Jesus Christ Is Risen Today Our Triumphant Holy Day – Hymn Lyric

Celebrate Easter with "Jesus Christ Is Risen Today" hymn! Discover the meaning behind this joyful song

Jesus Christ Is Risen Today Our Triumphant Holy Day – Hymn Lyric

Christ Is Risen Today” is a hymn that celebrates Sunday, a holy day for worldwide. The hymn expresses joy and praise for Jesus’ triumph over death and his sacrifice for our salvation. This article explores the meaning behind the hymn and the significance of Easter in the Christian faith.


Jesus Christ Is Risen Today Our Triumphant Holy Day – Hymn Lyric

Jesus Christ is ris’n today, Alleluia!
Our triumphant holy day, Alleluia!
Who did once upon the cross Alleluia!
to redeem our loss. Alleluia!

of praise then let us Alleluia!
Unto Christ our heav’nly King, Alleluia!
Who endured the cross and , Alleluia!
Sinners to redeem and save. Alleluia!

But the pains which he endured, Alleluia!
Our salvation have procured; Alleluia!
Now above the sky he’s King, Alleluia!
Where the angels ever sing. Alleluia!

Sing we to our God above Alleluia!
Praise eternal as his love; Alleluia!
Praise him, all ye heav’nly host, Alleluia!
Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Alleluia!


Meaning of Jesus Christ Is Risen Today Our Triumphant Holy Day

Jesus Christ Is Risen Today: Celebrating Our Triumphant Holy Day

Easter Sunday is a special day for Christians around the world. It is a day of celebration and joy, as we commemorate the resurrection of Jesus Christ. One of the most beloved hymns associated with Easter is “Jesus Christ Is Risen Today.” This hymn, filled with joyful alleluias, encapsulates the essence of Easter and the triumph of Christ over death. In this article, we will delve into the meaning behind the hymn and explore the significance of Easter in the Christian faith.

The hymn begins with the resounding proclamation, “Jesus Christ is risen today, Alleluia! Our triumphant holy day, Alleluia!” These opening lines set the tone for the entire song. It is a joyful declaration that Jesus, who had once suffered on the cross, has triumphed over death. The word “Alleluia” is an expression of praise and exultation, emphasizing the joyous nature of the day.

The next verse reminds us that Jesus willingly endured the cross and grave to redeem our sins. It is through his sacrifice that we find salvation. The hymn encourages us to sing hymns of praise to Christ, our heavenly King, who endured the unimaginable for sinners like ourselves. This verse invites us to reflect on the depth of Christ’s love for humanity.

As we continue to sing, we are reminded of the Jesus endured on the cross. However, this pain was not in vain. It was through his suffering that our salvation was procured. Jesus’ sacrifice was not limited to his earthly existence but extends to his reign as King above the sky. This verse depicts Jesus as the eternal King, reigning with the angels who sing his praises.

The hymn concludes with a call to praise God – Father, Son, and Holy Ghost – with eternal praise as great as his love. This final verse acknowledges the Trinity and invites all of creation, both heavenly and earthly, to join in God for the resurrection of his Son. It is a reminder that Easter is a time of unity and rejoicing, as we join with believers from around the world to celebrate this significant event in our faith.

Easter holds immense importance in the Christian faith. It is the culmination of the events of Holy Week, starting with Jesus’ triumphant entry into Jerusalem, followed by the Last Supper, his betrayal, crucifixion, and ultimately, his resurrection. The resurrection is the cornerstone of Christianity. It is the event that validates Jesus’ claims of divinity and confirms his victory over sin and death.

The resurrection offers hope and salvation to believers. It is through Jesus’ triumph over death that we, too, can have eternal life. This is why Easter is considered the holiest day of the Christian calendar. It is a day of renewal, transformation, and new beginnings. The resurrection of Jesus is not just an ancient event but a living reality that continues to impact the lives of believers today.

The hymn “Jesus Christ Is Risen Today” captures the essence of this joyous occasion. Its melody and lyrics resonate with Christians of all ages, filling our hearts with gratitude and praise. This hymn is often sung during Easter services, serving as a reminder of the central message of Easter – the triumph of life over death, darkness, and despair.

As we sing this hymn, we are reminded of the incredible love and grace of our Savior, Jesus Christ. It is a love that led him to willingly lay down his life for us, so that we could be reconciled with God. The resurrection is a powerful symbol of hope, reminding us that there is life beyond this earthly existence.

Easter is a time of reflection and renewal. It is an opportunity to recommit ourselves to living in accordance with Christ’s teachings and to share his love and message with others. As we celebrate Easter, let us remember the profound significance of Christ’s resurrection and the hope it brings to our lives. Let us join in singing hymns of praise and rejoice in the triumph of our Savior, Jesus Christ. Alleluia!


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Celebrate Easter with Jesus Christ Is Risen Today hymn! Discover the meaning behind this joyful song, as we praise Jesus' triumph over death. Rejoice in the significance of Easter in the Christian faith. Alleluia!
Jesus Christ Is Risen Today Our Triumphant Holy Day - Hymn Lyric - Celebrate Easter with "Jesus Christ Is Risen Today" hymn! Discover the meaning behind this joyful song, as we praise Jesus' triumph over death. Rejoice in the significance of Easter in the Christian faith. Alleluia!