Love Supreme in God – Hymn Lyric

Discover the depths of God's love in this hymn

Love Supreme in God – Hymn Lyric

Supreme in God: Embracing the Divine Source of ” is a that explores the profound love of God. Through vivid imagery and poetic language, it reminds us of the overwhelming depth of this love and encourages us to recognize and embrace it in our lives. The hymn highlights the importance of seeking God’s presence and guidance, as well as the transformative power of His love in shaping our hearts and actions.


Love Supreme in God – Hymn Lyric

O Source divine, and Life of all,
The Fount of being’s wondrous sea!
depth would every appall,
That saw not Love supreme in .

We shrink before Thy vast abyss,
Where worlds on worlds brood;
We know Thee truly but in this,
That Thou bestowest all our good.

And so, ‘mid boundless time and space,
O, grant us still in Thee to dwell,
And through the ceaseless web to trace
Thy presence working all things well!

Nor let Thou life’s delightful play
Thy truth’s transcendent vision hide;
Nor strength and gladness lead astray
From Thee, our nature’s only guide.

Bestow on every joyous thrill
Thy deeper tone of reverent awe;
Make pure Thy ‘s erring will,
And teach their hearts to love Thy law!


Meaning of Love Supreme in God

Love Supreme in God: Embracing the Divine Source of Life

In this hymn, we are invited to delve into the depths of the divine source of all existence. The poetic language and powerful imagery used throughout the verses paint a picture of the enormity and beauty of God’s love. As we explore the meaning behind this hymn, we discover the importance of recognizing and embracing the love that is supreme in God.

The hymn begins by addressing God as the “Source divine” and the “Life of all.” These words acknowledge that God is the ultimate origin and sustainer of all life. Just as a fountain is the source of flowing water, God is the fount from which all existence springs. The hymn highlights the awe-inspiring depth of God’s love, suggesting that it could overwhelm anyone who fails to see its supremacy.

As humans, we are limited beings with finite understanding. The hymn acknowledges our inability to comprehend the vastness of God’s love, comparing it to a “vast abyss” where eternal worlds “brood.” This imagery emphasizes the boundless nature of God’s love, reaching far beyond our understanding. Yet, despite our limitations, we can experience and recognize God’s love through the goodness He bestows upon us.

Through His divine providence, God bestows “all our good.” This line reveals that everything good in our lives comes from God’s love and grace. Whether it is the beauty of nature, the love of family and friends, or the gifts and talents we possess, they are all blessings from God. By acknowledging this truth, we are reminded to be grateful for the goodness that surrounds us and to attribute it to the love of God.

The hymn then implores God to allow us to dwell in Him amid the vastness of time and space. It suggests that in recognizing and embracing the love supreme in God, we can find a sense of belonging and purpose, even within the ceaseless web of existence. This highlights the importance of seeking God’s presence and guidance in every aspect of our lives. When we are connected to God, we can experience His love working through all things, bringing about goodness and order.

With a gentle caution, the hymn warns against allowing the delights and pleasures of life to obscure our vision of God’s truth. It reminds us that strength and gladness should not lead us astray from God, for He is our nature’s true guide. This resonates with the notion that true fulfillment and purpose can only be found in our relationship with God, rather than pursuing worldly pleasures alone.

The hymn also acknowledges the complexity of human nature, recognizing our tendency to err and make mistakes. It asks God to purify our hearts and align our will with His. This prayer reflects the desire for divine guidance and the that God’s love will shape our thoughts, actions, and choices. By loving His law, we can find fulfillment and live in harmony with our true nature.

In summary, “Love Supreme in God” is a hymn that encourages us to embrace the divine source of life and love. It reminds us of the vastness and beauty of God’s love, surpassing our understanding. Through gratitude and recognition, we can experience His love in the goodness that fills our lives. By seeking God’s presence and guidance, we find purpose and belonging in every aspect of our existence. It serves as a gentle reminder to not let the distractions of life deter us from recognizing the profound truth and love that is supreme in God. May this hymn inspire us to dive deeper into the love divine and allow it to shape our hearts, minds, and actions.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Discover the depths of God's love in this hymn, Love Supreme in God. Embrace the divine source of life and find purpose and fulfillment in His love.
Love Supreme in God - Hymn Lyric - Discover the depths of God's love in this hymn, "Love Supreme in God." Embrace the divine source of life and find purpose and fulfillment in His love.