Increase Our Faith Beloved Lord – Hymn Lyric

Increase your faith in God with the beautiful hymn "Increase Our Faith Beloved Lord." Discover the power of His promises and the importance of obedience as you deepen your relationship with Him. Trust in His guidance and find perfect peace as your faith grows. Bear fruit for His glory and anticipate the day when your faith will be transformed into clear vision.

Increase Our Faith Beloved Lord – Hymn Lyric

“Increase Our Faith Lord” is a that highlights the significance of trusting in God and His promises. It acknowledges that only the Lord can provide the faith we need to navigate through life and remain obedient to Him. By increasing our faith, we can experience true , bear more fruit for His , and eventually be rewarded with clear vision of His presence.


Increase Our Faith Beloved Lord – Hymn Lyric

Increase our faith, almighty Lord!
For Thou alone canst give
The faith that takes Thee at word,
The faith by which we live.

Increase our faith, that we may claim
Each starry promise sure;
And always in Thy name,
And to the end endure.

Increase our faith, O Lord, we ,
That we may not depart
From Thy commands, but all obey
With free and faithful .

Increase our faith, that never dim
Or faltering it may be;
Crowned with the perfect peace of him
Whose mind is stayed on Thee.

Increase our faith, that unto Thee
More fruit may still abound;
That in the time may be
To Thy great glory found.

Increase our faith, O Saviour dear,
By Thy rich sovereign grace,
Till, changing faith for vision clear,
We see Thee face to face.


Meaning of Increase Our Faith Beloved Lord

In this beautiful hymn, titled “Increase Our Faith Beloved Lord,” we are reminded of the importance of having faith in God and the power of His promises. The hymn calls upon the Lord to increase our faith, recognizing that He alone can provide the faith that takes Him at His word and sustains us in our daily lives.

Faith is a fundamental aspect of our relationship with God. It is through faith that we believe and trust in His promises. The hymn acknowledges that only the Lord can grant us the faith we need to fully embrace His word. It is this faith that gives us the strength to endure and triumph in His name.

As we journey through life, it is essential that our faith continues to grow and deepen. The hymn asks for an increase in faith so that we may claim each promise of God with certainty. It is through this faith that we find true peace and joy, knowing that our minds and hearts are steadfastly anchored in Him.

Maintaining a faithful and obedient heart is another important aspect of our spiritual growth. The hymn implores the Lord to increase our faith so that we may not depart from His commands. It is a reminder that faith goes hand in hand with obedience. When our faith is strong, we are more inclined to follow His teachings and walk in His ways.

A steadfast and unwavering faith brings us closer to God. The hymn recognizes the need for a faith that is constant and unshakeable. It prays for a faith that is never dim or faltering, but rather one that is crowned with perfect peace. This perfect peace is the result of a mind that is stayed on God, completely trusting in His provision and guidance.

As our faith increases, so does our capacity to bear fruit for His glory. The hymn seeks an increase in faith so that we may abound in good works, showing His love to others and spreading His message of hope. The harvest time is when our faith is put into action and yields blessings that glory to God.

Ultimately, our desire should be to see God face to face. The hymn acknowledges the temporal nature of faith in this earthly life, but anticipates the day when faith will be transformed into clear vision. It is through God’s sovereign grace that our faith grows, preparing us for the day when we will see Him face to face and fully comprehend the depth of His love for us.

In conclusion, “Increase Our Faith Beloved Lord” is a heartfelt hymn that expresses our longing for a faith that is strong and unwavering. It emphasizes the importance of trusting in God’s promises and remaining obedient to His commands. Through an increased faith, we can experience the perfect peace that comes from a mind stayed on Him. As our faith grows, we are able to bear more fruit for His glory and look forward to the day when our faith will be transformed into clear vision. May the Lord graciously answer our prayer to increase our faith and sustain us in our journey with Him.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Increase your faith in God with the beautiful hymn Increase Our Faith Beloved Lord. Discover the power of His promises and the importance of obedience as you deepen your relationship with Him. Trust in His guidance and find perfect peace as your faith grows. Bear fruit for His glory and anticipate the day when your faith will be transformed into clear vision.
Increase Our Faith Beloved Lord - Hymn Lyric - Increase your faith in God with the beautiful hymn "Increase Our Faith Beloved Lord." Discover the power of His promises and the importance of obedience as you deepen your relationship with Him. Trust in His guidance and find perfect peace as your faith grows. Bear fruit for His glory and anticipate the day when your faith will be transformed into clear vision.