It Is New It Is New Every Moment – Hymn Lyric

Experience the timeless wonder of the Gospel message. Overflowing with hope and love

It Is New It Is New Every Moment – Hymn Lyric

The inspiring hymn “It Is New, It Is New Every Moment” reminds us that the Gospel message is timeless and ever-relevant. This message overflows with , redemption, and , joy and to those who receive it. It is a constant source of healing and transformation, reminding us that the wonders of the Gospel have yet to be fully explored and shared.


It Is New It Is New Every Moment – Hymn Lyric

It is new, it is new every moment,
Half its marvels have never been told;
This glad message of hope and redemption,
This sweet Gospel that never grows old.

Tell it over and over,
Tell it over again;
Tell of mercy and love and salvation,
Till all earth shall reply, Amen!

‘Tis a message of bounty and mercy,
Full of heart-throbs of love from the throne;
They who quaff at its fountain of promise
Make the glories of Heaven their own.

Tell it over and over,
Tell it over again;
Tell of mercy and love and salvation,
Till all earth shall reply, Amen!

It has balm for the wounds of life’s battle,
For the great Healer left it below;
And it tells how the heart, makes crimson,
Grows, by faith in His blood, white as snow.

Tell it over and over,
Tell it over again;
Tell of mercy and love and salvation,
Till all earth shall reply, Amen!

Happy souls, happy souls that receive it,
They have only to learn and believe;
Just to turn from earth-idols to Jesus,
Keep His word, and salvation receive.

Tell it over and over,
Tell it over again;
Tell of mercy and love and salvation,
Till all earth shall reply, Amen!


Meaning of It Is New It Is New Every Moment

In the beautiful hymn “It Is New, It Is New Every Moment,” the songwriter expresses the timeless wonder of the Gospel message. This message is one that overflows with hope, redemption, and love. It is a message that never grows old, for half of its marvels have yet to be fully told.

Imagine receiving a message that brings joy and hope every single day. The Gospel is like that. It is a message that continues to shower us with blessings and good news, no matter how many times we hear it. In fact, we are encouraged to tell it over and over again, sharing the mercy, love, and salvation it offers to all.

This message is full of bounty and mercy, as it emanates from the loving throne of . Those who partake in its promises find themselves with the glories of Heaven. It is like a fountain of promise, quenching our spiritual thirst and granting us the assurance of eternal life.

Life can often leave us wounded and battle-weary, but the Gospel offers a healing balm for our souls. In its words, we find solace and comfort for the wounds we bear. This balm is a gift left to us by the great Healer Himself, Jesus . Through faith in His blood, our sins are washed away, and our once-crimson hearts are made white as snow.

How wonderful it is to be a happy soul that receives this life-transforming message! All we need to do is open our hearts to learning and believing. We need to turn away from the idols and distractions of this and fix our eyes on Jesus. By keeping His word and accepting His salvation, we will find true happiness and fulfillment. What a beautiful exchange it is – trading our earthly idols for the love and grace of our Savior.

As we continue to share this message, we invite others to experience the joy and it brings. We proclaim it with our words and our lives, demonstrating the transformative power of the Gospel in all that we do. And as we tell it over and over again, the earth will resound with the collective “Amen!” of all who have received this incredible gift.

The title of this hymn, “It Is New, It Is New Every Moment,” captures the essence of the Gospel message. It reminds us that this message is not bound by time or limitations. It is continually fresh and relevant, speaking to the deepest needs of our hearts.

In conclusion, the Gospel message is one that never grows old. It is a message of hope, redemption, mercy, and love. It tells of the bountiful blessings that await those who accept its promises. With each passing moment, this message continues to bring healing and transformation to those who receive it. So let us proclaim it over and over again, until the whole earth joins in with an enthusiastic “Amen!”


Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image

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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Experience the timeless wonder of the Gospel message. Overflowing with hope and love, it never grows old. Discover the bountiful blessings it offers and find healing and transformation. Proclaim it over and over again, until the whole earth responds with an enthusiastic Amen!
It Is New It Is New Every Moment - Hymn Lyric - Experience the timeless wonder of the Gospel message. Overflowing with hope and love, it never grows old. Discover the bountiful blessings it offers and find healing and transformation. Proclaim it over and over again, until the whole earth responds with an enthusiastic "Amen!"