Keep Your Covenant With Jesus – Hymn Lyric

Keep your covenant with Jesus and honor your commitment to Him. Discover the importance of living according to His teachings and the power of staying true to your pledge. Inspirational hymn for believers of all ages.

Keep Your Covenant With Jesus – Hymn Lyric

“Keep Your Covenant With Jesus” is a that emphasizes the importance of honoring our commitment to Jesus Christ. It reminds us of the sacrifices Jesus made for our and encourages us to remain to our pledge, even though we can never fully repay Him. By living according to His teachings and striving to be the best versions of ourselves, we demonstrate our love and for Jesus, keeping our covenant with Him.


Keep Your Covenant With Jesus – Hymn Lyric

Keep your covenant with Jesus,
‘Tis the least that you can do:
For He died for your salvation,
And He always has been true.

He has been your guide and helper,
He has been a faithful Friend,
And you never can repay Him,
Tho’ you serve Him to the end.

Keep your covenant with Jesus,
To your pledge be ever true,
For He gave Himself your ransom;
Yes, He died, He died for you.

Tho’ we give our dearest treasure,
‘Tis a trifle we bestow:
Tho’ we mete with largest measure,
‘Tis but little we can show;

But He sees the good intention,
And the loyal, loving will,
And by giving Him our utmost,
We may each His charge fulfill. [Chorus]

What are all our cares and burdens?
They are shadows dimly cast;
They will fade and quickly vanish,
If we hold our promise fast.

We can smile at all our losses,
We can welcome toil and pain;
If we keep our pledge with Jesus,
None of these will be in vain. [Chorus]


Meaning of Keep Your Covenant With Jesus

In today’s hymn, “Keep Your Covenant With Jesus,” we are reminded of the importance of honoring our commitment to Jesus Christ. It is a simple yet powerful message that resonates with believers of all ages.

When we about the word “covenant,” it refers to a solemn agreement or promise made between two parties. In this case, our covenant is with Jesus, the Son of God, who sacrificed Himself for our salvation. He has been our guide, helper, and faithful Friend throughout our journey in life. How can we possibly repay Him for all that He has done for us?

The hymn acknowledges that no matter what we do, it is impossible to fully repay Jesus. Our efforts to serve Him and live according to His teachings are but a small token of our gratitude. Yet, even in our limited capacity, Jesus cherishes our good intentions and loyal, loving will. He sees and appreciates our utmost effort and asks only that we remain true to our pledge.

When we consider our cares and burdens, they are nothing more than shadows that fade in the light of our commitment to Jesus. By keeping our promise to Him, we can confidently face any challenges that come our way. Our losses, toil, and pain are no longer in vain because they serve a greater purpose within the context of our faithful relationship with Jesus.

The title of this hymn, “Keep Your Covenant With Jesus,” acts not only as a reminder but also as a call to action. It urges us to stay true to our commitment and not let distractions or hardships sway us from our . By doing so, we demonstrate our love and devotion to Jesus, acknowledging the incredible gift He has given us through His sacrifice.

In our day-to-day lives, keeping our covenant with Jesus can take different forms. It involves living according to His teachings, treating others with kindness and compassion, and seeking to bring His message of love and forgiveness to those around us. It means constantly striving to be the best versions of ourselves, knowing that by doing so, we honor our promise to Jesus.

Sometimes, it may feel like the weight of this responsibility is too great for us to bear. We may wonder if we are capable of staying true to our covenant amidst the uncertainties and temptations of the . However, we must remember that Jesus understands our limitations and does not expect perfection. He only asks that we make a sincere effort to keep our promise, trusting Him to guide us along the way.

So, what can we do to keep our covenant with Jesus? It starts with cultivating a genuine relationship with Him through prayer, studying His word, and seeking His guidance in all aspects of our lives. We can strive to embody His teachings by showing love, compassion, and forgiveness to others. We can resist worldly temptations and instead focus on living a life that reflects our commitment to Jesus.

Additionally, it is important to surround ourselves with a supportive community of fellow who can encourage us in our journey. Through fellowship, we can find strength and accountability, knowing that we are not alone in our desire to keep our covenant with Jesus.

In conclusion, the hymn “Keep Your Covenant With Jesus” serves as a gentle yet powerful reminder of our commitment to our Savior. While we can never fully repay Him for His sacrifice, we can remain faithful to our pledge by living according to His teachings and striving to be the best versions of ourselves. In doing so, we demonstrate our love and gratitude for Jesus, keeping our covenant with Him. May this hymn inspire us to continue to walk faithfully in the footsteps of our .


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Keep your covenant with Jesus and honor your commitment to Him. Discover the importance of living according to His teachings and the power of staying true to your pledge. Inspirational hymn for believers of all ages.
Keep Your Covenant With Jesus - Hymn Lyric - Keep your covenant with Jesus and honor your commitment to Him. Discover the importance of living according to His teachings and the power of staying true to your pledge. Inspirational hymn for believers of all ages.