It Is Not Dark Where Jesus Is – Hymn Lyric

Discover how Jesus brings light into our lives

It Is Not Dark Where Jesus Is – Hymn Lyric

When is in our hearts, it is never dark. His brightens our path, turning the darkest nights into day. Even in tough times, his presence brings cheer and guides us through the uncertainties of life.


It Is Not Dark Where Jesus Is – Hymn Lyric

It is not dark where Jesus is,
He makes my pathway bright;
The darkest night is turned to day
When he becomes my light.

That blessed Light, that blessed Light
That streams upon my ;
I no other sun nor star
To guide by night or day.

When I am filled with sore distress
And life is sad and drear,
His gracious smile dispels my gloom,
And fills my with cheer.


Oft have I seen the clouds depart
When his benignant ray
Has pierced the sable mystery
And bade it flee away.


I will not fear ‘s gloomy vale,
Nor heed the pall and bier;
The valley shall be filled with joy,
If Jesus be but near.


The is the Light of Life
When here by tempests driv’n;
My Sun, that scatters ev’ry cloud;
My Star, that guides to heavn’n.



Meaning of It Is Not Dark Where Jesus Is

Have you ever felt lost or scared in the darkness? Maybe you’ve been going through a tough time and it feels like there’s no light at the end of the tunnel. But the wonderful thing is, when we have Jesus in our hearts, it is never dark where He is.

The hymn talks about how Jesus is the light that brightens our pathway. Even in the darkest of nights, His light shines through and turns it into day. Just think about how amazing that is! No matter how difficult things may seem, Jesus is there to light up our lives and show us the way.

When we are feeling down and things aren’t going our way, all we need to do is turn to Jesus. His gracious smile can dispel our gloom and fill our souls with cheer. It’s like a hug from a friend when we need it most.

There are times when life throws us curveballs and we can’t see a way out. But Jesus is the one who can make the clouds part and clarity to our minds. His light can pierce through the mysteries and show us the way forward.

Even in the face of death, we need not fear. With Jesus by our side, even the valley of the shadow of death can be filled with joy. His presence brings comfort and peace, knowing that we are never alone.

Jesus is not just a light in our lives, He is the Light of Life. When we feel like we are being tossed around by the storms of life, He is our steady anchor. Like a guiding star, He leads us towards the promise of heaven.

So let’s hold on to the promise that it is not dark where Jesus is. His light shines through all the darkness and brings hope into our lives. With Him by our side, we can face whatever comes our way with confidence and peace.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Discover how Jesus brings light into our lives, even in the darkest of times. Find hope and comfort in His presence. It's never dark where Jesus is.
It Is Not Dark Where Jesus Is - Hymn Lyric - Discover how Jesus brings light into our lives, even in the darkest of times. Find hope and comfort in His presence. It's never dark where Jesus is.