If Ever Jesus Has Need Of Me – Hymn Lyric

"If Ever Jesus Has Need Of Me: Serving Others with Love and Faith. Discover the power of small acts of kindness and the impact they can have. Trust in God's plan and make a difference in the lives of others. Let your actions bring hope and light."

If Ever Jesus Has Need Of Me – Hymn Lyric

“If Ever Jesus Has Need Of Me: A Reflection on Serving Others with and Faith” encourages us to serve those in need, inspired by the hymn’s beautiful lyrics. The article emphasizes the power of small acts of kindness, trusting in ‘s plan, and making a difference in others’ lives. By embodying these values, we can and to the world.


If Ever Jesus Has Need Of Me – Hymn Lyric

If ever Jesus has need of me,
Somewhere in the fields of sin,
I’ll go where the darkest places be,
And let the sunshine in;
I’ll be content with the lowliest ,
To earth’s remotest rim,
I know I’ll see His smiling face,
If it’s done with a tho’t of Him;

If it’s done with a tho’t of Him,
If it’s done with a tho’t of Him.

I’ll fill each day with the little things,
As the passing moments fly;
The tendril, which to the great oak clings,
Grows strong as it climbs on high;
I’ll trust my Lord, tho’ I cannot see,
Nor let my faith grow dim;
He’ll smile-and that’s enough for me,
If it’s done with a tho’t of Him;

If it’s done with a tho’t of Him,
If it’s done with a tho’t of Him.

The lowliest deed will be reckoned great
In the book that the angels keep,
If it helps another along the road
That is often rough and steep.
A kindly word may let sunshine in,
Where life’s rays are sadly dim;
And love can sin a for God
If it’s done with a tho’t of Him;

If it’s done with a tho’t of Him,
If it’s done with a tho’t of Him.


Meaning of If Ever Jesus Has Need Of Me

If Ever Jesus Has Need Of Me: A Reflection on Serving Others with Love and Faith

Throughout our lives, we often encounter various opportunities to lend a helping hand to those in need. In the hymn “If Ever Jesus Has Need Of Me,” the songwriter beautifully expresses their willingness to go wherever there is darkness and bring forth the light of Jesus. As we delve deeper into the verses, we discover the importance of serving others with love and the profound impact it can have.

The first verse begins with the powerful statement, “If ever Jesus has need of me, somewhere in the fields of sin, I’ll go where the darkest places be, and let the sunshine in.” These words remind us that our purpose as followers of is not just to live within the comforts of our own lives but to venture into the depths of the world’s problems and bring hope and light to those who need it most.

As seventh graders, we may ask ourselves, “How can I bring sunshine into the lives of others?” The answer lies in the little things we do each day. The second verse highlights the significance of filling our days with small acts of kindness. It compares our daily actions to a tendril climbing on a great oak tree, slowly but surely becoming stronger. By consistently performing acts of kindness, we can gradually make a difference in someone’s life and contribute to the greater good.

As we go about our daily lives, it is essential to remember that we may not always see the direct impact of our actions. The third verse reminds us to trust in the Lord even when we cannot see the immediate results. Our faith should not dwindle, for God sees and knows the significance of every kind word, every helping hand, and every act done with love. He may not always show us his approval, but we can be assured that he smiles upon us when we serve others with a thought of him.

It is easy to underestimate the power of the simplest gestures, but the fourth verse assures us that even the lowliest deed is reckoned great in the eyes of the angels. In their book of remembrance, the angels keep record of every act that helps another along life’s rough and steep road. This verse reminds us that our actions, no matter how small they may seem, have the power to impact and uplift those who are struggling. A kind word can let sunshine into someone’s life, where darkness and sadness dwell. Through love and compassion, we can guide lost souls towards God.

The title phrase, “If Ever Jesus Has Need Of Me,” encapsulates the essence of our duty as believers to serve others selflessly. It reflects the importance of being available and to assist whenever the opportunity arises. By keeping a thought of Jesus in our hearts and minds, we are reminded of his example and the love he showed to all. Our actions should mirror his, always seeking to uplift others and make a positive difference in their lives.

Furthermore, this title can serve as a valuable keyword for online searches related to serving others and Christian values. By incorporating this keyword seamlessly into an article, it can rank higher in search engine results and reach a broader audience. This will allow more individuals, both young and old, to reflect on the message of the hymn and explore ways to serve others with love and faith.

In conclusion, “If Ever Jesus Has Need Of Me” inspires us to serve others selflessly and with a thought of Jesus in our minds. It emphasizes the importance of small acts of kindness, trusting in God’s plan, and making a difference in the lives of others. By reinforcing these values in our lives, we can let the sunshine in and bring hope to those who need it most. Let us remember that even the simplest actions, done with love and a thought of Him, have the power to create a brighter and more compassionate world.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image If Ever Jesus Has Need Of Me: Serving Others with Love and Faith. Discover the power of small acts of kindness and the impact they can have. Trust in God's plan and make a difference in the lives of others. Let your actions bring hope and light.
If Ever Jesus Has Need Of Me - Hymn Lyric - "If Ever Jesus Has Need Of Me: Serving Others with Love and Faith. Discover the power of small acts of kindness and the impact they can have. Trust in God's plan and make a difference in the lives of others. Let your actions bring hope and light."