Jesus My Lord In Thy Dear Name Unite – Hymn Lyric

Discover the profound sentiments conveyed in the hymn "Jesus My Lord In Thy Dear Name Unite." Explore themes of love

Jesus My Lord In Thy Dear Name Unite – Hymn Lyric

“Jesus My Lord In Thy Dear Name Unite” is a heartfelt hymn expressing deep love and devotion to Jesus Christ. The writer longs for Jesus’ presence, seeks guidance and strength, and desires their heart to be transformed to faithfully serve and adore him. Through themes of love, devotion, and obedience, this hymn encourages believers to draw closer to Jesus, surrendering their hearts to his divine will.


Jesus My Lord In Thy Dear Name Unite – Hymn Lyric

Jesus, my Lord, in thy dear name unite,
All that my heart calls great or good or sweet;
Whate’er inspires with wonder or delight,
In thee, fairest of ten thousand, meet.

Do I not love thee? Ah, my conscious heart
Nor boldly dares affirm nor can deny;
O bid these clouds of gloomy fear depart,
With one bright ray from thy propitious eye!

Do I not love thee? Can I then allow,
Within my breast pretenders to thy throne?
O take my homage; at thy feet I bow!
No other Lord my heart desires to own.

Take, take my passions in thy sovereign hand,
Refine and mould them with almighty skill;
Then shall I love the voice of thy command,
And all my powers rejoice to do thy will.

Thy love inspires the active of light,
With swift-winged zeal they wait upon thy word;
O let that love in these abodes of ,
Bid my heart glow to serve my dearest Lord!

Come, love divine, my languid wishes raise!
With zeal, this faint cold heart inflame,
To join with angels in my ‘s ,
Like them obey his will, adore his name!

But can the mind, with heavy clay opprest,
To emulate seraphic ardor rise?
While pollutes her joys, forbids her rest,
How can she join the worship of the skies?

Yet he commands to love and to obey,
Whose hand sustains those happy spirits there
In him, my , who is thy guide, thy stay,
In him confide, to him commit thy care.

Jesus, my Lord, O give me strength divine!
Then shall my powers in glad obedience move;
Receive the heart that wishes to be thine,
And teach, O teach me to obey and love!


Meaning of Jesus My Lord In Thy Dear Name Unite

Jesus My Lord In Thy Dear Name Unite


In the hymn titled “Jesus My Lord In Thy Dear Name Unite,” the writer expresses their deep love and devotion to Jesus Christ. They acknowledge Jesus as the fairest and greatest of all, and they long for his presence in their . This hymn explores themes of love, devotion, and obedience to Jesus. Throughout the verses, the writer contemplates their own love for Jesus, seeks his guidance and strength, and implores for their heart to be transformed so they can faithfully serve and adore him. Let us delve into each verse and discover the profound sentiments conveyed in this beautiful hymn.

Verse 1: Love and Delight in Jesus

The first verse of “Jesus My Lord In Thy Dear Name Unite” begins by acknowledging Jesus’ greatness and goodness. The writer passionately declares their love for Jesus, yet admits that their human heart cannot fully comprehend or express their affection. The writer yearns for Jesus to dispel any doubts or fears that linger within them and longs for his comforting presence.

Verse 2: Surrendering to Jesus

In this verse, the writer acknowledges that there can be no other Lord in their heart besides Jesus. They willingly bow before him, humbling themselves, and offering their homage. The writer desires for Jesus to take control of their passions and desires, surrendering them into his sovereign hand. They understand that only through Jesus’ refining and molding can their love for him and their obedience to his commandments thrive.

Verse 3: A Call for Zeal and Service

The third verse of the hymn speaks of the active sons of light, who serve Jesus with swift-winged zeal. The writer longs for the same love and zeal to ignite within their own heart. They yearn for Jesus’ love to permeate even the darkest places, awakening a burning desire to serve their dearest Lord. It is an invitation for divine love to stoke the fires of passion and devotion within.

Verse 4: The Struggle with Sin and the Call for Trust

The fourth verse acknowledges the heaviness of the human mind, burdened by sin. The writer questions how they can aspire to the fervor of angelic worship when sin taints their thoughts and inhibits their joy. However, the writer finds solace in their trust in Jesus, who can guide and sustain them. They their confidence in Jesus, committing their cares to him and relying on his strength and grace.

Verse 5: Seeking Strength and Obedience

In the final verse, the writer implores Jesus to grant them divine strength. They recognize their own weakness and acknowledge that it is only through the power of Jesus that they can obediently follow his commands. The writer offers their heart to Jesus, expressing their desire to be completely his. They seek his guidance and ask for him to teach them how to faithfully obey and love him.


In the hymn “Jesus My Lord In Thy Dear Name Unite,” the writer uses heartfelt language and vivid imagery to convey their deep love and devotion to Jesus. They offer their heart, seeking his presence, guidance, and transformation. It is a hymn that speaks to our own longing for a closer relationship with Jesus, acknowledging our weaknesses and surrendering ourselves to his divine will. Through the repetition of the central idea of love, devotion, and obedience, this hymn encourages and inspires believers to draw closer to Jesus, to serve him zealously, and to trust in his strength and grace.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Discover the profound sentiments conveyed in the hymn Jesus My Lord In Thy Dear Name Unite. Explore themes of love, devotion, and obedience to Jesus. Surrender to His greatness and seek His guidance and strength to faithfully serve and adore Him.
Jesus My Lord In Thy Dear Name Unite - Hymn Lyric - Discover the profound sentiments conveyed in the hymn "Jesus My Lord In Thy Dear Name Unite." Explore themes of love, devotion, and obedience to Jesus. Surrender to His greatness and seek His guidance and strength to faithfully serve and adore Him.