I’ve Anchored My Soul In The Haven Of Rest – Hymn Lyric

Experience the Comfort of God's Grace: "I've Anchored My Soul In The Haven Of Rest." Find solace

I’ve Anchored My Soul In The Haven Of Rest – Hymn Lyric

“I’ve Anchored My Soul In The Haven Of Rest” is a hymn that beautifully captures the idea of finding comfort and security in God’s grace. Its timeless message reminds us that no matter where we are in life, God’s grace is always sufficient. Let this hymn be a reminder to our in God’s unwavering love and find solace in His abundant grace.


I’ve Anchored My Soul In The Haven Of Rest – Hymn Lyric

I’ve anchored my soul in the Haven of Rest;
I’ve pillowed my head on the ‘s breast;
I’m trusting His promise of mercy so free;
Fear not, “For my grace is sufficient for thee.”

At home or abroad, on the land or the sea,
God’s wonderful grace is sufficient for me;
I’m finding it true that where’er I may be,
His grace is sufficient for me, (for me)
For me, for me, (sufficient for me, sufficient for me,)
His grace is sufficient for me.

Wherever my lot upon earth may be cast,
Mid storm and mid tempest He holdeth me fast;
No harm can betide while His dear face I see,
And cling to the hand that was wounded for me.


The billows in fury around me may beat;
The “Cleft in the Rock” is my blessed retreat;
My Shield and Defender forever is He;
The Savior whose grace is sufficient for me.


And when I have finished life’s voyage at last,
When safe in the harbor my anchor is cast,
The theme of my forever shall be,
God’s grace, – which is always sufficient for me.



Meaning of I’ve Anchored My Soul In The Haven Of Rest

I’ve Anchored My Soul In The Haven Of Rest: Finding Comfort in God’s Grace

In this beautiful hymn, the author expresses their unwavering trust in God’s grace and their reliance on Him as their ultimate refuge and source of comfort. The words of the hymn convey a sense of peace and assurance, reminding us that no matter where we find ourselves in life, God’s grace is always sufficient.

The first verse sets the tone for the entire hymn, as it portrays the image of finding solace in the “Haven of Rest.” Just as a ship seeks refuge in a safe harbor during a storm, the author has anchored their soul in the haven of God’s unconditional love and salvation. This imagery gives us a sense of security, knowing that no matter the challenges or trials we face, we have a place of refuge in God.

As the author further reflects on their faith, they mention “pillowing their head on the dear Savior’s breast.” This intimate image reveals a deep connection with God and a profound trust in His guidance and care. Just as a finds comfort and peace in the embrace of their parent, the author finds solace in the tender love and protection of Jesus.

The chorus of the hymn emphasizes the universal nature of God’s grace. It states that whether we find ourselves at home or abroad, on land or at sea, the wonderful grace of God is always sufficient. This message reminds us that no matter our circumstances or location, God’s grace transcends boundaries and is available to each and every one of us.

The hymn continues by highlighting the steadfastness of God’s grace in the face of adversity. Regardless of the storms that may be raging around us, whether literal or metaphorical, the author finds comfort in knowing that God holds them fast. The imagery of a cleft in the rock serves as a visual representation of the safe haven that God provides. Just as a rock splits open to shield us from the elements, God is our shield and defender, protecting us from harm.

The essence of the hymn lies in the repeated phrase, “His grace is sufficient for me.” These words are a testament to the author’s unwavering belief that God’s grace is more than enough to sustain them through life’s trials and tribulations. It serves as a reminder to trust in God’s provision and to find strength in His grace rather than relying on our own limited abilities.

As the hymn draws to a close, the author reflects on the end of life’s journey and the promise of rest. They express their gratitude to God, declaring that His grace will forever be the theme of their praises. This final verse speaks directly to the and reassurance that faith in God’s grace brings, promising a future of peace and .

In conclusion, “I’ve Anchored My Soul In The Haven Of Rest” is a hymn that beautifully captures the idea of finding comfort and security in God’s grace. Its timeless message resonates with people of all ages, reminding us that no matter where we find ourselves in life’s journey, God’s grace is always sufficient. Let this hymn serve as a reminder to anchor our souls in the haven of God’s unwavering love and find solace in His sufficient grace.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Experience the Comfort of God's Grace: I've Anchored My Soul In The Haven Of Rest. Find solace, security, and unwavering trust in His unconditional love, no matter life's storms.
I've Anchored My Soul In The Haven Of Rest - Hymn Lyric - Experience the Comfort of God's Grace: "I've Anchored My Soul In The Haven Of Rest." Find solace, security, and unwavering trust in His unconditional love, no matter life's storms.