Jesus Who Bought Us With His Blood – Hymn Lyric

Unlock the Power of Redemption. Discover the sacrifice Jesus made. Learn from Jabez's prayer and the importance of approaching God with humility. Find light

Jesus Who Bought Us With His Blood – Hymn Lyric

Jesus Who Bought Us With His Blood: The Power of RedemptionThis hymn reminds us of Jesus’ sacrifice and how His blood bought our redemption. It emphasizes the importance of prayer, referencing the story of Jabez from the Old Testament. As sinners, we acknowledge our need for ‘s and forgiveness, asking Him to enlarge our coast and help us enter the promised land. We find comfort in Jesus’ intercession and the assurance that He will answer our .


Jesus Who Bought Us With His Blood – Hymn Lyric

Jesus, who bought us with His blood,
And makes our souls His care;
Was known of old as Israel’s God,
And answered Jabez’ prayer.

Jabez! a child of grief! the name
Befits poor sinners well;
For Jesus bore the and shame,
To save our souls from hell.

Teach us, O , like him, to plead
For mercies from above;
O , and bless our souls indeed,
With light, and joy, and love.

The Gospel’s promised land is wide,
We fain would enter in;
But we are pressed, on every side,
With unbelief and .

Arise; O Lord, enlarge our coast,
Let us possess the whole;
That Satan may no longer boast
He can work control.

Oh, may Thine hand be with us still,
Our Guide and Guardian be;
To keep us safe from every ill,
Till death shall set us free.

Help us on Thee to cast our care,
And on Thy Word to rest;
That Israel’s God, who heareth prayer,
Will grant us our request.


Meaning of Jesus Who Bought Us With His Blood

Jesus Who Bought Us With His Blood: The Power of Redemption

In this hymn, we are reminded of the incredible sacrifice that Jesus made for us. He bought us with His own blood, showing the depths of His love and care for our souls. This hymn also references the story of Jabez from the Old Testament, emphasizing the power of prayer and how Jesus answers our pleas for mercy.

The name Jabez means “a child of grief,” which is a fitting description for all of us as sinners. We all bear the weight of our sins and the consequences that come with them. However, Jesus took upon Himself the cross and shame, taking the punishment that we deserved, in order to save our souls from hell. Through His sacrifice, we are offered a chance at redemption and eternal .

Like Jabez, we are instructed to learn from his example and approach God with humility and a pleading heart. We are called to ask for mercies from above, recognizing our need for His grace and forgiveness. We acknowledge that we cannot save ourselves, but that it is through Jesus alone that we can find light, joy, and love.

The Gospel’s promised land is wide, symbolizing the abundant blessings and eternal life that Jesus offers us. However, our journey towards entering this promised land is not always easy. We are faced with obstacles such as unbelief and sin, which can weigh us down and hinder our progress. Yet, we call upon the Lord to arise and enlarge our coast, asking Him to remove these barriers and help us possess the fullness of His promises.

We recognize that Satan seeks to undermine and control God’s work in our lives, but we trust in the power of Jesus to overcome his schemes. We rely on God’s hand to guide and guard us, keeping us safe from all harm. We trust in His sovereignty and omnipotence, knowing that He is able to protect us and fulfill His purposes for us.

As believers, we are encouraged to cast our cares upon the Lord and find our rest in His Word. We can have confidence in the God of Israel, who hears our prayers and answers our requests according to His perfect will. We find comfort in knowing that Jesus, who bought us with His blood, is interceding on our behalf and advocating for us before the Father.

In conclusion, this hymn beautifully expresses the power of Jesus’ redemption and the importance of prayer in our relationship with Him. It reminds us of the sacrifice He made for us, His willingness to bear the cross and shame to save our souls from hell. We are called to approach God with humility, seeking His mercies and blessings. We trust in His power to overcome any obstacles that stand in our way and we find comfort in His guiding and guarding hand. May we continually cast our cares upon Him and rest in the assurance that Jesus, who bought us with His blood, will grant us our requests and lead us into the promised land.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Unlock the Power of Redemption. Discover the sacrifice Jesus made. Learn from Jabez's prayer and the importance of approaching God with humility. Find light, joy, and love through His mercy.
Jesus Who Bought Us With His Blood - Hymn Lyric - Unlock the Power of Redemption. Discover the sacrifice Jesus made. Learn from Jabez's prayer and the importance of approaching God with humility. Find light, joy, and love through His mercy.