Jesus Master Of The Feast – Hymn Lyric

Discover the abundant love and nourishment of Jesus as the Master of the Feast. Reflect on his unwavering love

Jesus Master Of The Feast – Hymn Lyric

In the hymn “Jesus Master of the Feast,” we are reminded of Jesus’ abundant and compassion. He serves as the host, inviting us to partake in his nourishing presence. Let us seek Jesus’ sustenance and find comfort in his unwavering love, knowing that he is always ready to receive and comfort us.


Jesus Master Of The Feast – Hymn Lyric

Jesus, Master of the feast, The feast itself art: Now receive Thy every guest, And comfort every heart.

Give us living bread to eat, Manna that from heaven comes down; See us waiting at Thy feet, And make Thy favor known.

In this earthly wilderness Thou hast a table spread, Richly filled with every Our fainting souls can need:

Still sustain us by Thy love, Still Thy servants’ strength repair, Till we reach Thy courts above, And feast forever there.



Meaning of Jesus Master Of The Feast

Jesus Master of the Feast: Nourishing Our Souls with Abundance and Love

In this beautiful hymn titled “Jesus Master of the Feast,” we are reminded of the abundant love and compassion that Jesus offers to each one of us. The words in this hymn paint a picture of a banquet, a feast where Jesus serves as the host, inviting us to partake in his nourishing presence. Let’s delve deeper into the meaning behind this hymn and reflect on the message it conveys.

The hymn begins by addressing Jesus as the Master of the feast. The use of this title signifies Jesus’ authority in providing for our spiritual needs. Just as a master of a feast takes care of every detail, Jesus is there to receive and comfort every guest, which includes you and me. It’s a comforting thought to know that Jesus is always there to welcome us with open arms, regardless of our circumstances or past mistakes.

The hymn continues by asking Jesus to give us living bread to eat, referring to the spiritual sustenance that he offers. This concept of living bread is symbolic of the word of , which is described as manna that comes down from heaven. In the Bible, manna was the bread that sustained the Israelites during their journey in the wilderness. Similarly, Jesus provides us with the spiritual sustenance we need to navigate through the challenges of .

As the hymn describes, we are waiting at Jesus’ feet, seeking his favor and . This imagery reminds us of the importance of humbly approaching Jesus, recognizing our dependence on him for guidance and strength. We acknowledge that in this earthly wilderness, where we often feel lost and weary, Jesus has prepared a table spread with rich grace. He provides us with everything our fainting souls can need.

The hymn then emphasizes the unwavering love of Jesus, which sustains us throughout our journey. It speaks of Jesus still sustaining us by his love, continuously repairing our strength as his servants. Just like the Israelites relied on manna every day, we too rely on Jesus’ love and grace to sustain us daily. It is through this love that we find the strength to persevere and keep moving forward, no matter what challenges we may face.

Ultimately, the hymn directs our focus towards the eternal feast that awaits us in God’s heavenly courts. It is a reminder of the we have as believers that one day we will join Jesus in an feast. This serves as a motivation to live our lives in accordance with his teachings and to continually seek his presence.

In conclusion, the hymn “Jesus Master of the Feast” beautifully portrays Jesus as the ultimate provider of our spiritual nourishment. It reminds us of his unwavering love, his abundance of grace, and his promise of an eternal feast. As we navigate through the challenges of life, let us constantly seek Jesus’ presence and trust in his ability to sustain us. May we all find comfort and hope in the knowledge that Jesus is the Master of the feast, always ready to receive and comfort every guest, including you and me. Amen.


Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image

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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Discover the abundant love and nourishment of Jesus as the Master of the Feast. Reflect on his unwavering love, grace, and promise of an eternal feast. Seek comfort and guidance in his presence. Jesus Master of the Feast: Nourishing Souls with Abundance and Love.
Jesus Master Of The Feast - Hymn Lyric - Discover the abundant love and nourishment of Jesus as the Master of the Feast. Reflect on his unwavering love, grace, and promise of an eternal feast. Seek comfort and guidance in his presence. Jesus Master of the Feast: Nourishing Souls with Abundance and Love.