Jesus I My Cross Have Taken All To Leave and Follow – Hymn Lyric

Experience the transformative journey of surrender and resilience with Jesus in "Jesus I My Cross Have Taken." Embrace divine love

Jesus I My Cross Have Taken All To Leave and Follow – Hymn Lyric

Join me in discovering the transformative message of the timeless hymn “ I My Have Taken.” This beautiful hymn reminds us to our earthly desires and follow the path of spiritual commitment and resilience. Through embracing divine love and guidance, we can find , purpose, and ultimate fulfillment on our sacred journey.


Jesus I My Cross Have Taken All To Leave and Follow – Hymn Lyric

Jesus, I my cross have taken,
all to leave and follow thee;
destitute, despised, ,
thou from hence my all shalt be.

Perish ev’ry fond ambition,
all I’ve sought or hoped or known;
yet how rich is my condition,
God and ‘n are still my own.

Let the despise and leave me,
they have left my Savior too;
human hearts and looks deceive me;
thou art not, like man, untrue;
and, while thou shalt smile upon me,
God of wisdom, love, and might,
foes may hate and friends may shun me;
show face, and all is bright.

Man may trouble and distress me,
’twill but drive me to thy breast;
life with trials hard may press me,
heav’n will bring me sweeter rest.

O ’tis not in grief to harm me
while thy love is left to me;
O ’twere not in joy to charm me,
were that joy unmixed with thee.

Take, my soul, thy full salvation,
o’er sin and fear and care;
joy to find in ev’ry station
something still to do or bear;
think what Spirit dwells within thee,
what a Father’s smile is thine,
what a Savior died to win thee:
child of heav’n, shouldst thou repine?

Hasten on from grace to glory,
armed by faith and winged by prayer;
heav’n’s eternal day’s before thee,
God’s own hand shall guide thee there.

Soon shall close thy earthly mission,
swift shall pass thy days;
hope soon change to glad fruition,
faith to sight, and prayer to praise.


Meaning of Jesus I My Cross Have Taken All To Leave and Follow

Today, I invite you on a journey that transcends the mundane and touches the sacred essence of our being. As we explore the timeless hymn, “Jesus, I My Cross Have Taken,” let us delve into its profound message of surrender, resilience, and the transformative power of unconditional love.

Our lives are often characterized by the pursuit of ambitions, relationships, and material comforts. We strive for achievements, affirmation, and a sense of belonging in a world that is, by nature, transient and often unkind. The words of this hymn remind us that true richness lies not in earthly possessions or accolades but in the spiritual wealth we possess through our connection with the Divine.

“Jesus, I my cross have taken, all to leave and follow thee.” These words echo the call to surrender our earthly attachments and expectations, embracing a path of spiritual commitment. This may seem daunting, especially when the reality of feeling destitute, despised, or forsaken becomes palpable. Yet, it is precisely in these moments of vulnerability that we find our true strength, grounded in the unwavering promise that “God and heaven are still my own.”

Embracing our humanity means acknowledging that we may feel deceived by human hearts and looks, that those we trust may disappoint us. However, the hymn reassures us, “thou art not, like man, untrue.” In this divine relationship, we find an everlasting source of truth, love, and light. When we focus on the smile of our loving Creator, a profound shift occurs; our external troubles lose their power over us.

We are reminded that the trials and tribulations of life are opportunities to draw closer to the Divine. “Man may trouble and distress me, ’twill but drive me to thy breast.” These words invite us to view our struggles not as burdens, but as channels through which we can deepen our spiritual intimacy. Whether in joy or in grief, the presence of divine love imbues our experiences with a sense of purpose and peace.

The hymn calls us to “take, my soul, thy full salvation, rise o’er sin and fear and care.” This is an invitation to transcend our doubts and anxieties, to rise above the vicissitudes of life. By recognizing the indwelling Spirit and the divine affirmation within us, we can navigate the highs and lows with grace and courage. How often do we forget that “a Savior died to win thee” and that we are cherished beyond measure?

There is a beautiful promise of spiritual progression, from “grace to glory,” as we are “armed by faith and winged by prayer.” Each day brings us a step closer to the eternal, where our earthly mission will culminate in a union with the Divine. We are pilgrims on a sacred journey, guided by the hand of God, moving from hope to fulfillment, from faith to sight, and from prayer to praise.

As we walk this path, let us cultivate a compassionate and loving view of ourselves. Embrace your vulnerabilities, honor your truths, and take solace in the fact that you are beloved by a divine force that is with you in every trial and triumph. By doing so, we not only deepen our connection with the Divine but also foster a more loving and connected world around us.

Dear ones, may we find strength in our struggles, joy in our service, and peace in our divine connection. Let us journey together, knowing that we are never alone and that our ultimate rest and fulfillment await us in the embrace of the Divine.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Experience the transformative journey of surrender and resilience with Jesus in Jesus I My Cross Have Taken. Embrace divine love, find solace in trials, and walk towards eternal glory. Journey with us today.
Jesus I My Cross Have Taken All To Leave and Follow - Hymn Lyric - Experience the transformative journey of surrender and resilience with Jesus in "Jesus I My Cross Have Taken." Embrace divine love, find solace in trials, and walk towards eternal glory. Journey with us today.