the comforting embrace of salvation and the anticipation of a glorious future.

The first verse reminds us of the ransom’d throng, a group of souls who have been redeemed and saved. This image is incredibly uplifting, as it signifies that no matter our past mistakes or flaws, there is always a chance for restoration and forgiveness. The joyful song mentioned here illustrates the overwhelming happiness that washes over those who have found redemption. It is a song born out of gratitude and an understanding of the depths of divine love.

The refrains recurring phrase, “Saved thro’ the blood of the Lamb,” reinforces the idea that it is through the sacrificial love of Jesus that we are saved. The hymn reminds us of the importance of recognizing and embracing this salvation. It encourages us to reflect on our own lives and experiences, reminding ourselves of the immense gift we have received.

The second verse takes us on a journey with the martyrs, those brave individuals who faced unimaginable hardships and persecution, but ultimately triumphed by passing through life to the promised land. Their triumphant song serves as an inspiration to us all. It reminds us that even in the face of adversity, there is always hope and victory waiting for us.

As we reflect on the martyrs’ grandeur, we can’t help but think of the robes and crowns they now adorn. These symbols of honor and glory signify their new life with the cross laid down. It is a reminder that in the realms, there is only peace, joy, and eternal rewards awaiting those who have faithfully followed the path of righteousness. The imagery of the throne and the presence of the great I Am further emphasize the majesty and power of the Almighty.

In the fourth verse, we are invited to imagine the wonders of that celestial abode, where through Jesus Christ, we too may join the ransomed throng. The thought of being part of this magnificent gathering and singing alongside the redeemed fills our hearts with indescribable joy. It reminds us that our current struggles and pains are temporary, and one day, we will experience the triumph of bliss.

The hymn ultimately celebrates the transformative power of redemption and the promise of eternal joy. It invites us to contemplate the immense love and sacrifice that has been showered upon us. Through its poetic verses, we are reminded to cherish our relationship with the Savior, to be grateful for His redeeming love, and to long for the day when we too will be part of that heavenly choir.

In conclusion, “I Love To Think Of The Ransomed Throng” is a hymn that encapsulates the essence of salvation and the celebration of divine love. With each verse, we are transported to a of immense joy and gratitude, where the redeemed sing praises to the Lamb who has saved them. It encourages us to reflect on our own salvation and inspires us to look forward to the day when we will join that ransomed throng and sing that triumphant song. May this hymn continue to uplift and inspire all who hear it, reminding us of the immeasurable beauty of ‘s redeeming love.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image I Love To Think Of The Ransomed Throng: Embrace Redemption's Joyful Song. Discover the Power of God's Love and Find Hope in the Promise of Eternal Bliss. Join the Ransomed Throngs in Singing the Triumphant Hymn.
I Love To Think Of The Ransomed Throng - Hymn Lyric - "I Love To Think Of The Ransomed Throng: Embrace Redemption's Joyful Song. Discover the Power of God's Love and Find Hope in the Promise of Eternal Bliss. Join the Ransomed Throngs in Singing the Triumphant Hymn."