Jesus Is Pleading With Someone Tonight – Hymn Lyric

Jesus Is Pleading With Someone Tonight: Accept salvation through Jesus' love and forgiveness. Find rest

Jesus Is Pleading With Someone Tonight – Hymn Lyric

Jesus Is Pleading With Someone Tonight: Accepting Salvation Through His Love and ForgivenessIn the powerful hymn “Jesus Is Pleading With Someone Tonight,” the urgent plea of Jesus to accept Him as Savior is beautifully expressed. The hymn emphasizes that salvation is found only in Jesus, not through works or deeds. Jesus’ call is for all individuals, including those who have wandered away, offering and forgiveness to all who turn to Him. The hymn serves as a reminder of the importance of embracing Jesus’ love and finding rest, redemption, and hope in Him.


Jesus Is Pleading With Someone Tonight – Hymn Lyric

Jesus is pleading with someone tonight,
Someone who’s still under ,
Thinking that works can for the past,
When salvation is only in Him.

to Him now, make no delay;
He is the truth, and He is the way;
Come, be at rest, why longer roam?
Jesus now calls you: Come home, come home.

Jesus is pleading with someone tonight,
Someone who’s wandered away;
Calling you back from the pathway of sin,
He is waiting in mercy today.


Jesus is pleading, then why not tonight
Turn and make Him now your choice;
His blood will blot out the sin of your past,
And your heart in His love will rejoice.



Meaning of Jesus Is Pleading With Someone Tonight

Jesus Is Pleading With Someone Tonight: Accepting Salvation Through His Love and Forgiveness

In the powerful hymn “Jesus Is Pleading With Someone Tonight,” the message of Jesus’ love and desire for all individuals to accept Him as their Savior is beautifully expressed. The verses and refrain serve as a reminder of the importance of recognizing Jesus as the only way to attain salvation, and the urgency to respond to His call. This hymn highlights the significance of Jesus’ plea, inviting those who are still under sin to find rest, redemption, and hope in Him.

The first verse emphasizes the misconception that works can atone for past . Many people mistakenly believe that by performing good deeds or adhering to a set of moral principles, they can earn their way to salvation. However, this verse reminds us that salvation is solely found in Jesus. It is through accepting Him as our Savior that we can be forgiven and saved from the consequences of our sins.

Jesus’ plea is for everyone, including those who have wandered away from Him, as expressed in the second verse. No matter how far we may have strayed, Jesus is always calling us back to Him. His mercy and love are , and He our return with open arms. This verse encourages us to heed Jesus’ call and turn away from the pathway of sin, embracing His forgiveness and grace.

The refrain serves as a powerful invitation to come to Jesus without delay. He is the truth and the way, leading us to eternal and salvation. Jesus longs for us to find rest in Him, to experience the peace and joy that come from surrendering to His love and accepting His gift of salvation. The refrain urges us not to prolong our search for meaning and purpose, but rather to respond to Jesus’ call and come home to Him.

In the third verse, we are reminded of the immediate opportunity we have to accept Jesus. It asks, “Jesus is pleading, then why not tonight?” This verse urges us to reflect on our choices and consider making Jesus our Savior and Lord without further delay. His blood, symbolizing His sacrificial death on the cross, has the power to wash away the sins of our past. By accepting Jesus, we can experience His love, forgiveness, and redemption, rejoicing in our restored relationship with Him.

This hymn conveys the importance of responding to Jesus’ call with a sense of urgency. It emphasizes that everyone has the opportunity to accept Jesus and find salvation through His love and forgiveness. Jesus’ plea is timeless and ever-present. He desires for each individual to come to Him, to find hope, rest, and eternal life in His embrace.

Understanding the deeper meaning of the hymn and recognizing the potential impact it can have on our lives is essential. We must remember that Jesus’ plea is not limited to a single moment or one specific person. It is an invitation that extends to all, regardless of our past mistakes or current circumstances. Jesus reaches out to each individual in love, desiring a personal relationship with them. He is ready and waiting to forgive, heal, and transform every heart that turns to Him.

In conclusion, the hymn “Jesus Is Pleading With Someone Tonight” beautifully conveys Jesus’ unconditional love and desire for all individuals to come to Him. It reminds us that salvation is found only in Him, and that no amount of works can earn our way into His grace. The hymn encourages us to respond to Jesus’ call without delay, seeking rest and redemption in Him. It reminds us of Jesus’ mercy and forgiveness, urging us to turn away from the of sin and embrace His love. In Jesus, we find hope, , and eternal life. May we all heed Jesus’ plea and come home to Him.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Jesus Is Pleading With Someone Tonight: Accept salvation through Jesus' love and forgiveness. Find rest, redemption, and hope in Him. Respond to His call and come home to Jesus now.
Jesus Is Pleading With Someone Tonight - Hymn Lyric - Jesus Is Pleading With Someone Tonight: Accept salvation through Jesus' love and forgiveness. Find rest, redemption, and hope in Him. Respond to His call and come home to Jesus now.