Jesus Redeemer Ere The Light – Hymn Lyric

Celebrate the Miracle of Salvation with Jesus Redeemer Ere The Light. Reflect on Jesus' birth and His role as our Redeemer and eternal hope. Offer praise and gratitude to the one who came before the light.

Jesus Redeemer Ere The Light – Hymn Lyric

“Jesus Redeemer Ere The ” is a hymn that reminds us of the extraordinary birth of Jesus and the love and He represents. This hymn celebrates Jesus as the Redeemer, emphasizing His nature and role as the hope for all of humanity. Reflecting on the miracle of salvation brought forth by Jesus’ birth, we are invited to offer praise and gratitude to Him for His selflessness and the new beginning He offers.


Jesus Redeemer Ere The Light – Hymn Lyric

ere the light,
Born in transcendent glory bright;
Effulgent Thou, with equal beam
Proceeding from Thy Sire supreme.

the great Father’s light we know,
Eternal hope of all below;
Regard our prayer, to Thee we fly,
Oh, hear Thy suppliant servants’ cry.

Redeemer, blest Creator, Thou
For our redemption once didst bow;
Assuming, to avert our doom,
Man’s nature from the virgin’s womb.

This joyful day returns to prove
That miracle of boundless love,
When by the Father’s only Son
The world’s salvation was .

Him the bright stars, the earth, the
And all beneath Heav’n’s canopy,
The author of our birth anew,
Praise with new hymns and glory due.

And we, whom Thy atoning blood
Has cleansed with pure redeeming flood,
With hymns on this Thy natal day,
The tribute of our homage pay.

Jesus, of virgin born, to Thee
May praise and glory ever be,
With Father and with Holy Ghost,
By men and Heav’n’s eternal host.


Meaning of Jesus Redeemer Ere The Light

Jesus Redeemer Ere The Light: Celebrating the Miracle of Salvation

In the hymn “Jesus Redeemer Ere The Light,” we are reminded of the extraordinary birth of Jesus and the incredible love and sacrifice He embodies. The verses of this hymn paint a beautiful portrait of Jesus, highlighting His role as the Redeemer and the eternal hope for all humanity. Let’s delve deeper into the ideas expressed in this hymn to understand the significance of Jesus’ birth and its impact on our lives.

The hymn begins by addressing Jesus as the Redeemer, emphasizing His brilliance and glory. The words “Born in transcendent glory bright” evoke a sense of awe and wonder, emphasizing Jesus’ divine nature. The hymn proclaims that Jesus, as the Son of God, radiates with the same effulgent light as His heavenly Father, signifying His equal status and authority.

As the Redeemer, Jesus is the eternal hope for all those who live below, on earth. The hymn acknowledges Jesus as the source of light and salvation, pointing to Him as the one who can answer our prayers and fulfill our deepest desires. It calls upon Jesus to hear the prayers of His humble servants, emphasizing the personal and intimate relationship we can have with Him.

The hymn then reflects on the miraculous nature of Jesus’ birth. It states that Jesus, as the blessed Creator, willingly assumed human nature to redeem humanity. His birth from the virgin’s womb was a profound act of love and humility. The hymn draws our attention to the selflessness of Jesus’ sacrifice, symbolizing His willingness to take on the burdens of humanity in order to save us from our .

The joyful day mentioned in the hymn refers to the celebration of Jesus’ birth, which marks the beginning of the world’s salvation. It highlights the remarkable and boundless love of the Father, who sent His only Son to redemption to humanity. This day holds great significance as it commemorates the beginning of a new era, where salvation is made possible through Jesus.

The hymn acknowledges the universal praise and glory accorded to Jesus by the stars, the earth, the sea, and all creation. It emphasizes that Jesus is not just the author of our physical birth but also the source of our spiritual rebirth. Through His atoning blood, Jesus cleanses us and grants us the opportunity for a fresh start, free from the burden of sin. As recipients of Jesus’ redeeming sacrifice, we join in the hymn’s call to offer our gratitude and adoration on this special day.

The final verse of the hymn expands the praise and glory given to Jesus, acknowledging the Holy Trinity. It proclaims that Jesus, born of a virgin, deserves eternal praise and glory alongside the Father and the Holy Ghost. This verse emphasizes the unity and divinity of the Trinity, showcasing the eternal nature of Jesus’ existence and role in our salvation.

In summary, the hymn “Jesus Redeemer Ere The Light” encapsulates the profound significance of Jesus’ birth. It highlights Jesus’ role as the Redeemer and the eternal hope of humanity. The hymn invites us to the miracle of salvation brought forth by the birth of Jesus and encourages us to offer our praise and gratitude to Him. As we reflect upon these words, may we be reminded of the immense love and sacrifice Jesus displayed, and may our hearts be filled with joy and reverence for the Redeemer who came before the light.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Celebrate the Miracle of Salvation with Jesus Redeemer Ere The Light. Reflect on Jesus' birth and His role as our Redeemer and eternal hope. Offer praise and gratitude to the one who came before the light.
Jesus Redeemer Ere The Light - Hymn Lyric - Celebrate the Miracle of Salvation with Jesus Redeemer Ere The Light. Reflect on Jesus' birth and His role as our Redeemer and eternal hope. Offer praise and gratitude to the one who came before the light.