Jesus Is Standing In Pilates Hall – Hymn Lyric

Reflect on your choice regarding Jesus in Pilate's hall. Will you deny Him like Peter or evade Him like Pilate? Choose Jesus and experience His love and grace.

Jesus Is Standing In Pilates Hall – Hymn Lyric

Engaging “Jesus Is Standing In Pilate’s Hall: Making Our Choice” is a powerful hymn that prompts us to consider the choices we make when it comes to Jesus. It reminds us that being neutral is not an option and urges us to reflect on whether we will evade or follow Him faithfully. Ultimately, the hymn encourages us to wholeheartedly to Jesus and entrust our lives to Him.


Jesus Is Standing In Pilates Hall – Hymn Lyric

is standing in Pilate’s hall–
betrayed by all;
what meaneth the sudden call!
What will you do with Jesus?

What will you do with Jesus?
Neutral you cannot be;
Someday your heart will be asking,
“What will He do with me?”

is standing **on trial** still,
You can be false to Him if you will,
You can be faithful thro’ good or ill:
What will you do with Jesus?


Will you evade Him
as Pilate tried?
Or will you choose Him,
whate’er betide?
Vainly you struggle from Him to hide:
What will you do with Jesus?


Will you,
like Peter,
your Lord deny?
Or will you scorn
from His foes to fly,
Daring for Jesus
to live or die?
What will you do with Jesus?


“Jesus, I give my heart today!
Jesus, I’ll follow Thee all the way,
Gladly obeying Thee!”
Will you say:
“This I will do with Jesus!”



Meaning of Jesus Is Standing In Pilates Hall

Jesus Is Standing In Pilate’s Hall: Making Our Choice

In this powerful hymn, we are presented with a moment in history where Jesus stands in Pilate’s hall, abandoned by friends and betrayed by those who once claimed to follow him. The chorus asks a compelling question, “What will you do with Jesus?” and reminds us that being neutral is not an option. Sooner or later, our hearts will be seeking an answer to the question, “What will He do with me?”

This hymn invites us to reflect on our own choices and actions when it comes to Jesus. Will we be false to Him, choosing to ignore or deny Him, or will we remain faithful, standing by Him through good and bad times? The hymn suggests that tries as we might, we cannot hide from Jesus. He knows us intimately and seeks a genuine relationship with each one of us.

Using the characters of Pilate and Peter, the hymn offers us examples of the different paths we can take. Pilate, seeking to evade Jesus, represents those who choose to ignore or push Jesus from their lives. They may attempt to hide from Him, but ultimately, they will find that evading Him is futile. Jesus will always be there, gently knocking at the of their hearts, inviting them to choose Him and experience His love and .

Peter, on the other hand, offers a different example. He denied Jesus three times but later repented and became one of the most steadfast followers of . His story reminds us that even when we fail, there is always an opportunity for redemption and renewal. We can choose to reject Jesus in moments of fear or uncertainty, but we can also choose to return to Him, seeking forgiveness and committing to live and die for Him.

The hymn suggests that the best choice we can make is to wholeheartedly give our lives to Jesus. It encourages us to surrender our hearts to Him, to follow Him faithfully and obediently in all circumstances. Choosing Jesus means accepting Him as our Savior, taking Him as our guide, and allowing His love and grace to transform us from within.

Making the choice to follow Jesus is not always easy. It requires courage and commitment. It means setting aside our own desires and ambitions to align them with His will. It entails trusting in His plans for our lives, even when they may diverge from our own expectations. But in choosing Jesus, we find true meaning and purpose. We discover the richness of His love and the of living in alignment with His teachings.

As we ponder the question posed by the hymn, “What will you do with Jesus?”, let us not take it lightly. Let us examine our hearts and consider the implications of our choices. The hymn reminds us that someday, our hearts will be the ones asking, “What will He do with me?”. May we choose wisely, opening our hearts to Jesus and entrusting our lives to Him.

In conclusion, “Jesus Is Standing In Pilate’s Hall” serves as a poignant reminder of the importance of our choices when it comes to Jesus. It calls us to examine our hearts and consider what we will do with Him. Will we evade Him, push Him away, or will we choose to follow Him faithfully, surrendering our lives to His will? The hymn invites us to make a decision, reminding us that neutrality is not an option. Ultimately, we must each answer the question for ourselves, knowing that our hearts will one day seek an answer to the question, “What will He do with me?”. May we choose to give our hearts to Jesus and wholeheartedly say, “This I will do with Jesus!”


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Reflect on your choice regarding Jesus in Pilate's hall. Will you deny Him like Peter or evade Him like Pilate? Choose Jesus and experience His love and grace.
Jesus Is Standing In Pilates Hall - Hymn Lyric - Reflect on your choice regarding Jesus in Pilate's hall. Will you deny Him like Peter or evade Him like Pilate? Choose Jesus and experience His love and grace.