In Happy Days Of Sunny June – Hymn Lyric

Enjoy the joy and beauty of sunny June with the sweet smiling rose. Spread happiness and make a difference in the world by living a righteous and compassionate life. Embrace the Creator's glory and share the story of love

In Happy Days Of Sunny June – Hymn Lyric

In happy days of sunny June, the roses bloom and bring joy to even the humblest places. Just like the raindrops that nourish them, these beautiful remind us of the interconnectedness of all living things and the wondrous diversity of creation. Let us be like the roses, spreading happiness and serenity to others, and be the change we wish to see in the world.


In Happy Days Of Sunny June – Hymn Lyric

In happy days of sunny June
The roses lift their faces,
Their beauteous tints, and odors sweet,
Give joy to many humble places.

The raindrops falling from the sky,
Like show’rs of glist’ning pearls from heav’n,
Send vigor to the growing stem;
And sweetness to the earth is giv’n.

Sweet smiling rose in silent fragrance growing,
Sweet smiling rose, a joy on all bestowing,
Living to show a great Creator’s ,
Loving to tell the ever precious story.

The roses in their humble sphere,
not the one, with joy they brighten,
Look up from out earth’s darken’d crest;
With varied tints earth’s gloom to lighten.

No ever can they know,
As Christ on high, for them doth care,
So we may ever happy be,
With Jesus all our burdens share. [Refrain]

Like roses, spreading fragrance ’round,
May we alway, with living,
Be sending joys to lowly ones;
Some rays of happiness be giving.

Let us look up each passing day,
And ask the Lord with strength to bless;
That we may do the of love,
Spread gladness ‘midst the world’s distress. [Refrain]


Meaning of In Happy Days Of Sunny June

In Happy Days of Sunny June: Spreading Joy Like the Sweet Smiling Rose

In happy days of sunny June, when the warm rays of the sun envelop the earth, the roses come alive, lifting their smiling faces to greet the world. These beautiful flowers, with their splendid tints and sweet fragrances, bring joy to even the humblest places. They are nature’s gift, a reminder of the wondrous diversity of creation.

Just like the raindrops that fall gently from the sky, the roses receive the refreshment they need to grow and flourish. As these glistening pearls from heaven touch the soil, they infuse life into the stem and bring sweetness to the earth. The roses teach us about the interconnectedness of all living things and how every creation has a purpose. Each bloom displays a creator’s glory, reflecting the beauty and wonder of the world.

Oh, sweet smiling rose in silent fragrance growing! You are a joy bestowed upon all who behold you. Your existence spreads happiness and serenity to those who take a moment to appreciate your ethereal charm. In your delicate presence lies a profound message – a story that speaks directly to the enduring love and grace of our great Creator.

Just as these roses thrive within their humble sphere, unaware of how they brighten the world, we too can find our purpose in life’s simple joys. We may not always grasp the impact we have on others, but every smile, act of kindness, or word of encouragement can light up someone’s darkness, just as varied tints on earth’s gloom can bring warmth and vibrancy.

It is reassuring to know that the roses never experience sorrow or hardship. Christ, who watches over them from the heavens, cares deeply for them. In the same , Christ’s love for us knows no bounds. With Jesus as our , we can find solace in the knowledge that our burdens are shared, and we can always experience happiness. His presence in our lives grants us the strength to face any challenge and be forever happy.

Like the sweet smelling roses that spread their fragrances around, let us strive to live righteous lives. By embracing kindness and compassion, we can bring joy to those who need it most. Let us be a source of happiness, a reassuring presence in the lives of the less fortunate. In doing so, we become a of light, illuminating the path for those who stumble upon life’s hardships.

Every passing day presents us with an opportunity to make a difference. With every new dawn, let us ask the Lord to bless us with the strength to carry out acts of love and kindness. May we dedicate ourselves to the work of spreading joy amidst the distress of the world. By doing so, we honor the Creator’s masterpiece and enhance the countless lives it touches.

In happy days of sunny June, let us take a moment to marvel at the sweet smiling rose. As we contemplate its beauty and reflect on its purpose, may we realize the significant role we play in this vast world. Just like the rose, we can flourish and spread joy by sharing our light with others. Let our lives be a testament to the Creator’s glory, loving and telling the ever-precious story of hope, love, and joy. In happy days of sunny June, let us be the change we wish to see in the world.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Enjoy the joy and beauty of sunny June with the sweet smiling rose. Spread happiness and make a difference in the world by living a righteous and compassionate life. Embrace the Creator's glory and share the story of love, hope, and joy.
In Happy Days Of Sunny June - Hymn Lyric - Enjoy the joy and beauty of sunny June with the sweet smiling rose. Spread happiness and make a difference in the world by living a righteous and compassionate life. Embrace the Creator's glory and share the story of love, hope, and joy.