Jesus My Savior How Mighty Thou Art – Hymn Lyric
In the hymn “Jesus My Savior How Mighty Thou Art,” we are reminded of the incredible power and love of Jesus. The words of this hymn testify to the impact of Jesus in our lives, offering hope, guidance, and freedom. Let’s explore these ideas further and dive into the beautiful message of this hymn.
Table of Contents
Jesus My Savior How Mighty Thou Art – Hymn Lyric
my Saviour,
how mighty Thou art;
Holy and precious,
You dwell in my heart;
The blood Thou sheddest,
Thou sheddest for me;
Cleansing forever,
Thy blood sets me free.
my Saviour,
the Truth and the Way,
Giver of life
and my hope and my stay;
I’ll trust Thy wisdom
and walk in Thy will;
Draw my soul closer,
and keep my heart still.
When I am weary,
and can’t find my way,
Speak to my heart
and then help me obey;
Safe in Thy bosom,
I watch devils flee:
Jesus my Saviour
will give victory.
Jesus my Savior
forever will be;
My heart will sing
and give praise unto Thee;
Sin, sadness, sorrow
will be in the past;
Life with the Saviour
will be mine at last.
Meaning of Jesus My Savior How Mighty Thou Art
In the hymn “Jesus My Savior How Mighty Thou Art,” we are reminded of the incredible power and love of Jesus. The words of this hymn testify to the impact of Jesus in our lives, offering hope, guidance, and freedom. Let’s explore these ideas further and dive into the beautiful message of this hymn.
Jesus, my Saviour, how mighty Thou art. This line sets the tone for the entire hymn. The use of the word “mighty” emphasizes the immense strength and power of Jesus. As our Savior, He has the ability to rescue us from sin and guide us towards a life of righteousness.
Holy and precious, You dwell in my heart. Here, we are reminded of the holy nature of Jesus. He is not only mighty but also precious. When we accept Him into our hearts, we invite His presence to dwell within us, bringing goodness and light into our lives.
The blood Thou sheddest, Thou sheddest for me; Cleansing forever, Thy blood sets me free. These lines speak of the sacrifice Jesus made on the cross. The shedding of His blood was an act of pure love, done for each one of us. It is through His blood that we find forgiveness and eternal freedom from the burdens of sin.
Jesus, my Saviour, the Truth and the Way. This line reminds us that Jesus is not only our Savior but also the source of truth and the only way to salvation. In a world filled with confusion and uncertainty, Jesus offers us the ultimate guidance and direction. We can trust in His wisdom and follow His teachings to find true fulfillment.
Giver of life and my hope and my stay. These words highlight the life-giving power of Jesus. He is the ultimate source of hope in our lives, providing us with the strength to face any challenge that comes our way. When we feel lost or overwhelmed, we can lean on Jesus as our steady support, our stay.
I’ll trust Thy wisdom and walk in Thy will. These words express our desire to live in alignment with God’s plan for our lives. By trusting in Jesus’ wisdom and following His will, we can experience a life filled with meaning and purpose. It is in this surrender to His guidance that we find true peace and contentment.
Draw my soul closer, and keep my heart still. This line reminds us of the importance of staying connected to Jesus. As we draw nearer to Him, our souls are refreshed, and our hearts find stillness. In the midst of life’s chaos and busyness, Jesus offers us a place of calm, where we can find rest and peace.
When I am weary and can’t find my way, Speak to my heart and then help me obey. These words express our human frailty and the times when we feel lost and weary. In those moments, we turn to Jesus and ask Him to speak to our hearts. We seek His guidance and wisdom to help us navigate through life’s challenges. By obeying His teachings, we can find the strength to persevere and overcome any obstacle.
Safe in Thy bosom, I watch devils flee: Jesus my Savior will give victory. This line captures the essence of the hymn’s message the victory we have in Jesus. When we place our trust in Him, we find safety and protection. The forces of evil cannot stand against the power of our Savior. With Jesus by our side, we can conquer any battle and experience the victory that comes through Him.
Jesus, my Savior will be forever. These words affirm the everlasting nature of Jesus’ love for us. He is not a temporary Savior but one who lasts for all eternity. As we sing praises to Him, our hearts are filled with joy and gratitude for the never-ending grace and mercy He bestows upon us.
My heart will sing and give praise unto Thee; Sin, sadness, sorrow will be in the past; Life with the Savior will be mine at last. These final lines express the overwhelming joy and hope that Jesus brings. As we praise Him and offer our hearts in gratitude, we are freed from the entanglements of sin, sadness, and sorrow. Life with Jesus is a life of everlasting joy, where all our sorrows will fade away, and true fulfillment will be ours.
In conclusion, the hymn “Jesus My Savior How Mighty Thou Art” beautifully portrays the awe-inspiring love and power of Jesus. Through His sacrifice, we find forgiveness, freedom, and victory. As we trust in His wisdom, walk in His will, and draw near to Him, our lives are transformed. May we always remember the mighty Savior we have in Jesus and the joyous life He offers us.
I hope this hymn inspired image brings you hope and peace. Share it with someone who needs it today!