Jesus The Rock – Hymn Lyric
“Jesus The Rock: Finding Stability and Hope in Uncertain Times” Amidst uncertainty and turmoil, Jesus is the unshakeable rock that provides stability and security. He remains steadfast even when everything around us crumbles, offering a refuge from the storms of life. By placing our trust in Him, we find hope and restoration in the midst of uncertainty.
Table of Contents
Jesus The Rock – Hymn Lyric
Jesus, the rock on which my feet may safely and securely stand,
While all around me sinks and falls, and scatters like the crumbling sand.
Jesus, the rock, I cling to thee, tho’ waves and billows ’round me roll;
Jesus my hope, my only plea, the stay and comfort of my soul.
Jesus, the rock on which I build,
The sure foundation, true and tried;
Bright star of hope for ruined man, is Jesus Christ, the crucified!
Jesus, the rock stands firm secure,
Unyielding, tho’ the storms may beat;
In this sure trust I anchor fast, and find a blessed safe retreat.
Jesus, the rock, blest Saviour, thou art all I want, and all I crave;
I trust in thee, for well I know thy mighty power alone can save.
Meaning of Jesus The Rock
Jesus The Rock: Finding Stability and Hope in Uncertain Times
In times of uncertainty and turmoil, it is natural for us to seek stability and security. We long for something or someone on which we can firmly stand, while everything around us seems to crumble like the shifting sands. In the hymn “Jesus, The Rock,” we find solace and strength in the unshakeable foundation that Jesus provides for our lives.
The hymn begins with the powerful imagery of Jesus as the rock on which our feet may safely stand. Just as a solid rock provides a secure and stable foundation, Jesus offers us stability amidst the uncertainties of life. When everything around us sinks and falls apart, Jesus remains steadfast, never wavering in His love and care for us. It is in Him that we find a refuge from the storms and waves that threaten to overwhelm us.
With each verse of the hymn, the refrain emphasizes the crucial role that Jesus plays in our lives. It proclaims that Jesus is not only the rock on which we can cling, but also our hope and our only plea. When the waves and billows of life roll around us, Jesus is the anchor that keeps us stable and secure. He is the source of our comfort and the strength that upholds our souls.
Building upon the imagery of a rock, the hymn describes Jesus as a sure foundation that has been tested and proven true. Just as a building relies on a firm and stable foundation, our lives are built on the truth and faithfulness of Jesus Christ. He is the bright star of hope shining in the darkness, offering restoration and redemption to all who are lost and broken.
Even in the face of storms that may beat against us, Jesus stands firm and unwavering. His strength is unyielding, providing us with a blessed safe retreat. As we anchor ourselves in Him, we can find peace and security that surpasses understanding. In the midst of life’s trials and tribulations, Jesus offers us a place of refuge where we can find rest and renewal.
The hymn concludes by proclaiming that Jesus is all we want and all we need. He is the ultimate source of our trust and the only one who has the power to save. In a world filled with uncertainty and confusion, we can fully rely on His mighty power to guide and sustain us. Jesus is not only the rock on which we stand, but also the rock that saves and transforms our lives.
In conclusion, the hymn “Jesus, The Rock” beautifully captures the essence of finding stability and hope in uncertain times. It reminds us that in Jesus, we have a solid foundation on which we can firmly stand. When everything around us seems to falter, He remains steadfast and unwavering. Jesus offers us a refuge from the storms of life, providing comfort and strength for our souls. As we build our lives on His truth and faithfulness, we find hope and restoration. May we always cling to Jesus, the rock, and trust in His mighty power to save.
I hope this hymn inspired image brings you hope and peace. Share it with someone who needs it today!