Let Us Ever Walk With Jesus – Hymn Lyric

Discover the joy of walking with Jesus as we follow His pure example. Flee worldly temptations

Let Us Ever Walk With Jesus – Hymn Lyric

Let Us Ever Walk With Jesus: The Joy of Following His Example In this engaging hymn, we are encouraged to walk with Jesus, follow His pure example, and resist the temptations of sin. By faithfully treading in His footsteps, we can experience the Father’s love, , and fulfillment of His purpose for our lives. Walking with Jesus means embracing a life filled with , hope, and love, and knowing that He is always by our side, ready to walk with us every step of the way. Let us ever walk with Jesus and find joy, peace, and fulfillment in His presence.


Let Us Ever Walk With Jesus – Hymn Lyric

Let us ever walk with Jesus,
Follow His example pure,
Flee the , which would deceive us
And to sin our souls allure.

Ever in His footsteps treading,
Body here, yet soul above,
Full of faith and hope and love,
Let us do the Father’s bidding.

Faithful Lord, abide with me;
Savior, lead, I follow Thee.

Let us suffer here with Jesus,
To His image, e’er conform;
‘s glory soon will please us,
Sunshine follow on the storm.

Though we sow in tears of sorrow,
We shall reap with heavenly joy;
And the fears that now annoy
Shall be on the morrow.

, I suffer here with Thee;
There, oh, share Thy joy with me!

Let us also die with Jesus.
His death from the second death,
From our soul’s destruction, frees us,
Quickens us with life’s glad breath.

Let us mortify, while living,
Flesh and blood and die to sin;
And the grave that shuts us in
Shall but prove the gate to heaven.

Jesus, here I die to Thee
There to live eternally.

Let us gladly live with Jesus;
Since He’s risen from the dead,
Death and grave must soon release us.
Jesus, Thou art now our Head,

We are truly Thine own members;
Where Thou livest, there live we.
Take and own us constantly,
Faithful Friend, as Thy dear brethren.

Jesus, here I live to Thee,
Also there eternally.


Meaning of Let Us Ever Walk With Jesus

Let Us Ever Walk With Jesus: The Joy of Following His Example

In this beautiful hymn, we are reminded of the importance of walking with Jesus and following His pure example. It encourages us to flee from the deceptive ways of the world and resist the temptations of sin that try to allure our souls. It teaches us that by faithfully treading in His footsteps, we can experience the Father’s love, hope, and fulfillment of His purpose for our lives.

Walking with Jesus means embracing a life filled with faith, hope, and love. Let these three virtues guide us as we navigate through the ups and downs of our journey. As we face challenges and difficulties, let’s remember that Jesus is always by our side, ready to walk with us every step of the way.

Oh, how wonderful it is to have Jesus abiding with us! His faithful presence brings comfort, strength, and . We can rest assured that He will never leave us nor forsake us. He leads, and we faithfully follow Him. He is our Savior, our ultimate role model, and we strive to emulate His life. Just as the hymn says, “Savior, lead, I follow Thee.”

Walking with Jesus also means embracing the that may come our way. Jesus Himself endured great suffering on the cross for our salvation. As we follow Him, we are called to share in His sufferings, knowing that there is hope beyond the pain. We may face trials and shed tears of sorrow, but we can hold onto the promise that heavenly joy awaits us. The hymn reminds us that our fears and burdens will be turned into laughter and joy when the morning comes.

In dying with Jesus, we are set free from the bondage of sin and the second death. Our mortal bodies may experience physical death, but our spirits are alive through Christ. Through Him, we find new life and salvation. Dying to sin means putting to death our old ways and desires. It requires us to daily surrender our fleshly desires and choose to live according to God’s will. The grave that may seem like an end is actually just the gateway to our eternal home in heaven.

We are not alone in this journey. Just as we walk with Jesus now, we can look forward to living with Him in eternity. He has triumphed over death and has become our Head, leading us into a future filled with hope and joy. We are not wanderers but cherished members of His family. Jesus takes us as His very own, and we can find comfort in knowing that wherever He is, there we will also be.

Let’s gladly embrace a life lived with Jesus. His resurrection from the dead is evidence of the victory we have in Him. Death and the grave have lost their power over us. We can live with confidence and purpose, knowing that Jesus walks with us and that one day, we will be fully united with Him in eternity.

As we journey through life, let us ever walk with Jesus. Let’s choose to follow His example, flee from worldly temptations, embrace suffering, die to sin, and gladly live in the hope of eternal life. Jesus is our faithful friend and Savior. He desires to be in constant fellowship with us and guide us every step of the way. So, let us walk hand in hand with Him, ever seeking to do the Father’s bidding.

May the words of this hymn resonate in our hearts, and may we walk with Jesus all the days of our lives, finding joy, peace, and fulfillment in His presence. Let us ever walk with Jesus – our Savior, our Friend, and our constant companion.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Discover the joy of walking with Jesus as we follow His pure example. Flee worldly temptations, embrace suffering, and find hope in eternal life. Let Jesus be your faithful friend and constant companion on this journey. Experience the fulfillment of doing the Father's bidding. Walk with Jesus and find peace and joy in His presence.
Let Us Ever Walk With Jesus - Hymn Lyric - Discover the joy of walking with Jesus as we follow His pure example. Flee worldly temptations, embrace suffering, and find hope in eternal life. Let Jesus be your faithful friend and constant companion on this journey. Experience the fulfillment of doing the Father's bidding. Walk with Jesus and find peace and joy in His presence.