I Want To Serve Jesus Today – Hymn Lyric

"Discover the importance of serving Jesus in your daily life and how to prioritize His will. Learn how to reflect His character and stay close to Him. Serve Jesus today!"

I Want To Serve Jesus Today – Hymn Lyric

In the hymn “I Want to Serve Today,” we discover the importance of living a life that aligns with God’s will. Serving Jesus means obeying His commandments and seeking to be like Him, finding joy and fulfillment in pleasing Him. It involves being near to Jesus, reflecting His character, and serving others with kindness and humility. Let us strive to serve Jesus in our everyday lives and deepen our relationship with Him.


I Want To Serve Jesus Today – Hymn Lyric

I want to serve Jesus today, today,
I want to serve Jesus today,
My tasks to fulfill, obeying His will,
I want to serve Jesus today.

To serve Him and please Him today, today,
And all His commandments obey, obey,
And oh, to be like Him, and near Him to stay,
This pray’r to my Jesus I’ll pray.

I want to be like Him today, today,
I want to be like Him today.
To wear on my face His sweetness and ,
I want to be like Him today. [Refrain]

I want to be near Him today, today,
I want to be near Him today.
To sit at His feet, His lessons repeat,
I want to be near Him today. [Refrain]


Meaning of I Want To Serve Jesus Today

In the hymn “I Want to Serve Jesus Today,” we find a powerful expression of our to live a life that pleases God and follows His will. This hymn serves as a reminder for us to prioritize serving and being near to Jesus in our daily lives. Let us delve deeper into the importance of serving Jesus and what it means to us as followers of .

Serving Jesus is not just a task we perform but a way of living that encompasses our thoughts, words, and actions. It means aligning our lives with His teachings and commandments, as expressed in the refrain of the hymn. When we serve Jesus, we find joy and fulfillment in knowing that we are doing what pleases Him.

But how do we serve Jesus in our everyday lives? It begins with a and heart, one that desires to put Him first in all aspects. We can serve Him by being obedient to His will, as mentioned in the first verse. This means actively seeking His guidance and following His commands, even when it may be challenging or unpopular. By doing so, we show our love and devotion to Jesus.

Additionally, serving Jesus involves being immersed in His presence and seeking to reflect His character in our own lives. The second verse of the hymn expresses the desire to be like Jesus, to wear His sweetness and grace upon our faces. This implies that our actions, attitudes, and behavior should mirror the love, compassion, and that Jesus embodied during His earthly ministry.

To be like Jesus, we must strive to live with integrity, treating others with kindness and respect. We can serve Him by humbly serving those around us, whether it be our family, friends, or even strangers in need. Acts of service can take many forms, such as helping someone in need, volunteering, or simply offering a listening ear to someone who is hurting.

Serving Jesus also entails staying close to Him and constantly seeking His presence. As stated in the third verse of the hymn, we desire to be near Jesus, to sit at His feet and learn from Him. This reminds us of the importance of spending time in prayer, Bible reading, and so that we can grow in our understanding of His will for our lives.

By staying near to Jesus, we gain wisdom, strength, and guidance for our daily challenges. We become more attuned to His voice and His leading, allowing us to make choices that align with His purposes. Being near to Jesus also helps us cultivate a deep and personal relationship with Him, which brings us joy, comfort, and .

In conclusion, “I Want to Serve Jesus Today” is a hymn that encapsulates our desire as believers to live a life that pleases God. Serving Jesus is not a one-time task but a daily commitment to follow His will, reflect His character, and stay close to Him. It involves obedience, humility, acts of service, and a longing to be near Jesus. May we all be inspired by this hymn and strive to serve Jesus in every aspect of our lives.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Discover the importance of serving Jesus in your daily life and how to prioritize His will. Learn how to reflect His character and stay close to Him. Serve Jesus today!
I Want To Serve Jesus Today - Hymn Lyric - "Discover the importance of serving Jesus in your daily life and how to prioritize His will. Learn how to reflect His character and stay close to Him. Serve Jesus today!"