Jesus Knocks He Calls To Thee – Hymn Lyric
In the hymn “Jesus Knocks He Calls To Thee,” we are reminded of Jesus’ never-ending love and grace. He gently knocks at the door of our hearts, calling us to come to Him. By opening wide the door and inviting Him in, we can experience His saving power and find true joy and peace in Him. Jesus is always there, ready to rescue and redeem us; all we need to do is respond to His call.
Table of Contents
Jesus Knocks He Calls To Thee – Hymn Lyric
Jesus knocks; He calls to thee;
“Weary one, O come to me;”
He can save, and only He;
Open wide the door.
Open wide the door,
Open wide the door,
He can save, and only He;–
Open wide the door.
Jesus knocks, He comes to save,
‘Twas for thee His life He gave;
He hath triumph‘d o’er the grave;
Open wide the door. [Chorus]
Jesus knocks, is knocking still;
Yield to Him at once thy will;
He with joy thy heart can fill;
Open wide the door. [Chorus]
Jesus knocks; the moments fly;
While salvation yet is nigh;
Ere the Saviour passeth by,
Open wide the door. [Chorus]
Meaning of Jesus Knocks He Calls To Thee
In this beautiful hymn titled “Jesus Knocks He Calls To Thee,” we are reminded of the endless love and grace that Jesus has for each and every one of us. The lyrics tell us that Jesus is always there, knocking at the door of our hearts, and calling us to come to Him.
The first verse begins by describing how Jesus knocks on the door, gently calling out to us. He beckons us, the weary ones, to come to Him. Jesus is the only one who can save us from our troubles and burdens, and He is willing and able to do so. He urges us to open wide the door of our hearts and let Him in.
The chorus echoes this plea, encouraging us to open wide the door and allow Jesus to come in and save us. He is the only one who can truly rescue us and bring us the peace and joy that we long for.
The second verse reminds us that Jesus not only knocks, but He also comes to save. His love for us is so great that He willingly gave His life on the cross to redeem us from sin and death. Jesus’ sacrifice is a triumphant victory over the grave, demonstrating His power over all things. Once again, we are called to open wide the door of our hearts and receive the salvation and freedom that Jesus offers.
In the third verse, we are reminded that Jesus is persistent in seeking us out. He continues to knock on our hearts, patiently waiting for us to respond. All we need to do is yield our will to Him and let Him fill our hearts with joy. Jesus desires to have a personal relationship with each and every one of us, and He can bring true fulfillment and purpose to our lives if we open wide the door to Him.
The final verse serves as a gentle reminder of the urgency of the situation. The moments are flying by, and the opportunity for salvation is still within reach. Jesus could come at any moment, and we don’t want to miss our chance to open wide the door of our hearts and receive Him. We are encouraged to seize this moment, before the Savior passes by.
In conclusion, the hymn “Jesus Knocks He Calls To Thee” teaches us that Jesus is always there, knocking on the door of our hearts, and calling us to come to Him. His love, grace, and salvation are available to all who open wide the door and invite Him into their lives. May we heed His call, yield our will to Him, and experience the joy and peace that only Jesus can bring.
I hope this hymn inspired image brings you hope and peace. Share it with someone who needs it today!