Lord Jesus Make Me Whole In The Fount Of Life – Hymn Lyric

Lord Jesus Make Me Whole In The Fount Of Life: Finding Wholeness and Cleansing in the Blood of the Crucified. Discover the power of Jesus' love and sacrifice

Lord Jesus Make Me Whole In The Fount Of Life – Hymn Lyric

“Lord Jesus Make Me Whole In The Fount Of Life” is a powerful hymn that reminds us of Jesus’ love and sacrifice. It teaches us that no matter how burdened we feel by our sins, Jesus offers us forgiveness and a chance to start anew. By accepting Jesus’ sacrifice and allowing His love to cleanse us, we can become whiter than the and find hope, healing, and wholeness in Him.


Lord Jesus Make Me Whole In The Fount Of Life – Hymn Lyric

Lord Jesus, make me whole in the fount of life,
That’s made for sin-cleansing here below;
O wash me in the blood of the ,
And I be whiter than the snow.

Whiter than the snow,
Whiter than the snow;
O wash me in the blood of the Crucified,
And I shall be whiter than the snow.

I come, dear Lord, to thee with a child-like ,
My burden of sin is great, I know;
But thou canst wash me clean in precious blood,
And I shall be whiter than the snow.


I need thy pard’ning blood to my heart applied,
O thou who hast paid the debt I owe;
Then plunge me in the tide of crimson flood,
And I shall be whiter than the snow.



Meaning of Lord Jesus Make Me Whole In The Fount Of Life

Lord Jesus Make Me Whole In The Fount Of Life: Finding Wholeness and Cleansing in the Blood of the Crucified

Oh, what a beautiful hymn that reminds us of the amazing power of Jesus’ love and sacrifice! As we these heartfelt words, we are reminded that no matter how burdened we may feel by our sins, Jesus is always there to offer us forgiveness, cleansing, and a chance to start anew. Let’s take a closer look at the powerful message behind this hymn.

In the first verse, we the plea of someone who longs to be made whole in the fount of life. The “fount of life” refers to the everlasting source of spiritual nourishment and renewal that is found in Jesus Christ. It’s like a refreshing fountain where we can go to bathe our souls and find solace. We are told that this fount of life has been specially created for the purpose of cleansing us from our sins. Just as bathing in water cleanses our bodies, being washed in the blood of the Crucified – a reference to Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross – cleanses our souls. This beautiful imagery reminds us that no matter how stained and burdened we may feel by our sins, there is always hope for redemption and purity.

The refrain echoes this message of hope and transformation. By washing ourselves in the blood of the Crucified – by accepting Jesus’ sacrifice and allowing His love to cleanse us – we can become whiter than the snow. Just imagine that! As pure and untouched as freshly fallen snow. It’s a powerful image of the complete forgiveness and renewal that Jesus offers to each one of us.

The second verse emphasizes the importance of approaching Jesus with a child-like faith. have a beautiful way of trusting completely and surrendering their burdens to those who love and care for them. In the same way, we are invited to bring our burdens of sin to Jesus, knowing that He is always ready to receive us with open arms. No matter how great our sins may be, Jesus’ love and sacrifice are greater. With child-like faith, we can surrender our sins to Him and allow His precious blood to wash us clean. It’s a humbling and freeing experience to know that we don’t have to carry the weight of our sins alone. Jesus is always there, ready to offer us forgiveness and a fresh start.

The third verse reminds us that we need the pardoning blood of Jesus to be applied to our hearts. This means that forgiveness isn’t just an external act; it’s an internal transformation of the heart. When we accept Jesus’ sacrifice and allow His blood to cleanse us, we experience a profound change within ourselves. We become more , more compassionate, and more like Jesus. Just as Jesus paid the debt of our sins on the cross, we can be immersed in the tide of His crimson blood – a powerful symbol of His sacrifice – and be made whole again.

As we reflect on this beautiful hymn, we are reminded of the incredible gift that Jesus offers us through His sacrifice. His love is greater than any sin we could ever commit, and His forgiveness knows no bounds. No matter what we’ve done or how burdened we feel, Jesus stands ready to wash us clean in His precious blood. It’s a reminder that we can all find hope, healing, and wholeness in Him.

So, as you sing these heartfelt words, remember that you are not alone in your struggles. Jesus is always there, inviting you to find wholeness and cleansing in the fount of life. Accept His invitation, surrender your burdens, and experience the transformative power of His love. Know that when you allow Jesus to wash you in the blood of the Crucified, you will be made whiter than the snow. May this hymn be a reminder of the endless and mercy that Jesus offers to each one of us.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Lord Jesus Make Me Whole In The Fount Of Life: Finding Wholeness and Cleansing in the Blood of the Crucified. Discover the power of Jesus' love and sacrifice, offering forgiveness, cleansing, and a chance to start anew. Find hope, healing, and wholeness in Him.
Lord Jesus Make Me Whole In The Fount Of Life - Hymn Lyric - Lord Jesus Make Me Whole In The Fount Of Life: Finding Wholeness and Cleansing in the Blood of the Crucified. Discover the power of Jesus' love and sacrifice, offering forgiveness, cleansing, and a chance to start anew. Find hope, healing, and wholeness in Him.