Jesus The Savior Is Passing This Way – Hymn Lyric

Find healing in Jesus as the Savior passes by. Embrace the opportunity for forgiveness and redemption. Come

Jesus The Savior Is Passing This Way – Hymn Lyric

In the “Jesus the Savior is Passing This Way,” we are reminded of the incredible love and healing power of Jesus Christ. This hymn calls out to sinners, urging them to forward and receive the healing that only Jesus can provide. Through its poetic language and repetitive refrain, this hymn emphasizes the urgency and importance of embracing Jesus’ offer of healing. So let us not delay, but instead, embrace the healing that Jesus is offering us.


Jesus The Savior Is Passing This Way – Hymn Lyric

Jesus the is passing this way,
Come, there is healing for ;
at his bidding: oh, why wilt thou stay?
Come, there is healing for thee.

Healing for thee, sinner, for thee,
Now there is healing for thee;
Jesus the Saviour is passing this way,
Come, there is healing for thee.

Jesus is patiently calling today,
Come, there is healing for thee;
Now he is waiting, no longer delay,-
Come, there is healing for thee.


Jesus is passing, oh, fall at his feet,
Come, there is healing for thee;
Fly to refuge, thy only retreat,
Come, there is healing for thee.


Jesus will save thee if thou wilt believe,
Come, there is healing for thee;
Haste, and the rapture of pardon receive,
Come, there is healing for thee.



Meaning of Jesus The Savior Is Passing This Way

In the hymn “Jesus the Savior is Passing This Way,” we are reminded of the incredible love and healing power of Jesus Christ. This hymn calls out to sinners, urging them to come forward and receive the healing that only Jesus can provide. Throughout the verses of this hymn, we are encouraged to not delay but to embrace the opportunity for healing that Jesus is offering.

The refrain of the hymn emphasizes the central message: there is healing available for sinners, and it is offered by none other than Jesus Christ himself. This repetition helps to reinforce the main theme of the hymn and serves as a powerful reminder that healing is within our grasp if we only reach out to Jesus.

The first verse of the hymn sets the tone for the entire piece. It opens by proclaiming that Jesus the Savior is passing this way, inviting sinners to come and find healing in his presence. The verse emphasizes that there is healing available not just for some, but for all who seek it. The use of the word “thee” in the refrain is inclusive, addressing each individual personally and making it clear that this offer of healing is for everyone.

The second verse continues to build on this idea, stating that Jesus is patiently calling out to sinners today. It paints a picture of a loving and compassionate Savior, who is eagerly waiting for us to respond to his call. The verse urges us not to delay but to seize this opportunity for healing. The repetition of the refrain throughout the hymn reinforces the sense of urgency in responding to Jesus’ call.

In the third verse, we are urged to fall at Jesus’ feet and find refuge in him. It reminds us that Jesus is not only our Savior but also our refuge and safe haven. No matter how broken or lost we may feel, Jesus offers a of comfort and healing. The verse encourages us to fly to this refuge and see it as our only retreat, emphasizing the exclusivity and unique power of Jesus in our lives.

The final verse of the hymn focuses on the importance of belief in receiving healing from Jesus. It emphasizes that if we truly believe in Jesus and his power to save, we can receive the rapture of pardon. The word “pardon” here signifies the forgiveness of sins. It reminds us that through Jesus’ on the , we can find forgiveness and redemption. The verse urges us to hasten and receive this rapture of pardon, highlighting the urgency and importance of embracing Jesus’ offer of healing.

In conclusion, “Jesus the Savior is Passing This Way” is a powerful hymn that emphasizes the love and healing power of Jesus Christ. Through its poetic language and repetitive refrain, it calls out to sinners, urging them to come forward and find healing in Jesus’ presence. This hymn reminds us of the incredible opportunity we have to receive healing and forgiveness through faith in Jesus. So let us not delay, but instead, embrace the healing that Jesus is offering us.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Find healing in Jesus as the Savior passes by. Embrace the opportunity for forgiveness and redemption. Come, there is healing for thee. [Keyword: Jesus The Savior Is Passing This Way]
Jesus The Savior Is Passing This Way - Hymn Lyric - Find healing in Jesus as the Savior passes by. Embrace the opportunity for forgiveness and redemption. Come, there is healing for thee.