Jesus Love Unbounded – Hymn Lyric

Discover the limitless love of Jesus: Embrace His endless grace

Jesus Love Unbounded – Hymn Lyric

“Jesus Love Unbounded: Embracing His Endless Love and ” explores the profound and love of Jesus. While humans may struggle to understand it fully, Jesus’ love remains constant and forgiving. As disciples, our goal is to honor his love through service and to share it with others, knowing that his presence and grace will guide us through this life and into eternity.


Jesus Love Unbounded – Hymn Lyric

Jesus’ love unbounded
none can e’er explain,
yet we, his disciples,
often cause him pain;

even they forget him
who have seen his face;
even they still grieve him
who enjoy his grace.

While we your past dealings
gratefully review,
we’re assured your
are each morning new;

pardon our ,
hear our earnest cry;
us in soul and body
heal and sanctify.

All our days, O Jesus,
hallow unto you;
may our lives be given
in your service true;

let us all experience,
to the end of days,
your abiding presence
and your loving grace.


Meaning of Jesus Love Unbounded

Jesus Love Unbounded: Embracing His Endless Love and Grace

Oh, the love of Jesus, it’s beyond what words can express, a love so vast and unending. Try as we might, we can never fully explain or understand the depths of his love for us, his disciples. And yet, sometimes, in our human imperfections, we cause him pain. Yes, even those who have been to see his face and enjoy his grace can still forget him and grieve him.

But here’s the beautiful truth that through it all: no matter how many times we may stumble or turn , Jesus’ love remains and unwavering. When we look back on our journey with him, we can’t help but be overwhelmed with gratitude for the countless mercies he has showered upon us. Each morning, as we awaken to a new day, we are reassured that his love and forgiveness are fresh and abundant.

In those moments when we recognize our transgressions and feel the weight of our mistakes, we can to Jesus with an earnest cry for forgiveness. And the amazing thing is, he not only hears our cry but also extends his healing and sanctifying grace to our souls and bodies. It’s through his love that we find restoration and renewal, as he wipes away our sins and makes us whole once again.

As his beloved disciples, we long to hallow all our days unto Jesus. We desire to live lives that are dedicated to serving him with true devotion and selflessness. We understand that it is through his love that we can experience true joy and fulfillment in this world. And so, we commit ourselves to following his example, spreading kindness, and sharing his love with others.

But, dear friends, let us not forget that the journey doesn’t end here on earth. Instead, we look forward to the promise of an eternity in his presence. Until the end of days, we long for his abiding presence, knowing that it is through his loving grace that we find everlasting peace. We trust in his unwavering promise to never leave us nor forsake us.

So, let us raise our voices, and with joyful hearts, sing praises to Jesus, the embodiment of unconditional love. Let us honor his love unbounded by sharing it with everyone we encounter. And as we do so, may our lives become a testament to his endless grace, illuminating the path for others to find their to his loving embrace.

In conclusion, dear friends, let us cherish and celebrate Jesus’ love unbounded. Let us remember that even amidst our human frailties and shortcomings, he continues to love us without measure. May we, as his disciples, strive to live in a way that honors and reflects the incredible love he has shown us. And as we journey through this life, may we always be filled with the knowledge of his abiding presence and his unwavering grace.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Discover the limitless love of Jesus: Embrace His endless grace, forgiveness, and presence. Find healing, renewal, and eternal peace through His unbounded love.
Jesus Love Unbounded - Hymn Lyric - Discover the limitless love of Jesus: Embrace His endless grace, forgiveness, and presence. Find healing, renewal, and eternal peace through His unbounded love.