Is Jesus Precious Do You Always Love Him – Hymn Lyric

Is Jesus Precious? Reflect on the depth of your love for Him. Understand His immense sacrifice and boundless love. Strive to love Him dearly and show it in your actions. Prepare for heaven's door. Is Jesus Precious Do You Always Love Him?

Is Jesus Precious Do You Always Love Him – Hymn Lyric

Is Jesus Precious? Do You Always Love Him?Reflecting on the hymn, we are prompted to consider the immense love Jesus has shown us. From the debt He paid on the tree to His abundant grace and forgiveness, Jesus has sacrificed everything for us. Our response should be an unwavering love and devotion, striving to obey Him faithfully in every moment and showing His love to others. When we stand at ‘s , our answer will determine whether we embrace eternal joy or risk shutting ourselves out from a loving relationship with Jesus. So let us live each day affirming, “Yes, Jesus is precious, and I have loved Him with all my heart.”


Is Jesus Precious Do You Always Love Him – Hymn Lyric

Is Jesus precious?
Do you always love Him?
Dearer by far than all else beside?
Are you each moment
Striving to obey Him,
to Him
Whatever betide?

Is Jesus precious?
Do you now love Him
Dearer, far dearer than the whole beside?
He is your ,
Friend, and blest Redeemer,
He for your sake hath both suffered and died.

Is Jesus precious?
Think how much you owe Him,
Think of the debt
He paid on the tree;
Think of His ,
Love, and great forgiveness,
Think of His grace
Abundant and free.

Is Jesus precious?
Do you now love Him
Dearer, far dearer than the whole world beside?
He is your Saviour,
Friend, and blest Redeemer,
He for your sake hath both suffered and died.

Is Jesus precious?
Go and now declare it,
Live it, and tell it
Day after day;
Like Him in spirit,
Patient, true and tender,
Trying to show to others the way.

Is Jesus precious?
Do you now love Him
Dearer, far dearer than the whole world beside?
He is your Saviour,
Friend, and blest Redeemer,
He for your sake hath both suffered and died.

Is Jesus precious?
What will be your answer
When you shall stand
At heaven’s bright door?
If it be “yes,”
The gates will swing wide open,
But “no,” will shut you out .

Is Jesus precious?
Do you now love Him
Dearer, far dearer than the whole world beside?
He is your Saviour,
Friend, and blest Redeemer,
He for your sake hath both suffered and died.


Meaning of Is Jesus Precious Do You Always Love Him

Is Jesus Precious? Do You Always Love Him?

In this beloved hymn, the question is posed: Is Jesus precious? Is He dearer by far than all else beside? These questions invite us to reflect on our love and devotion to Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior.

To truly understand the significance of these questions, we must first grasp the immense love that Jesus has shown us. Think of the debt He paid on the tree, the mercy, love, and great forgiveness He extends to us. Jesus willingly suffered and died for our sake, bearing the weight of our . His grace is abundant and free, flowing like a never-ending stream of love and compassion.

When we consider the immeasurable sacrifice that Jesus made for us, how can we not respond with overwhelming love and adoration? He is our Saviour, our friend, our blessed Redeemer. His love knows no bounds, and we are called to reciprocate that love, to love Him dearly.

But what does it mean to love Jesus dearly? It means striving to obey Him in every moment, being faithful to Him no matter what comes our way. Our love for Him should not be fleeting or conditional, but rather a constant presence in our lives. It should be the driving force behind all our thoughts, words, and actions.

Living out our love for Jesus goes beyond mere lip service. It requires us to declare our love and devotion for Him, not only in words but also in our deeds. We are called to live it and tell it day after day. Just as Jesus showed patience, truth, and tenderness during His time on Earth, we should strive to emulate those qualities in our interactions with others. Our lives should be a testament to the love and grace we have received from Him.

As we ponder the preciousness of Jesus and consider the extent of our love for Him, let us also contemplate what the future holds. What will be our answer when we stand at heaven’s bright door? Will we confidently declare our love for Jesus, knowing that the gates will swing wide open? Or will we be filled with regret, realizing that our answer was not a resounding “yes”?

Let us not wait until that moment to examine the depth of our love for Jesus. Instead, let us continually evaluate our actions, our thoughts, and our hearts. Are we living lives that reflect the preciousness of Jesus? Are we striving to love Him above all else, to obey Him faithfully, and to show His love to others?

If our answer is a heartfelt “yes,” then the gates of heaven will welcome us with open arms. But if our answer is anything less, we risk shutting ourselves out from the eternal joy and peace that come from a loving relationship with Jesus Christ.

So, as we sing this hymn that speaks to the preciousness of Jesus, let it serve as a reminder of the love He has shown us and the love we are called to reciprocate. Let us strive to love Him dearly, to obey Him faithfully, and to live out that love every single day. For in doing so, we will experience the abundant grace and forgiveness that He offers, and we will be prepared to confidently answer the question at heaven’s bright door: “Yes, Jesus is precious, and I have loved Him with all my heart.”


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Is Jesus Precious? Reflect on the depth of your love for Him. Understand His immense sacrifice and boundless love. Strive to love Him dearly and show it in your actions. Prepare for heaven's door. Is Jesus Precious Do You Always Love Him?
Is Jesus Precious Do You Always Love Him - Hymn Lyric - Is Jesus Precious? Reflect on the depth of your love for Him. Understand His immense sacrifice and boundless love. Strive to love Him dearly and show it in your actions. Prepare for heaven's door. Is Jesus Precious Do You Always Love Him?