It Is Not Dying Love Alone – Hymn Lyric

Discover the unending love in "It Is Not Dying Love Alone." Explore the powerful message of love that goes beyond death and fills our hearts with peace.

It Is Not Dying Love Alone – Hymn Lyric

“It Is Not Love Alone: A Message of Unending Love” explores the powerful and unchanging love of Jesus. It emphasizes that while dying love saved us, there is more to the story. This love is alive, continuous, and brings us peace and assurance. Let us hold on to this love and let it shape our lives.


It Is Not Dying Love Alone – Hymn Lyric

It is not dying love alone
That fills my heart with peace,
But love still flowing from the throne-
A love that will not cease.

‘Twas dying love, ’twas dying love,
That paid, that paid my debt;
‘Tis living love, ’tis living love
That loves, that loves me yet!

His love was stronger than the death
Endured on Calvary;
And many waters cannot quench
The love He has for me. [Refrain]

The dying love is still unchanged
Since He, my Lord, arose;
His heart can never be estranged,
His love for ever flows. [Refrain]

The love that sent its Well-,
The love that gladly came;
Which was by death so fully proved,
That love is still the same. [Refrain]

The love that prompted such a gift
Will never let me go;
Beyond its pow’r I cannot ,
Because He loves me so. [Refrain]


Meaning of It Is Not Dying Love Alone

It Is Not Dying Love Alone: A Message of Unending Love

Have you ever felt a love so great that it fills your heart with peace? A love that flows from a throne, never ceasing? That is the of love we are talking about in this . It’s not just any ordinary love, but a love that goes beyond death itself.

In our verse, we are reminded that it is not only dying love that brings us peace. Yes, the love that was shown on the cross as Jesus paid our debt is incredibly powerful. It was dying love that saved us, that brought us forgiveness and redemption. But there is more to the story!

The refrain repeats the message of dying love, the love that paid our debt. It emphasizes that this love was strong enough to endure the suffering and death on Calvary. Can you imagine a love so powerful that even many waters cannot quench it? That is the love Jesus has for each and every one of us.

But here’s the beautiful truth: the dying love of Jesus is still unchanged even after He arose from the grave. His love is everlasting and unconditional. His heart can never be estranged from us. His love for us will never stop flowing. It is a love that is always alive, always present, always pursuing us.

This love, this living love, is the love that sent Jesus, God’s Well-Beloved, to . It is the love that willingly came down to save us. And through His death, this love was fully proven. It is a love that remains the same, never faltering, never wavering.

The hymn reminds us that the love that prompted such an incredible gift, the gift of Jesus, will never let us go. It is a love that holds on to us tightly, never allowing us to drift . No matter how far we may feel we have strayed, this love has the power to bring us back because He loves us so dearly.

Reflecting on this hymn, we are filled with a sense of awe and gratitude for the love that God has shown us. It is a love that goes beyond anything we can comprehend. It is not just dying love alone, but a love that is still alive and active in our lives.

So, let us hold on to this truth and let it shape our lives. Let us remember that we are loved beyond measure, and that this love is always with us. It is a love that brings us peace, comfort, and . It is a love that deserves our deepest and gratitude.

As we go about our days, let us keep this hymn in our hearts. Let us be reminded that it is not just dying love alone that fills us with peace, but the unending love of our Savior, Jesus Christ. May we live our lives rooted in this love, and may it overflow from our hearts to the around us.

In conclusion, the hymn “It Is Not Dying Love Alone” speaks of a love that surpasses death, a love that is alive and unchanging. It reminds us of the incredible sacrifice of Jesus on the cross, but also points to the continuous love that flows from Him. This love is unwavering, everlasting, and powerful. It is a love that brings us peace and assurance. Let us hold on to this love, and may it shape our lives and impact those around us.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Discover the unending love in It Is Not Dying Love Alone. Explore the powerful message of love that goes beyond death and fills our hearts with peace.
It Is Not Dying Love Alone - Hymn Lyric - Discover the unending love in "It Is Not Dying Love Alone." Explore the powerful message of love that goes beyond death and fills our hearts with peace.