If You Are Happy In Jesus This Hour – Hymn Lyric

If You Are Happy In Jesus This Hour: Spreading the Joy of Your Faith. Discover the true happiness that comes from knowing Jesus and share your joy with others. Find encouragement to tell about Jesus and experience His transformative power in your life. Spread his love today!

If You Are Happy In Jesus This Hour – Hymn Lyric

If You Are Happy In Jesus This Hour: Spreading the Joy of Your There is something truly wonderful about feeling happy in Jesus. When we experience His love, His forgiveness, and His power in our lives, it’s hard not to overflow with joy. This hymn reminds us that if we are happy in Jesus, we should share our happiness with others and tell them about the amazing things He has done for us.


If You Are Happy In Jesus This Hour – Hymn Lyric

If you are happy in Jesus this hour,
If you are saved by His wonderful power,
If your December’s as pleasant as May,
Tell about Jesus today.

Oh tell about Jesus today, today,
Tell about Jesus today, today;
No matter what others may think or may say,
Just tell about Jesus today.

If you want Jesus to answer your cry,
If your heart yearns for the mansion on high,
If you find pleasure whenever you pray,
Tell about Jesus today.


If you now walk in the light of the ,
If you are led by His glorious Word,
If on your pathway shines ‘s own ray,
Tell about Jesus today.


If you are freed from the power of each sin,
If fully cleansed from all evil within,
If in His promise believing alway,
Tell about Jesus today.


If you are trusting in power divine,
If on His breast you now gladly recline,
If in sweet confidence, thus you would stay,
Tell about Jesus today.



Meaning of If You Are Happy In Jesus This Hour

If You Are Happy In Jesus This Hour: Spreading the Joy of Your Faith

There is something truly wonderful about feeling happy in Jesus. When we experience His love, His forgiveness, and His power in our lives, it’s hard not to overflow with joy. This hymn reminds us that if we are happy in Jesus, we should share our happiness with others and tell them about the amazing things He has done for us.

Being saved by Jesus’ wonderful power is a -changing experience. It means that we have accepted Him as our Lord and , allowing Him to transform us from the inside out. When we are saved, our lives may not become perfect overnight, but we have the assurance that Jesus is with us every step of the way. His presence brings peace, hope, and joy into our hearts, even in the midst of difficult times.

Sometimes, it can feel as though December holds a sense of and coldness. But when we have Jesus in our lives, our December can be as pleasant as May. The warmth of His love melts away the winter blues, and we can find joy and contentment in every season. So, let’s not keep this happiness to ourselves.

We might hesitate to share our faith out of fear of what others may think or say. However, this hymn encourages us to brush aside those worries and just tell about Jesus anyway. Our faith in Him is too precious to be hidden away. The good news of His love and salvation is meant to be shared with everyone around us.

When we truly experience the love of Jesus, we can’t help but tell others about Him. It’s like finding a treasure and wanting to show it to the world. As believers, we should aspire to have hearts that burn with passion for Jesus, making us eager to spread His gospel everywhere we go.

Do you want Jesus to answer your ? Are you for the promise of eternity in heaven? One way to invite His blessings into our lives is by telling others about Him. When we share the good news, we are not only opening doors for others to experience His love, but we are also strengthening our own relationship with Him. So, don’t keep it to yourself – tell about Jesus today.

Walking in the light of the Lord is truly liberating. When we choose to follow Jesus and live according to His teachings, we find true freedom and purpose. His Word becomes a lamp to guide our steps, and His presence illuminates our . Our lives become a living testimony to His transforming power.

When we experience the cleansing power of Jesus, our hearts are freed from the power of sin. No longer are we controlled by its chains. We are set free to live the lives we were created for – lives filled with love, joy, and righteousness. Such a transformation is worth sharing with others, so they too can experience the freedom that comes from knowing Jesus.

Trusting in the power divine requires surrendering control and resting in His unfailing love. As we lean on Him, casting our burdens on His shoulders, we discover a peace that surpasses all understanding. It is a peace that allows us to confidently face each day, knowing that Jesus is walking by our side. This kind of trust is contagious, and when others see the peace and joy radiating in our lives, they can’t help but be drawn to the One who gives us that peace.

So, if you are happy in Jesus this hour, don’t keep it to yourself. Share your joy with others. Tell them about the One who has transformed your life, who has given you hope, and who has filled your heart with love. Be a light in a world that desperately needs it. And remember, no matter what others may think or say, just tell about Jesus today.


Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image

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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image If You Are Happy In Jesus This Hour: Spreading the Joy of Your Faith. Discover the true happiness that comes from knowing Jesus and share your joy with others. Find encouragement to tell about Jesus and experience His transformative power in your life. Spread his love today!
If You Are Happy In Jesus This Hour - Hymn Lyric - If You Are Happy In Jesus This Hour: Spreading the Joy of Your Faith. Discover the true happiness that comes from knowing Jesus and share your joy with others. Find encouragement to tell about Jesus and experience His transformative power in your life. Spread his love today!