Many A Soul In The Battle Of Life – Hymn Lyric

Discover the power of doing something for others in the battle of life. Help

Many A Soul In The Battle Of Life – Hymn Lyric

“Many a soul in the battle of ” reminds us to reach out to others in their time of need. It emphasizes the importance of doing something for others, whether it’s offering support, kindness, or . By fulfilling our duty and following Jesus’s commandment, we can make a positive impact on many souls and bring to their lives.


Many A Soul In The Battle Of Life – Hymn Lyric

Many a soul in the battle of life trembles with fear at the din and the strife,
Bearing alone, amid trial and care, burdens and sorrows bids you to share.

Do something for others, something for others today!
Duty demands it, and Jesus commands it!
Do something for others today.

Many in doubt or in fear of the way,
Mutely appeal for your guidance today;
On your demeanor the choice may depend-
Are you concerned for the stranger or friend?

Do something for others, something for others today!
Duty demands it, and Jesus commands it!
Do something for others today.

Many, disheartened by cruel deceit,
Broken and worn by the pangs of defeat,
Doubting, despairingly, helplessly stand,
Waiting, perhaps, for your strengthening hand.

Do something for others, something for others today!
Duty demands it, and Jesus commands it!
Do something for others today.

Many are turning away from the right
Into the maze of the shadows of night;
Go to them, to them, over them pray,
Help them, support them – do something today.

Do something for others, something for others today!
Duty demands it, and Jesus commands it!
Do something for others today.


Meaning of Many A Soul In The Battle Of Life

Many A Soul In The Battle Of Life

In the battlefield of life, there are so many people who find themselves trembling with fear at the loud noises and the conflicts that surround them. It can be overwhelming to face the trials and burdens all by oneself, but it is during these times that God calls upon us to share in each other’s sorrows and carry one another’s burdens.

It is important to remember that we are not alone in this world. We are all connected, and our actions have the power to bring comfort and support to those who are struggling. Each day presents us with countless opportunities to make a difference in someone’s life, no matter how small it may seem.

Let us the call to do something for others, to lend a helping hand, and to lighten the load of those who are carrying heavy burdens. It is not just our duty as human beings to care for one another, but it is also a commandment from Jesus Himself. He taught us to love one another and to treat our neighbors as we would like to be treated.

Sometimes, all it takes is a little act of kindness to make a world of difference. There are many souls out there who are filled with doubt and fear, desperately in need of guidance. They silently appeal for our help, even if they don’t explicitly ask for it. Our demeanor and actions can have a profound impact on their lives, and our willingness to lend a listening ear or extend a helping hand can make all the difference.

It is not uncommon to come across individuals who have been broken and worn down by the harsh realities of life. They have experienced defeat and disappointment, and their spirits are low. They may be doubting themselves, feeling hopeless and . In these moments, they may be silently waiting for someone to extend their hand and offer support. We have the power to be that person, to show them that they are not alone, and to help them find the strength to stand tall again.

There are others who are straying away from the right path, finding themselves lost in the and confusion of their own choices. It is up to us to reach out to them, to speak to them with kindness and , and to pray for them. We have the opportunity to be a guiding light, to lead them back onto the right path, and to offer them the support they need to make better choices.

Let us not underestimate the impact that our actions can have. By simply doing something kind for others, we have the power to brighten their day, to restore their faith, and to remind them that there is goodness and kindness in the world. It may be something as small as giving a compliment, offering a helping hand, or even just offering a smile.

Each day, we have the chance to make a positive impact on many souls in the battle of life. Let us up to the challenge and do something for others today. It is our duty, and it is what Jesus commands us to do. So, let us be mindful of the opportunities that present themselves, and do something, however small, to bring joy, comfort, and support to those who need it the most.

In conclusion, the hymn “Many A Soul In The Battle Of Life” reminds us of the importance of reaching out to others in their time of need. Every day, there are individuals who are silently struggling, waiting for someone to extend a helping hand. By doing something for others, no matter how small it may seem, we have the power to make a difference in their lives. Let us heed the call to show kindness, compassion, and support to those who are burdened, lost, or in need of guidance. In doing so, we not only fulfill our duty as human beings but also follow the commandment of Jesus Himself. So, let us go forth and do something for others today, for in doing so, we bring light, hope, and love to those who need it the most.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Discover the power of doing something for others in the battle of life. Help, support, and bring comfort to those in need. Fulfill your duty and follow Jesus' command. Make a positive impact today.
Many A Soul In The Battle Of Life - Hymn Lyric - Discover the power of doing something for others in the battle of life. Help, support, and bring comfort to those in need. Fulfill your duty and follow Jesus' command. Make a positive impact today.