Jesus Is The Refuge Where Hides My Trusting Soul – Hymn Lyric

Seek solace and refuge in Jesus

Jesus Is The Refuge Where Hides My Trusting Soul – Hymn Lyric

In the “Jesus Is The Refuge Where Hides My Trusting Soul,” we are reminded of the unwavering love and support that Jesus offers to those who believe in Him. Jesus is our refuge, physician, , sunshine, guide, brother, captain, and Savior. With Him, we find solace, healing, guidance, and victory. Let us take comfort in knowing that Jesus is always with us, offering His love and care as we navigate through life’s challenges.


Jesus Is The Refuge Where Hides My Trusting Soul – Hymn Lyric

Jesus is the Refuge, where hides my trusting soul;
He, the Great Physician, who makes the wounded whole;
Jesus is the Shepherded who seeks the wand’ring ,
And in His sunny pastures, His flock He’ll safely keep.

Before His precious cross I fall,
And find in Him my All in all;
On Him in ev’ry need I call,
And find in Him my All in all.

Jesus is the Brother, for hours of trial born,
He, the blest Consoler, to comfort all who mourn;
Jesus is the Sunshine to brighten ev’ry day,
And He the Guide to lead me along life’s changing way.


Jesus is the Captain who conquers in the ;
He, the mighty Fountain of life;
Jesus is the Savior who won me by His love;
His presence is the glory of brighter worlds above.



Meaning of Jesus Is The Refuge Where Hides My Trusting Soul

In times of struggle and uncertainty, we all seek refuge and solace. We yearn for a place where we can find comfort and peace. In this beautiful hymn titled “Jesus Is The Refuge Where Hides My Trusting Soul,” we are reminded of the unwavering love and support that Jesus offers to those who believe in Him.

The hymn begins by describing Jesus as our refuge. Just as a shelter provides protection from the storm, Jesus offers a safe haven for our trusting . He is the one we can turn to when we feel lost or overwhelmed. With Him, we find solace and strength to face life’s challenges head-on.

Just as a skilled physician heals our physical wounds, Jesus is the Great Physician who is capable of mending our wounded souls. His love and have the power to heal the scars left by past hurts and disappointments. Jesus offers us a divine remedy that not only restores our brokenness but also makes us whole again.

Continuing on, the hymn portrays Jesus as the caring shepherd who tirelessly seeks out His wandering sheep. In times of confusion and uncertainty, He gently guides us back to the safety of His fold. His loving presence reassures us that we are never alone and that He will always watch over us and keep us safe.

Furthermore, Jesus is likened to the warmth and light of the sun. Just as the sun brightens our day and brings hope, Jesus shines His light into our lives, illuminating the path we should follow. He is our guide, leading us through the twists and turns of life, helping us navigate through its uncertain waters.

Jesus is not only our refuge, physician, and shepherd, but He is also our brother. He understands the trials and tribulations that we face because He experienced them Himself during His time on earth. As a compassionate brother, Jesus offers us comfort and consolation in times of sorrow and grief. He is there to wipe away our and bring us hope, reminding us that we are never alone in our struggles.

Furthermore, the hymn highlights Jesus as the courageous captain who conquers in the strife. Life can often be a battlefield, filled with challenges and obstacles. But Jesus, as our captain, leads us into victory. His strength empowers us to overcome any adversity we may face. With Him by our side, we can be assured that we are equipped to face any battle that comes our way.

Jesus is the source of everlasting life. Just as a fountain brings forth water that never runs dry, Jesus’ love and grace are boundless. He offers us the gift of life through His sacrifice on the cross. This act of love not only saves us from our sins but also grants us the promise of a life beyond this earthly realm. In His presence, we find , peace, and the glory of brighter worlds above.

In conclusion, the hymn “Jesus Is The Refuge Where Hides My Trusting Soul” beautifully encapsulates the depth of love, care, and comfort that Jesus provides for those who trust in Him. He is our refuge, a place of shelter and protection. He is our physician, bringing healing and restoration to our wounded souls. He is our shepherd, guiding and watching over us in every step of our journey. He is our sunshine, brightening our darkest days. He is our guide, leading us along life’s changing path. He is our brother, offering comfort and consolation in times of sorrow. He is our captain, leading us to victory in times of strife. And most importantly, He is the Savior who won us by His love and grace. With Him, we find our all in all, calling upon Him in every need. Let us take solace in the refuge of Jesus and find comfort in knowing that He is always with us, offering His love, care, and guidance as we walk through life’s joys and challenges.


Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image

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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Seek solace and refuge in Jesus, the Great Physician and caring Shepherd. Find comfort, healing, and guidance in His unwavering love and grace. Trust in Him for all your needs and face life's challenges with His strength. Jesus is the source of eternal life and the Savior who won us by His love and grace.
Jesus Is The Refuge Where Hides My Trusting Soul - Hymn Lyric - Seek solace and refuge in Jesus, the Great Physician and caring Shepherd. Find comfort, healing, and guidance in His unwavering love and grace. Trust in Him for all your needs and face life's challenges with His strength. Jesus is the source of eternal life and the Savior who won us by His love and grace.