My Love Has Been Won From This Vain World Away – Hymn Lyric

Embrace the preciousness of Jesus in a world that often feels empty. Discover true joy

My Love Has Been Won From This Vain World Away – Hymn Lyric

“My Love Has Been Won From This Vain World : Embracing the Preciousness of Jesus” takes readers on a journey of the author’s love for Jesus and how it has transformed their life. In a world filled with emptiness, they have found a love that surpasses all superficiality. Through their daily experiences, they witness the growing preciousness of Jesus and find comfort and joy in His presence.


My Love Has Been Won From This Vain World Away – Hymn Lyric

My love has been won from this vain world away,
Since Jesus has in my poor heart to stay;
My joy and from to be
And daily He’s growing more precious to me.

He’s growing more precious to me,
He’s growing more precious to me;
New charms ev’ry day in my I see,
He’s growing more precious to me.

He sheds o’er life’s pathway a radiance bright,
His yoke it is easy, His burden is light;
I could not be lonely when so near is He
The One who grows precious to me.

He’s growing more precious to me,
He’s growing more precious to me;
New charms ev’ry day in my Savior I see,
He’s growing more precious to me.

When rough is the pathway my feet here must take,
How sweetly He whispers “I’ll never forsake:”
More fully I’ll trust when but dimly I see
This wonderful Savior so precious to me.

He’s growing more precious to me,
He’s growing more precious to me;
New charms ev’ry day in my Savior I see,
He’s growing more precious to me.

He bids me lean hard and still trust in His grace,
And strive for the prize at the end of the race;
When more and more like Him forever I’ll be,
This Jesus already so precious to me.

He’s growing more precious to me,
He’s growing more precious to me;
New charms ev’ry day in my Savior I see,
He’s growing more precious to me.

When safe in that city of jasper and gold,
The face of my Savior my eyes shall behold;
My song thro’ the ages eternal shall be,
Forever He’s growing more precious to me.

He’s growing more precious to me,
He’s growing more precious to me;
New charms ev’ry day in my Savior I see,
He’s growing more precious to me.


Meaning of My Love Has Been Won From This Vain World Away

My Love Has Been Won From This Vain World Away: Embracing the Preciousness of Jesus

In a world that can often feel empty and fleeting, it is a blessing beyond measure to have found a love that transcends the superficiality of this vain world. This love is none other than the love of Jesus, who has come into my poor heart and has chosen to make His dwelling within me. Since He entered my life, my joy and salvation have been assured, and every day, His presence becomes more precious to me.

Just as the refrain of the hymn suggests, Jesus continues to grow more precious to me. Each day, new charms and wonders in my Savior are revealed to me. From the love and compassion He shows to the He performs, His radiance brightens the pathway of my life. No matter the challenges or struggles I face, Jesus is always near, providing comfort and companionship that banishes loneliness.

When the pathway becomes rough and uncertain, Jesus sweetly whispers, “I’ll never forsake you.” These words of reassurance peace and strength to my heart. Even when my vision is clouded and I struggle to see the way forward, I am fully confident in placing my trust in this wonderful Savior who has become so precious to me.

He not only invites me to lean on Him but also urges me to trust in His grace. His burden is light, and His yoke is easy, making it effortless for me to place my faith in Him. As I strive to follow in His footsteps and run the race set before me, I know that my reward will be great. In becoming more like Him, I am reminded of His boundless love and grace, deepening my appreciation for this Savior who is already so precious to me.

One day, when I have reached the end of my earthly journey, I am filled with hope and anticipation for what lies ahead. In a city adorned with jasper and gold, in the presence of my Savior, I will finally gaze upon His face. This long-awaited moment will be eternally cherished and celebrated. My song, which has been sung throughout the ages, will resonate with even greater fervor as I declare that Jesus is forever growing more precious to me.

The hymn “My Love Has Been Won From This Vain World Away” beautifully captures the joy and gratitude that fills my heart when I about my relationship with Jesus. It reminds me that in a world often consumed by superficiality and transience, there is a love that surpasses all else. This love brings true joy, comfort, and salvation, making every day an opportunity to witness the ever-increasing preciousness of Jesus in my life.

In the grand tapestry of life, let us not forget the greatest love story of all—the love story between Jesus and His beloved people. Through the heartfelt verses of this hymn and the sentiment it conveys, we are invited to reflect on the infinite value of this love and to embrace it with open hearts and minds. May we all recognize the preciousness of Jesus and allow His love to transform our lives, just as it has transformed mine.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Embrace the preciousness of Jesus in a world that often feels empty. Discover true joy, comfort, and salvation in the love that transcends this vain world. My Love Has Been Won From This Vain World Away.
My Love Has Been Won From This Vain World Away - Hymn Lyric - Embrace the preciousness of Jesus in a world that often feels empty. Discover true joy, comfort, and salvation in the love that transcends this vain world. My Love Has Been Won From This Vain World Away.