Jesus Our Lord To Heaven Is Gone – Hymn Lyric

Experience the Glory of Jesus Our Lord's Ascension: Discover the significance of His heavenly journey and eagerly anticipate His future return. Find hope and joy in Jesus' sacrificial love and redemption.

Jesus Our Lord To Heaven Is Gone – Hymn Lyric

“Jesus Our Lord To Heaven Is Gone: The Glorious Ascension and Future Return” is a beautiful that celebrates Jesus’ journey from Earth to heaven. It reminds us of His sacrifice and the we have in His return. This hymn encourages us to live with purpose and to share the love of Christ with others.


Jesus Our Lord To Heaven Is Gone – Hymn Lyric

Jesus our Lord to heaven is gone,
And sits at ‘s right hand!
Where angels, him their sovereign own,
And are at his command.

Lo, he ascends with power and might,
To heaven from whence he
And there he reigns in glorious ,
And angels praise his name.

For that he once himself abased,
And died to set us free;
He is by all in heaven praised,
And will forever be.

Once more, on earth he is to come,
To judge the human race
And take his ransomed people home,
To know his power and grace.


Meaning of Jesus Our Lord To Heaven Is Gone

Jesus Our Lord To Heaven Is Gone: The Glorious Ascension and Future Return

In this beautiful hymn, we are reminded of the incredible journey of Jesus Christ from Earth to heaven. With each verse, we delve deeper into the significance of Jesus’ ascension and eagerly anticipate His future return.

The hymn begins by proclaiming that Jesus, our Lord, has gone to heaven and now sits at the right hand of God. This position of honor and authority shows that even the angels recognize His sovereignty and gladly obey His commands. Imagine the heavenly scene, where Jesus is revered and worshiped by all. It is a testament to His power and majesty.

As we reflect on Jesus’ ascension, it is important to remember the reason behind it – His sacrificial death on the . The hymn reminds us that Jesus humbled Himself, willingly sacrificing His to set us free. This act of love and redemption earns Him the praise and adoration of all in heaven. Jesus’ selfless act continues to be celebrated by believers around the , for His sacrifice brings hope and eternal life.

Though Jesus now reigns in glorious light, the hymn assures us that this is not the end of His story. It proclaims that Jesus will once again return to earth, this time as a judge. The anticipation of His second coming fills our hearts with awe and expectation. We long for that day when Jesus will gather His ransomed people and lead them to their true home.

In our daily lives, it can be easy to lose sight of the grandeur and significance of Jesus’ ascension and future return. But this hymn serves as a powerful reminder of the hope and joy found in our . It reminds us that Jesus is not distant or detached from our lives, but rather intimately involved in our journey.

The ascension of Jesus signifies that He is not bound by the limitations of this world. He has conquered sin and death, and now intercedes for us before God. This truth gives us confidence as we face challenges and seek His guidance and help in our lives. Jesus’ ascension assures us that we have an advocate in heaven, someone who understands and cares for us in our moments of need.

Furthermore, the promise of Jesus’ return serves as a source of comfort and encouragement. We know that He will come to judge the world, to set things right and establish His kingdom. This hope motivates us to live with purpose and to share the love of Christ with others, so that they too may experience the joy and redemption found in Him.

As we sing this hymn and reflect on its message, let us be filled with a sense of gratefulness and awe. With each verse, we are reminded of the incredible journey Jesus undertook for our sake. He ascended to heaven, but He is not distant or detached. He is present in our lives, interceding on our behalf and preparing a place for us in .

So let us hold onto this truth: Jesus our Lord to heaven is gone, but He will come again. May we eagerly await His return, living lives that honor and glorify Him. And in the meantime, let us share the good news of His love and redemption with the world, so that others may join us in the hope and joy found in Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Experience the Glory of Jesus Our Lord's Ascension: Discover the significance of His heavenly journey and eagerly anticipate His future return. Find hope and joy in Jesus' sacrificial love and redemption.
Jesus Our Lord To Heaven Is Gone - Hymn Lyric - Experience the Glory of Jesus Our Lord's Ascension: Discover the significance of His heavenly journey and eagerly anticipate His future return. Find hope and joy in Jesus' sacrificial love and redemption.