Jesus, The Very Thought Of Thee – Hymn Lyric

Experience the profound love and sweetness of Jesus in these heartfelt verses. Discover spiritual awakening and self-discovery through His divine presence. The very thought of Jesus brings solace and joy beyond earthly pleasures.

Jesus, The Very Thought Of Thee – Hymn Lyric

Embark on a spiritual journey of self-discovery and intimacy with Jesus through profound verses expressing and light. Reflect on the sweetness His name brings to the and the divine presence that offers solace. Discover the joy and fulfillment found in seeking His love, a love that transcends all human understanding and fills the void within.


Jesus, The Very Thought Of Thee – Hymn Lyric

Jesus, the very thought of Thee
With sweetness fills the breast;
But sweeter far Thy face to see,
And in Thy presence rest.

Nor voice can sing, nor heart can frame,
Nor can the memory find
A sweeter sound than Thy blest Name,
O Savior of mankind!

O hope of every contrite heart,
O joy of all the meek,
To those who fall, how kind Thou art!
How good to those who seek!

But what to those who find? Ah, this
Nor tongue nor pen can show;
The love of Jesus, what it is,
None but His loved ones know.

Jesus, our only joy be Thou,
As Thou our prize will be;
Jesus be Thou our now,
And through eternity.

O Jesus, King most wonderful
Thou Conqueror renowned,
Thou sweetness most ineffable
In Whom all joys are found!

When once Thou visitest the heart,
Then truth begins to shine,
Then earthly vanities depart,
Then kindles love divine.

O Jesus, light of all below,
Thou fount of living fire,
Surpassing all the joys we know,
And all we can desire.

Jesus, may all Thy Name,
Thy wondrous love adore,
And, seeking Thee, themselves inflame
To seek Thee more and more.

Thee, Jesus, may our voices bless,
Thee may we love alone,
And ever in our lives express
The image of Thine own.

O Jesus, Thou the beauty art
Of angel worlds above;
Thy Name is music to the heart,
Inflaming it with love.

Sweetness unalloyed,
Who eat Thee hunger still;
Who drink of Thee still feel a void
Which only Thou canst fill.

O most sweet Jesus, hear the sighs
Which unto Thee we send;
To Thee our inmost cries;
To Thee our prayers ascend.

Abide with us, and let Thy light
Shine, Lord, on every heart;
Dispel the of our night;
And joy to all impart.

Jesus, our love and joy to Thee,
The virgin’s holy Son,
All might and praise and glory be,
While endless ages run.


Meaning of Jesus, The Very Thought Of Thee

Today, I invite you on a journey through the realms of self-discovery and spiritual awakening, as we gently ponder upon the verses inspired by the light and love of Jesus. The words offered to us speak of a love so profound and an intimacy so heartfelt that it transcends the bounds of our earthly understanding.

Let us begin by contemplating the sheer sweetness that the thought of Jesus can bring to our hearts. Imagine, if just thinking of Him can fill our breasts with warmth and solace, how indescribable it would be to rest in His divine presence. Herein lies a gentle reminder that our ultimate fulfillment and peace are found not in the transient pleasures of this , but in the eternal embrace of the divine.

As we reflect deeper, let us consider the idea that no song, no heart, and no memory can fully capture the sweetness of His name, a name entwined with hope for every contrite heart and joy for all who walk in meekness. In our moments of vulnerability and earnest seeking, the kindness and goodness of Jesus become our anchors, guiding us towards a compassionate acceptance of ourselves.

But what happens when we truly find Him? When we peel back the layers of our defenses and allow His love to permeate our being? This love, my dear friends, is an experience so profound that words and pen both fall short in describing its depths. It is a love known intimately only by those who have opened their hearts to cherish it. Such a divine connection invites us to embrace our humanity with grace, recognizing our flaws and strengths as part of the divine masterpiece.

In our spiritual quests, may Jesus be our joy and our ultimate prize, not just an external adornment but the glory that resides within. His light, when it visits our hearts, dispels the shadows and ignites a love divine. It is in these moments of inner illumination, that the vanities and illusions of the world lose their grip on us, replaced by a truth that ever so .

When we acknowledge Jesus as the fount of living fire, surpassing all known joys and desires, we strive to align ourselves more closely with that divine love. This alignment, this seeking of His name and wondrous love, inflames our spirits and fuels our journey towards a deeper connection with the divine presence. Our voices, our love, and our lives then become echoes of His image, reflections of His glorified essence.

There is a sacred beauty in this celestial sweetness, a purity that fills our deepest hungers and quenches our spiritual thirsts. Yet, this divine filling continually invites us to seek more, for in Jesus, the process of spiritual nourishment is endless and ever-enriching.

As we draw near to the conclusion of our introspective journey, I call upon you all to let your inmost spirit, your most sincere prayers, ascend to Jesus. Seek His abiding presence in your life, for in His light, all darkness dissipates, and joy sprouts anew in every heart.

In closing, may we extend our love and joy to the holy Son of the virgin, recognizing that through endless ages, all might, praise, and glory belong to Him. As we journey through self-discovery and acceptance, let us be reminded that in embracing our humanity, we are never alone, always accompanied by the profound love of Jesus.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Experience the profound love and sweetness of Jesus in these heartfelt verses. Discover spiritual awakening and self-discovery through His divine presence. The very thought of Jesus brings solace and joy beyond earthly pleasures.
Jesus, The Very Thought Of Thee - Hymn Lyric - Experience the profound love and sweetness of Jesus in these heartfelt verses. Discover spiritual awakening and self-discovery through His divine presence. The very thought of Jesus brings solace and joy beyond earthly pleasures.