Jesus Is My Savior This I Know – Hymn Lyric

Find Peace

Jesus Is My Savior This I Know – Hymn Lyric

“Jesus Is My Savior: Finding Peace, Joy, and Freedom at the Cross” takes readers on a journey of personal faith and the transformative power of Jesus’ love. This hymn highlights the profound impact of recognizing Jesus as our Savior, offering relief from the burdens of sin and inviting us to experience the incredible blessings found at the cross. Through a personal relationship with Jesus, we can find peace, joy, and freedom that bring hope and transformation to our lives.


Jesus Is My Savior This I Know – Hymn Lyric

Jesus is my Savior, this I know,
He has given peace to my heart.
When my soul was burdened, filled full of woe,
Seeking from my sin to part,

Graciously he heard me when I prayed,
Drew me to his riven side,
There by faith I washed, and so was saved,
His blood was there applied.

O that’s the place where I love to be,
For mighty wonders there I see.
Would you be blest? Then tarry with me
At the cross of Jesus.

There I came to Jesus, bound and sad,
Liberty I claimed from my sin;
Readily he gave it, and O so glad
Was my heart then made by him.

Fetters which had bound me he destroyed;
Blessed is the spot to me
Where I knelt to thank him, overjoyed
To find my soul was free.

Would you know the peace which Jesus gives?
Would you know the joy he bestows?
Would you know the strength the sinner receives
When his heart the blood o’erflows?

Come, without delaying, let us go
Where the precious fountain springs
That can make the sinner white as snow,
Removing all his sins.


Meaning of Jesus Is My Savior This I Know

Jesus Is My Savior: Finding Peace, Joy, and Freedom at the Cross

Jesus is my Savior; this I know with unwavering certainty. His love and forgiveness have brought an indescribable peace to my heart. In this hymn, we are reminded of the transformative power of Jesus and the incredible blessings that await us at the cross. Let us delve deeper into the verses and explore the profound truths they hold.

The hymn begins by emphasizing the personal nature of Jesus’ salvation. It declares, “Jesus is my Savior, this I know.” These simple words are a powerful affirmation of faith, demonstrating the profound impact that Jesus has had on the individual singing them. This recognition of Jesus as our personal Savior is crucial, for it establishes a personal relationship with Him and opens the door to a life filled with His peace and love.

The second line of the verse speaks to the burdensome weight of sin that we carry. It acknowledges the sorrow and despair that come from being trapped in the cycle of wrongdoing. However, there is hope. The hymn suggests that finding salvation in Jesus brings relief and freedom from this burden of sin. The phrase, “Seeking from my sin to part,” highlights the desire for freedom and the acknowledgment that only Jesus can provide it.

Graciously, Jesus hears our prayers. He doesn’t turn a blind eye to our struggles; instead, He listens with open arms and a compassionate heart. The hymn beautifully illustrates the impact of this divine listening by stating, “Graciously he heard me when I prayed.” It is a comforting thought to know that our cries for help do not fall on deaf ears but are received by a loving Savior who is eager to extend His mercy and grace.

The verses continue to describe the transformative experience of finding salvation in Jesus. It paints a vivid picture of being drawn to His “riven side,” an allusion to the wounds on Jesus’ side caused by the crucifixion. By having faith in Him, we are invited to wash ourselves in His blood, symbolizing the cleansing and forgiveness that His sacrifice provides. The image of being saved and made new through the application of Jesus’ blood is both powerful and humbling. It signifies our salvation and redemption, reminding us of the immense love Jesus has for us.

The refrain of the hymn compels us to reflect on the significance of the cross in our lives. It exclaims, “O that’s the place where I love to be, for mighty wonders there I see.” This declaration reveals the deep reverence and awe inspired by the cross of Jesus. It is at the cross that we witness the greatest act of love and sacrifice in human history. The refrain encapsulates the desire to remain close to Jesus, to continually experience His wonders and to grow in our faith.

The hymn invites others to share in the blessings found at the cross. It encourages everyone, regardless of their past, to “tarry with me at the cross of Jesus” to experience the same peace, joy, and freedom that believers have found. This call to action reflects the inclusive nature of Jesus’ love. He extends an open invitation to all, promising that those who come to Him will find the solace, strength, and peace their hearts long for.

Jesus’ salvation not only brings peace but also bestows uncontainable joy. The third verse of the hymn highlights the incredible joy that comes from receiving freedom from sin. It illustrates this by recounting the personal testimony of the songwriter who came to Jesus “bound and sad.” The transformation that takes place when our sins are forgiven is a cause for celebration, an occasion for our hearts to overflow with gratitude and gladness. The hymn beautifully expresses this with the phrase, “Readily he gave it, and O so glad was my heart then made by him.” It encapsulates the overwhelming joy experienced when we encounter Jesus and receive His gift of freedom.

Additionally, the hymn acknowledges the strength that sinners receive from Jesus. It recognizes that the abundant life Jesus offers is not just about the removal of sin but also about the empowerment to live a transformed life. It prompts us to ask ourselves, “Would you know the strength the sinner receives when his heart the blood o’erflows?” This question invites us to reflect on the transformative power of Jesus’ blood, which not only cleanses us from sin but also equips us to live victoriously.

The final verse of the hymn urges us to respond without delay to the invitation to come and be washed in the precious fountain of Jesus’ blood. It declares, “Come, without delaying, let us go where the precious fountain springs that can make the sinner white as snow, removing all his sins.” This urgent plea encourages us to seize the opportunity to embrace Jesus’ salvation and experience the incomparable joy and freedom that come with it.

In conclusion, the hymn “Jesus Is My Savior” beautifully encapsulates the transformative power of Jesus and the blessings that await us at the cross. It reminds us that salvation is not a mere abstract concept, but a personal and life-changing encounter with Jesus. Through His love and forgiveness, we find peace, joy, and freedom. So let us respond to the hymn’s invitation, tarry with Jesus at the cross, and experience the incredible wonders that await us there.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Find Peace, Joy, and Freedom at the Cross with Jesus as Your Savior. Discover the transformative power of Jesus and the blessings that await you through His love and forgiveness. Embrace salvation and experience the wonders of His grace.
Jesus Is My Savior This I Know - Hymn Lyric - Find Peace, Joy, and Freedom at the Cross with Jesus as Your Savior. Discover the transformative power of Jesus and the blessings that await you through His love and forgiveness. Embrace salvation and experience the wonders of His grace.