Lift Up Thyself My Soul – Hymn Lyric

Embrace your spiritual journey with the text "Lift Up Thyself My Soul." Discover peace and purpose in divine reflection. Seek solace and harmony. Find guidance in personal trials. Let divine light guide your path. Start your journey today!

Lift Up Thyself My Soul – Hymn Lyric

Embracing the Divine Journey: Seeking Peace and Purpose Beyond Earthly Bounds The text “Lift Up Thyself My Soul” resonates with our deep yearning for spiritual growth and connection. It invites us to lift our above worldly concerns and find solace in the divine. Through prayers, reflections, and divine guidance, we navigate personal trials and embrace our inner light, seeking a life of purpose and peace. This spiritual journey is a sacred pilgrimage of self-discovery and acceptance, where we find harmony between our earthly experiences and our divine connection.


Lift Up Thyself My Soul – Hymn Lyric

I. (-)
Lift up thyself, my soul,
Above this ‘s control!
Spend and be spent in holy hymns of :
Be armed with pure desire,
Burn with celestial fire:
the King of gods our voice we raise:
To Him a crown we weave, and
A sacrifice of words, a bloodless offering.

II. (-)
Thee on the troubled deep,
Thee o’er the islands steep,
Thee through the mighty continents of land,
Thee in the city’s throng,
Or mountain tops along,
Or when in celebrated plains I stand,
Thee, Thee, O One, I sing,
Thee, Thee, O Father of the world, Eternal King!

III. (-)
Thy praise I hymn by night,
Thy praise at morning light,
Thy praise by day, Thy praise at eventide.
This know the hoary stars,
And moon with silver bars,
And chiefly he that doth on high preside
O’er all the host of heaven, the sun,
Who measuring time for holy souls his course doth run.

IV. (-)
Fain to thy folds I sped,
And to Thy bosom fled,
Winging my steps from Matter’s wide-spread rule:
Now on famed mountain peak,
Thy face alone to seek;
Now on the plain I hailed thy vestibule.
A suppliant thus to many a shrine
Of sacred rites I came, and mysteries divine.

V. (-)
And now to southern land,
And Libya’s desert strand
I roamed, where neither godless spirit reigns,
Nor teeming cities’ strife
Calls men to busy life;
That so my soul, from woeful toils and pains
And passions’ war and groans set free,
And all the ills of fate, might harmonize with Thee.

VI. (-)
And might, in blest relief,
Unshackled now from grief,
With lips and tongue all cleansed, and hallowed mind,
Repay the hymn to Thee,
The hymn full due from me.
Be Earth and Ether holily combined
And Air and Sea with one accord
Be still, and join in adoration to the !

VII. (-)
Swift breath of winds, be still,
And whirling pool and rill,
And floods that are at rivers’ mouths forth hurled;
And streams from fountain-heads
That rush down rocky beds:
And hushed be ye, deep hollows of the world;
While breath in holy hymns is spent,
And sacrifice of praise in upward strains is sent.

VIII. (-)
Down sink the serpent’s trail!
Nor let their craft prevail!
Down sink the winged dragon underground;
Who loves to cloud the soul,
The god who doth control
This lower world, and idol-worship found,
And urgeth on the dogs of hell
Against God’s praying people, His true Israel!

IX. (-)
O blessed Father, Friend,
My soul do defend.
From soul-devouring dogs; defend my prayer,
Defend my deeds, my life,
From their destructive strife
And charge Thy holy angels, that they bear
To Thee this offering of my mind:
For hymns they carry that with Thee acceptance find.

X. (-)
Now am I borne along
To lists of sacred song:
Now holy words in streams spontaneous flow:
A voice within me rings,
And toucheth my heart-strings:
But unto me, O Father, mercy show;
Forgive, O Blessed, if I stray,
In theme divine, and miss the rightful ordered way.

XI. (-)
What eye can steadfast gaze,
When Thy dread beacons blaze?
What eye so wise, so strong, of mortal man,
That it unclosed may bear
Thy vivid lightning’s glare?
E’en of the mighty ones on high none can,
However strong, however bold,
The glorious brightness of Thy Majesty behold.

XII. (-)
Now aims the mind too far,
And finds repelling bar,
Nor can it penetrate by utmost strain
The depths so dazzling bright,
Where Thou dost dwell in light:
So, falling back from efforts feebly vain,
It courts within its proper scope
An object known whereon to fix the eye of .

XIII. (-)
That for Thy hymns it might
Thence pluck fair flowers of light,
Nor leave to thankless winds an offering:
But render back to Thee
Thine own, for Thine they be;
For what of all things is not Thine, O King?
O Father of all fathers, Thou!
To Thine eternal Fatherhood all beings bow!


Meaning of Lift Up Thyself My Soul

In times when life feels overwhelming, and you’re searching for meaning and happiness, ancient wisdom can often illuminate the path forward. Let’s explore a beautiful piece of spiritual poetry that encourages us to lift our spirits above worldly concerns and tune into a deeper, more fulfilling existence. Its verses inspire us to connect with higher powers, encapsulating a journey of soul-searching, inner peace, and heightened awareness of the divine presence in our lives.

At its core, this poetry is a celebration of divine praise and surrender—a call to transcend the chaos and find solace in a higher purpose. It’s about clearing space in our lives to acknowledge a force greater than ourselves, which can foster a sense of peace and belonging. By doing so, it suggests that we can harmonize our being with the universe, breaking free from worldly struggles for a happier existence.

Benefits of Embracing the Message:

1. **Spiritual Alignment:** Connecting with something greater can help align your spiritual self with daily life, providing a clearer sense of direction and purpose.

2. **Inner Peace:** Letting go of worldly control can lead to a reduction in anxiety, offering peace in the chaos.

3. **Emotional Liberation:** This form of meditative surrender can liberate you from emotional burdens and grievances.

Practical Steps for Transformation:

1. **Daily Reflection:** Set aside dedicated time daily to meditate or reflect on the concept of lifting your spirit above worldly troubles. Consider focusing on gratitude and what truly matters beyond materialistic goals.

2. **Embrace Creation:** Spend moments appreciating nature—whether contemplating the sunrise, listening to the wind, or nurturing a garden. This helps to cultivate a connection with the Earth and a broader sense of belonging.

3. **Create Sacred Rituals:** Engage in personal or communal rituals that resonate with you. This could be through prayer, hymns, or practicing mindfulness. Such rituals can act as anchors amidst life’s tempests, bringing regular moments of calm and reflection.

Likely Outcomes:

– **Enhanced Clarity:** As you align spiritually, you’ll likely gain clarity about your goals and values, shedding what no longer serves you in favor of nurturing what brings joy.

– **Harmonious Relationships:** By fostering inner peace, you create a ripple effect that enhances your relationships, enabling you to approach interactions with more compassion and understanding.

– **Increased Resilience:** Finding peace within equips you with resilience against the ups and downs of life, allowing you to navigate challenges with a renewed sense of strength.

Key Takeaway:

The essence of these poetic verses encourages us to rise above life’s earthly bindings and align ourselves with the divine. It invites us to seek harmony and joy in spiritual surrender, offering a sanctuary of peace amid the world’s rapid pace. By connecting to the divine and engaging with the universe through reflection and ritual, we can usher in holistic happiness and fulfillment.

In allowing your soul to ascend beyond the fray and resonate with the universe’s rhythm, remember: true happiness often stems from surrendering control and embracing the kind of harmony that transcends the tangible world. Embrace this journey with an open heart and mind, and watch as the clutter of daily life dissolves into a peace that naturally reveals itself.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Embrace your spiritual journey with the text Lift Up Thyself My Soul. Discover peace and purpose in divine reflection. Seek solace and harmony. Find guidance in personal trials. Let divine light guide your path. Start your journey today!
Lift Up Thyself My Soul - Hymn Lyric - Embrace your spiritual journey with the text "Lift Up Thyself My Soul." Discover peace and purpose in divine reflection. Seek solace and harmony. Find guidance in personal trials. Let divine light guide your path. Start your journey today!