Jesus Who Died A World To Save – Hymn Lyric

Discover the triumph of Jesus

Jesus Who Died A World To Save – Hymn Lyric

Jesus Who Died A World To Save In this powerful hymn, we are reminded of the incredible sacrifice that Jesus made for all of humanity. Jesus, who died a world to save, not only conquered death but also rose from the grave, demonstrating His almighty power. Through His death and resurrection, Jesus breaks the chains of sin, death, and , leading those who believe in Him to an eternal life free from these burdens.


Jesus Who Died A World To Save – Hymn Lyric

Jesus, who died a world to save,
Revives and rises from the grave,
By His almighty power;
From sin, and death, and hell set free,
He captive leads captivity,
And lives to die no more.

Lo! how He bursts the bonds of death,
And reassumes His vital breath,
To make our title good;
May all our souls to ‘n aspire,
In thought, in will, in strong desire,
To earthly pleasure dead.

With thankful hearts we look and see
Our Savior clothed with
Triumphant o’er the tomb;
Yet though our is honored thus,
Still all His thoughts are fixed on us,
He’ll take us to His home.

His church is all His joy and crown,
He looks with love and pity down
On her He did redeem;
He tastes her joys, He feels her woes,
And prays that she may spoil her ,
And ever reign with Him.


Meaning of Jesus Who Died A World To Save

Jesus Who Died A World To Save: The Triumph Over Sin and Death

In this powerful hymn, we are reminded of the incredible sacrifice that Jesus made for all of humanity. Jesus, who died a world to save, not only conquered death but also rose from the grave, demonstrating His almighty power. Through His death and resurrection, Jesus breaks the chains of sin, death, and hell, leading those who believe in Him to an eternal life free from these burdens.

As we reflect on the message of this hymn, we are filled with gratitude and awe for the immense love and redemption that Jesus offers. He willingly gave His life to save us, reuniting us with our Father and granting us forgiveness of our sins. Jesus’ resurrection is not only a sign of His victory over death but also assures us of our own eternal salvation.

When Jesus bursts the bonds of death and reassumes His vital breath, He secures our title to enter the kingdom of Heaven. It is through our belief in Him that we gain access to this promise. May all our souls aspire to heavenly things, turning from earthly pleasures and focusing our thoughts, will, and desires towards things that honor and please God.

We are called to be grateful for what we see and understand about Jesus’ resurrection. Our Savior, now clothed with majesty, triumphs over the tomb, presenting us with an example of eternal life after physical death. Despite His exalted state, Jesus continues to be intimately connected to us, constantly thinking about and caring for us. He longs to us home to be with Him forever.

The church holds a special in Jesus’ heart. It is His joy and crown, and He looks down upon it with love and compassion. Jesus, having redeemed the church through His sacrifice, experiences both its joys and its sorrows. He prays for the church, interceding on its behalf and empowering it to overcome the attacks of the enemy. Jesus desires for the church to flourish, to defeat its enemies, and to reign with Him for all eternity.

As we meditate on the profound message of this hymn, we are called to respond with faith and action. Jesus’ sacrifice demands a response from us. We are invited to surrender our lives to Him, to turn away from sinful ways, and to embrace the salvation and freedom that He offers. Let us remember that Jesus’ death was not in vain; it was for us. And in response, we should strive to live lives that honor and glorify Him.

In conclusion, the hymn “Jesus Who Died A World To Save” invites us to reflect on the incredible victory Jesus achieved through His death and resurrection. As we embrace this truth, we are filled with gratitude for the love and redemption Jesus offers. May our souls aspire to heavenly things, and may we live our lives in a way that brings honor and glory to our Savior. Let us find and assurance in the truth that, through Jesus, we can conquer sin and death, and one day, join Him in His eternal home.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Discover the triumph of Jesus, who died a world to save. Conquer sin and death through His resurrection. Find hope and eternal salvation in Him.
Jesus Who Died A World To Save - Hymn Lyric - Discover the triumph of Jesus, who died a world to save. Conquer sin and death through His resurrection. Find hope and eternal salvation in Him.