Jesus Delightful Name – Hymn Lyric

Discover the sweetness and power of Jesus' name in this beautiful hymn that celebrates His delightful and saving grace. Experience the joy and promise of His eternal kingdom. Keywords: Jesus Delightful Name

Jesus Delightful Name – Hymn Lyric

“Jesus, Delightful Name: The Sweetness and Power of Jesus’ Name” is a hymn that celebrates the wonderful sound and immense power of Jesus’ name. It emphasizes the and hope found in His , as well as the promise of His kingdom. The hymn invites all creatures to bow their knees and praise the exalted name of Jesus, highlighting the inclusive and transformative nature of His .


Jesus Delightful Name – Hymn Lyric

Jesus, delightful name!
Salvation’s in the sound;
Search the wide world, a sweeter word
In nature can’t be found.

Behold, an angel gives
The holy Babe the name;
Behold the choir unite
To sing His lasting fame.

Jesus, the king of ,
An empire wide shall have;
From sin, the worst of foes to man,
His people He shall save.

O’er Jacob He shall reign;
Gentiles the knee shall bend;
His crown shall flourish on His head,
His kingdom never end.

Ye creatures all that dwell
On earth, in air and sea,
Th’exalted name of Jesus praise,
And cheerful bow the knee.

Jesus, Thy name we praise,
And Thy redemption sing,
From all our sins our redeem,
And Thy salvation bring.

When at Thy ‘s throne,
For needful grace we pray;
Thy all prevailing name we’ll plead,
And send our fears away.

Whilst on Thy precious blood
For pardon we rely,
Swayed by Thy richest grace we will
All worldly lusts deny.


Meaning of Jesus Delightful Name

Jesus, Delightful Name: The Sweetness and Power of Jesus’ Name

In this beautiful hymn, the name of Jesus is celebrated for its delightful and sweet sound, as well as its immense power to bring salvation to all who seek it. It expresses the joy and wonder that surrounds the birth of Jesus, as well as the hope and promise of His kingdom.

The hymn begins with the declaration that Jesus’ name is delightful. It describes how searching the wide world, one cannot find a sweeter word in nature. The beauty and sweetness of the name of Jesus is emphasized here, giving the reader a sense of the awe and wonder that it inspires.

In the next verse, the hymn introduces the angel who the holy Babe His name. This angelic act further emphasizes the importance and significance of Jesus’ name. It also mentions the heavenly choir uniting to sing His lasting fame, underscoring the eternal impact of Jesus’ name.

Moving on, the hymn proclaims Jesus as the king of grace. It declares that His empire will be wide and that He will save His people from sin, which is described as the worst of foes to humanity. This highlights Jesus’ role as the ultimate savior, who can deliver us from the power and consequences of sin.

The hymn continues by asserting that Jesus will reign over Jacob and that the Gentiles will bow their knees before Him. This speaks to the universal nature of Jesus’ kingdom, where people from all walks of life and backgrounds are welcome to participate in His salvation. It emphasizes the everlasting nature of His kingdom, which will never end.

In the next part of the hymn, all creatures are called to praise the exalted name of Jesus. Regardless of where they dwell on Earth, in the air, or in the sea, all are invited to bow their knees and give praise to Jesus. This inclusive message reminds us that the salvation brought by Jesus is available to everyone, regardless of their circumstances or location.

The hymn then brings the focus back to the name of Jesus, praising it and singing of redemption. It implores Jesus to redeem our souls from our sins and bring salvation to us all. This demonstrates the personal aspect of Jesus’ name, as it is intimately connected to our own individual redemption and salvation.

The final verses of the hymn express the trust and reliance placed on the name of Jesus. When in need of grace, the name of Jesus is invoked as a powerful plea for help and guidance. It is believed to have an all-prevailing effect, capable of dispelling fears and bringing comfort. The hymn also emphasizes the transformative power of Jesus’ name, as it inspires a rejection of worldly lusts and a dedication to a life rooted in His grace.

In conclusion, “Jesus, Delightful Name” is a hymn that celebrates the sweetness and power of Jesus’ name. It expresses wonder and joy at the sound of His name, while also acknowledging its immense significance in bringing salvation to humanity. The hymn emphasizes the universal nature of Jesus’ kingdom, the personal redemption found in His name, and the trust and reliance placed on it in times of need. Ultimately, it encourages all to praise His exalted name and find hope and assurance in His salvation.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Discover the sweetness and power of Jesus' name in this beautiful hymn that celebrates His delightful and saving grace. Experience the joy and promise of His eternal kingdom. Keywords: Jesus Delightful Name, Sweetness and Power, Salvation, Hymn, Eternal Kingdom.
Jesus Delightful Name - Hymn Lyric - Discover the sweetness and power of Jesus' name in this beautiful hymn that celebrates His delightful and saving grace. Experience the joy and promise of His eternal kingdom. Keywords: Jesus Delightful Name, Sweetness and Power, Salvation, Hymn, Eternal Kingdom.